2This module defines 256-bit vector implementations of `memchr` and friends.
4The main types in this module are [`One`], [`Two`] and [`Three`]. They are for
5searching for one, two or three distinct bytes, respectively, in a haystack.
6Each type also has corresponding double ended iterators. These searchers are
7typically much faster than scalar routines accomplishing the same task.
9The `One` searcher also provides a [`One::count`] routine for efficiently
10counting the number of times a single byte occurs in a haystack. This is
11useful, for example, for counting the number of lines in a haystack. This
12routine exists because it is usually faster, especially with a high match
13count, then using [`One::find`] repeatedly. ([`OneIter`] specializes its
14`Iterator::count` implementation to use this routine.)
16Only one, two and three bytes are supported because three bytes is about
17the point where one sees diminishing returns. Beyond this point and it's
18probably (but not necessarily) better to just use a simple `[bool; 256]` array
19or similar. However, it depends mightily on the specific work-load and the
20expected match frequency.
23use core::arch::x86_64::{__m128i, __m256i};
25use crate::{arch::generic::memchr as generic, ext::Pointer, vector::Vector};
27/// Finds all occurrences of a single byte in a haystack.
28#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
29pub struct One {
30 /// Used for haystacks less than 32 bytes.
31 sse2: generic::One<__m128i>,
32 /// Used for haystacks bigger than 32 bytes.
33 avx2: generic::One<__m256i>,
36impl One {
37 /// Create a new searcher that finds occurrences of the needle byte given.
38 ///
39 /// This particular searcher is specialized to use AVX2 vector instructions
40 /// that typically make it quite fast. (SSE2 is used for haystacks that
41 /// are too short to accommodate an AVX2 vector.)
42 ///
43 /// If either SSE2 or AVX2 is unavailable in the current environment, then
44 /// `None` is returned.
45 #[inline]
46 pub fn new(needle: u8) -> Option<One> {
47 if One::is_available() {
48 // SAFETY: we check that sse2 and avx2 are available above.
49 unsafe { Some(One::new_unchecked(needle)) }
50 } else {
51 None
52 }
53 }
55 /// Create a new finder specific to AVX2 vectors and routines without
56 /// checking that either SSE2 or AVX2 is available.
57 ///
58 /// # Safety
59 ///
60 /// Callers must guarantee that it is safe to execute both `sse2` and
61 /// `avx2` instructions in the current environment.
62 ///
63 /// Note that it is a common misconception that if one compiles for an
64 /// `x86_64` target, then they therefore automatically have access to SSE2
65 /// instructions. While this is almost always the case, it isn't true in
66 /// 100% of cases.
67 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2", enable = "avx2")]
68 #[inline]
69 pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(needle: u8) -> One {
70 One {
71 sse2: generic::One::new(needle),
72 avx2: generic::One::new(needle),
73 }
74 }
76 /// Returns true when this implementation is available in the current
77 /// environment.
78 ///
79 /// When this is true, it is guaranteed that [`One::new`] will return
80 /// a `Some` value. Similarly, when it is false, it is guaranteed that
81 /// `One::new` will return a `None` value.
82 ///
83 /// Note also that for the lifetime of a single program, if this returns
84 /// true then it will always return true.
85 #[inline]
86 pub fn is_available() -> bool {
87 #[cfg(not(target_feature = "sse2"))]
88 {
89 false
90 }
91 #[cfg(target_feature = "sse2")]
92 {
93 #[cfg(target_feature = "avx2")]
94 {
95 true
96 }
97 #[cfg(not(target_feature = "avx2"))]
98 {
99 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
100 {
101 std::is_x86_feature_detected!("avx2")
102 }
103 #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
104 {
105 false
106 }
107 }
108 }
109 }
111 /// Return the first occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the given
112 /// haystack. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.
113 ///
114 /// The occurrence is reported as an offset into `haystack`. Its maximum
115 /// value is `haystack.len() - 1`.
116 #[inline]
117 pub fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
118 // SAFETY: `find_raw` guarantees that if a pointer is returned, it
119 // falls within the bounds of the start and end pointers.
120 unsafe {
121 generic::search_slice_with_raw(haystack, |s, e| {
122 self.find_raw(s, e)
123 })
124 }
125 }
127 /// Return the last occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the given
128 /// haystack. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.
129 ///
130 /// The occurrence is reported as an offset into `haystack`. Its maximum
131 /// value is `haystack.len() - 1`.
132 #[inline]
133 pub fn rfind(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
134 // SAFETY: `find_raw` guarantees that if a pointer is returned, it
135 // falls within the bounds of the start and end pointers.
136 unsafe {
137 generic::search_slice_with_raw(haystack, |s, e| {
138 self.rfind_raw(s, e)
139 })
140 }
141 }
143 /// Counts all occurrences of this byte in the given haystack.
144 #[inline]
145 pub fn count(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> usize {
146 // SAFETY: All of our pointers are derived directly from a borrowed
147 // slice, which is guaranteed to be valid.
148 unsafe {
149 let start = haystack.as_ptr();
150 let end = start.add(haystack.len());
151 self.count_raw(start, end)
152 }
153 }
155 /// Like `find`, but accepts and returns raw pointers.
156 ///
157 /// When a match is found, the pointer returned is guaranteed to be
158 /// `>= start` and `< end`.
159 ///
160 /// This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would
161 /// like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search.
162 ///
163 /// # Safety
164 ///
165 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
166 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
167 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
168 /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
169 /// allocated object.
170 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
171 /// object.
172 /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
173 /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
174 /// address space.
175 ///
176 /// Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.
177 /// In that case, `None` will always be returned.
178 #[inline]
179 pub unsafe fn find_raw(
180 &self,
181 start: *const u8,
182 end: *const u8,
183 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
184 if start >= end {
185 return None;
186 }
187 let len = end.distance(start);
188 if len < __m256i::BYTES {
189 return if len < __m128i::BYTES {
190 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
191 // pointers.
192 generic::fwd_byte_by_byte(start, end, |b| {
193 b == self.sse2.needle1()
194 })
195 } else {
196 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
197 // pointers.
198 self.find_raw_sse2(start, end)
199 };
200 }
201 // SAFETY: Building a `One` means it's safe to call both 