
1use core::{cmp, fmt, mem, u16, usize};
3use alloc::{boxed::Box, string::String, vec, vec::Vec};
5use crate::{
6    packed::{api::MatchKind, ext::Pointer},
7    PatternID,
10/// A non-empty collection of non-empty patterns to search for.
12/// This collection of patterns is what is passed around to both execute
13/// searches and to construct the searchers themselves. Namely, this permits
14/// searches to avoid copying all of the patterns, and allows us to keep only
15/// one copy throughout all packed searchers.
17/// Note that this collection is not a set. The same pattern can appear more
18/// than once.
19#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
20pub(crate) struct Patterns {
21    /// The match semantics supported by this collection of patterns.
22    ///
23    /// The match semantics determines the order of the iterator over patterns.
24    /// For leftmost-first, patterns are provided in the same order as were
25    /// provided by the caller. For leftmost-longest, patterns are provided in
26    /// descending order of length, with ties broken by the order in which they
27    /// were provided by the caller.
28    kind: MatchKind,
29    /// The collection of patterns, indexed by their identifier.
30    by_id: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
31    /// The order of patterns defined for iteration, given by pattern
32    /// identifiers. The order of `by_id` and `order` is always the same for
33    /// leftmost-first semantics, but may be different for leftmost-longest
34    /// semantics.
35    order: Vec<PatternID>,
36    /// The length of the smallest pattern, in bytes.
37    minimum_len: usize,
38    /// The total number of pattern bytes across the entire collection. This
39    /// is used for reporting total heap usage in constant time.
40    total_pattern_bytes: usize,
43// BREADCRUMBS: I think we want to experiment with a different bucket
44// representation. Basically, each bucket is just a Range<usize> to a single
45// contiguous allocation? Maybe length-prefixed patterns or something? The
46// idea is to try to get rid of the pointer chasing in verification. I don't
47// know that that is the issue, but I suspect it is.
49impl Patterns {
50    /// Create a new collection of patterns for the given match semantics. The
51    /// ID of each pattern is the index of the pattern at which it occurs in
52    /// the `by_id` slice.
53    ///
54    /// If any of the patterns in the slice given are empty, then this panics.
55    /// Similarly, if the number of patterns given is zero, then this also
56    /// panics.
57    pub(crate) fn new() -> Patterns {
58        Patterns {
59            kind: MatchKind::default(),
60            by_id: vec![],
61            order: vec![],
62            minimum_len: usize::MAX,
63            total_pattern_bytes: 0,
64        }
65    }
67    /// Add a pattern to this collection.
68    ///
69    /// This panics if the pattern given is empty.
70    pub(crate) fn add(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
71        assert!(!bytes.is_empty());
72        assert!(self.by_id.len() <= u16::MAX as usize);
74        let id = PatternID::new(self.by_id.len()).unwrap();
75        self.order.push(id);
76        self.by_id.push(bytes.to_vec());
77        self.minimum_len = cmp::min(self.minimum_len, bytes.len());
78        self.total_pattern_bytes += bytes.len();
79    }
81    /// Set the match kind semantics for this collection of patterns.
82    ///
83    /// If the kind is not set, then the default is leftmost-first.
84    pub(crate) fn set_match_kind(&mut self, kind: MatchKind) {
85        self.kind = kind;
86        match self.kind {
87            MatchKind::LeftmostFirst => {
88                self.order.sort();
89            }
90            MatchKind::LeftmostLongest => {
91                let (order, by_id) = (&mut self.order, &mut self.by_id);
92                order.sort_by(|&id1, &id2| {
93                    by_id[id1].len().cmp(&by_id[id2].len()).reverse()
94                });
95            }
96        }
97    }
99    /// Return the number of patterns in this collection.
100    ///
101    /// This is guaranteed to be greater than zero.
102    pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {
103        self.by_id.len()
104    }
106    /// Returns true if and only if this collection of patterns is empty.
107    pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
108        self.len() == 0
109    }
111    /// Returns the approximate total amount of heap used by these patterns, in
112    /// units of bytes.
113    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
114        self.order.len() * mem::size_of::<PatternID>()
115            + self.by_id.len() * mem::size_of::<Vec<u8>>()
116            + self.total_pattern_bytes
117    }
119    /// Clears all heap memory associated with this collection of patterns and
120    /// resets all state such that it is a valid empty collection.
121    pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self) {
122        self.kind = MatchKind::default();
123        self.by_id.clear();
124        self.order.clear();
125        self.minimum_len = usize::MAX;
126    }
128    /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the smallest pattern.
129    ///
130    /// This is guaranteed to be at least one.
131    pub(crate) fn minimum_len(&self) -> usize {
132        self.minimum_len
133    }
135    /// Returns the match semantics used by these patterns.
136    pub(crate) fn match_kind(&self) -> &MatchKind {
137        &self.kind
138    }
140    /// Return the pattern with the given identifier. If such a pattern does
141    /// not exist, then this panics.
142    pub(crate) fn get(&self, id: PatternID) -> Pattern<'_> {
143        Pattern(&self.by_id[id])
144    }
146    /// Return the pattern with the given identifier without performing bounds
147    /// checks.
148    ///
149    /// # Safety
150    ///
151    /// Callers must ensure that a pattern with the given identifier exists
152    /// before using this method.
153    pub(crate) unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, id: PatternID) -> Pattern<'_> {
154        Pattern(self.by_id.get_unchecked(id.as_usize()))
155    }
157    /// Return an iterator over all the patterns in this collection, in the
158    /// order in which they should be matched.
159    ///
160    /// Specifically, in a naive multi-pattern matcher, the following is
161    /// guaranteed to satisfy the match semantics of this collection of
162    /// patterns:
163    ///
164    /// ```ignore
165    /// for i in 0..haystack.len():
166    ///   for p in patterns.iter():
167    ///     if haystack[i..].starts_with(p.bytes()):
168    ///       return Match(p.id(), i, i + p.bytes().len())
169    /// ```
170    ///
171    /// Namely, among the patterns in a collection, if they are matched in
172    /// the order provided by this iterator, then the result is guaranteed
173    /// to satisfy the correct match semantics. (Either leftmost-first or
174    /// leftmost-longest.)
175    pub(crate) fn iter(&self) -> PatternIter<'_> {
176        PatternIter { patterns: self, i: 0 }
177    }
180/// An iterator over the patterns in the `Patterns` collection.
182/// The order of the patterns provided by this iterator is consistent with the
183/// match semantics of the originating collection of patterns.
185/// The lifetime `'p` corresponds to the lifetime of the collection of patterns
186/// this is iterating over.
188pub(crate) struct PatternIter<'p> {
189    patterns: &'p Patterns,
190    i: usize,
193impl<'p> Iterator for PatternIter<'p> {
194    type Item = (PatternID, Pattern<'p>);
196    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(PatternID, Pattern<'p>)> {
197        if self.i >= self.patterns.len() {
198            return None;
199        }
200        let id = self.patterns.order[self.i];
201        let p = self.patterns.get(id);
202        self.i += 1;
203        Some((id, p))
204    }
207/// A pattern that is used in packed searching.
209pub(crate) struct Pattern<'a>(&'a [u8]);
211impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Pattern<'a> {
212    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
213        f.debug_struct("Pattern")
214            .field("lit", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.0))
215            .finish()
216    }
219impl<'p> Pattern<'p> {
220    /// Returns the length of this pattern, in bytes.
221    pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {
222        self.0.len()
223    }
225    /// Returns the bytes of this pattern.
226    pub(crate) fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
227        &self.0
228    }
230    /// Returns the first `len` low nybbles from this pattern. If this pattern
231    /// is shorter than `len`, then this panics.
232    pub(crate) fn low_nybbles(&self, len: usize) -> Box<[u8]> {
233        let mut nybs = vec![0; len].into_boxed_slice();
234        for (i, byte) in self.bytes().iter().take(len).enumerate() {
235            nybs[i] = byte & 0xF;
236        }
237        nybs
238    }
240    /// Returns true if this pattern is a prefix of the given bytes.
241    #[inline(always)]
242    pub(crate) fn is_prefix(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
243        is_prefix(bytes, self.bytes())
244    }
246    /// Returns true if this pattern is a prefix of the haystack given by the
247    /// raw `start` and `end` pointers.
248    ///
249    /// # Safety
250    ///
251    /// * It must be the case that `start < end` and that the distance between
252    /// them is at least equal to `V::BYTES`. That is, it must always be valid
253    /// to do at least an unaligned load of `V` at `start`.
254    /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
255    /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
256    /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
257    /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
258    /// allocated object.
259    /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
260    /// object.
261    /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
262    /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
263    /// address space.
264    #[inline(always)]
265    pub(crate) unsafe fn is_prefix_raw(
266        &self,
267        start: *const u8,
268        end: *const u8,
269    ) -> bool {
270        let patlen = self.bytes().len();
271        let haylen = end.distance(start);
272        if patlen > haylen {
273            return false;
274        }
275        // SAFETY: We've checked that the haystack has length at least equal
276        // to this pattern. All other safety concerns are the responsibility
277        // of the caller.
278        is_equal_raw(start, self.bytes().as_ptr(), patlen)
279    }
282/// Returns true if and only if `needle` is a prefix of `haystack`.
284/// This uses a latency optimized variant of `memcmp` internally which *might*
285/// make this faster for very short strings.
287/// # Inlining
289/// This routine is marked `inline(always)`. If you want to call this function
290/// in a way that is not always inlined, you'll need to wrap a call to it in
291/// another function that is marked as `inline(never)` or just `inline`.
293fn is_prefix(haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8]) -> bool {
294    if needle.len() > haystack.len() {
295        return false;
296    }
297    // SAFETY: Our pointers are derived directly from borrowed slices which
298    // uphold all of our safety guarantees except for length. We account for
299    // length with the check above.
300    unsafe { is_equal_raw(haystack.as_ptr(), needle.as_ptr(), needle.len()) }
303/// Compare corresponding bytes in `x` and `y` for equality.
305/// That is, this returns true if and only if `x.len() == y.len()` and
306/// `x[i] == y[i]` for all `0 <= i < x.len()`.
308/// Note that this isn't used. We only use it in tests as a convenient way
309/// of testing `is_equal_raw`.
311/// # Inlining
313/// This routine is marked `inline(always)`. If you want to call this function
314/// in a way that is not always inlined, you'll need to wrap a call to it in
315/// another function that is marked as `inline(never)` or just `inline`.
317/// # Motivation
319/// Why not use slice equality instead? Well, slice equality usually results in
320/// a call out to the current platform's `libc` which might not be inlineable
321/// or have other overhead. This routine isn't guaranteed to be a win, but it
322/// might be in some cases.
325fn is_equal(x: &[u8], y: &[u8]) -> bool {
326    if x.len() != y.len() {
327        return false;
328    }
329    // SAFETY: Our pointers are derived directly from borrowed slices which
330    // uphold all of our safety guarantees except for length. We account for
331    // length with the check above.
332    unsafe { is_equal_raw(x.as_ptr(), y.as_ptr(), x.len()) }
335/// Compare `n` bytes at the given pointers for equality.
337/// This returns true if and only if `*x.add(i) == *y.add(i)` for all
338/// `0 <= i < n`.
340/// # Inlining
342/// This routine is marked `inline(always)`. If you want to call this function
343/// in a way that is not always inlined, you'll need to wrap a call to it in
344/// another function that is marked as `inline(never)` or just `inline`.
346/// # Motivation
348/// Why not use slice equality instead? Well, slice equality usually results in
349/// a call out to the current platform's `libc` which might not be inlineable
350/// or have other overhead. This routine isn't guaranteed to be a win, but it
351/// might be in some cases.
353/// # Safety
355/// * Both `x` and `y` must be valid for reads of up to `n` bytes.
356/// * Both `x` and `y` must point to an initialized value.
357/// * Both `x` and `y` must each point to an allocated object and
358/// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
359/// allocated object. `x` and `y` do not need to point to the same allocated
360/// object, but they may.
361/// * Both `x` and `y` must be _derived from_ a pointer to their respective
362/// allocated objects.
363/// * The distance between `x` and `x+n` must not overflow `isize`. Similarly
364/// for `y` and `y+n`.
365/// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
366/// address space.
368unsafe fn is_equal_raw(mut x: *const u8, mut y: *const u8, n: usize) -> bool {
369    // If we don't have enough bytes to do 4-byte at a time loads, then
370    // handle each possible length specially. Note that I used to have a
371    // byte-at-a-time loop here and that turned out to be quite a bit slower
372    // for the memmem/pathological/defeat-simple-vector-alphabet benchmark.
373    if n < 4 {
374        return match n {
375            0 => true,
376            1 => x.read() == y.read(),
377            2 => {
378                x.cast::<u16>().read_unaligned()
379                    == y.cast::<u16>().read_unaligned()
380            }
381            // I also tried copy_nonoverlapping here and it looks like the
382            // codegen is the same.
383            3 => x.cast::<[u8; 3]>().read() == y.cast::<[u8; 3]>().read(),
384            _ => unreachable!(),
385        };
386    }
387    // When we have 4 or more bytes to compare, then proceed in chunks of 4 at
388    // a time using unaligned loads.
389    //
390    // Also, why do 4 byte loads instead of, say, 8 byte loads? The reason is
391    // that this particular version of memcmp is likely to be called with tiny
392    // needles. That means that if we do 8 byte loads, then a higher proportion
393    // of memcmp calls will use the slower variant above. With that said, this
394    // is a hypothesis and is only loosely supported by benchmarks. There's
395    // likely some improvement that could be made here. The main thing here
396    // though is to optimize for latency, not throughput.
398    // SAFETY: The caller is responsible for ensuring the pointers we get are
399    // valid and readable for at least `n` bytes. We also do unaligned loads,
400    // so there's no need to ensure we're aligned. (This is justified by this
401    // routine being specifically for short strings.)
402    let xend = x.add(n.wrapping_sub(4));
403    let yend = y.add(n.wrapping_sub(4));
404    while x < xend {
405        let vx = x.cast::<u32>().read_unaligned();
406        let vy = y.cast::<u32>().read_unaligned();
407        if vx != vy {
408            return false;
409        }
410        x = x.add(4);
411        y = y.add(4);
412    }
413    let vx = xend.cast::<u32>().read_unaligned();
414    let vy = yend.cast::<u32>().read_unaligned();
415    vx == vy
419mod tests {
420    use super::*;
422    #[test]
423    fn equals_different_lengths() {
424        assert!(!is_equal(b"", b"a"));
425        assert!(!is_equal(b"a", b""));
426        assert!(!is_equal(b"ab", b"a"));
427        assert!(!is_equal(b"a", b"ab"));
428    }
430    #[test]
431    fn equals_mismatch() {
432        let one_mismatch = [
433            (&b"a"[..], &b"x"[..]),
434            (&b"ab"[..], &b"ax"[..]),
435            (&b"abc"[..], &b"abx"[..]),
436            (&b"abcd"[..], &b"abcx"[..]),
437            (&b"abcde"[..], &b"abcdx"[..]),
438            (&b"abcdef"[..], &b"abcdex"[..]),
439            (&b"abcdefg"[..], &b"abcdefx"[..]),
440            (&b"abcdefgh"[..], &b"abcdefgx"[..]),
441            (&b"abcdefghi"[..], &b"abcdefghx"[..]),
442            (&b"abcdefghij"[..], &b"abcdefghix"[..]),
443            (&b"abcdefghijk"[..], &b"abcdefghijx"[..]),
444            (&b"abcdefghijkl"[..], &b"abcdefghijkx"[..]),
445            (&b"abcdefghijklm"[..], &b"abcdefghijklx"[..]),
446            (&b"abcdefghijklmn"[..], &b"abcdefghijklmx"[..]),
447        ];
448        for (x, y) in one_mismatch {
449            assert_eq!(x.len(), y.len(), "lengths should match");
450            assert!(!is_equal(x, y));
451            assert!(!is_equal(y, x));
452        }
453    }
455    #[test]
456    fn equals_yes() {
457        assert!(is_equal(b"", b""));
458        assert!(is_equal(b"a", b"a"));
459        assert!(is_equal(b"ab", b"ab"));
460        assert!(is_equal(b"abc", b"abc"));
461        assert!(is_equal(b"abcd", b"abcd"));
462        assert!(is_equal(b"abcde", b"abcde"));
463        assert!(is_equal(b"abcdef", b"abcdef"));
464        assert!(is_equal(b"abcdefg", b"abcdefg"));
465        assert!(is_equal(b"abcdefgh", b"abcdefgh"));
466        assert!(is_equal(b"abcdefghi", b"abcdefghi"));
467    }
469    #[test]
470    fn prefix() {
471        assert!(is_prefix(b"", b""));
472        assert!(is_prefix(b"a", b""));
473        assert!(is_prefix(b"ab", b""));
474        assert!(is_prefix(b"foo", b"foo"));
475        assert!(is_prefix(b"foobar", b"foo"));
477        assert!(!is_prefix(b"foo", b"fob"));
478        assert!(!is_prefix(b"foobar", b"fob"));
479    }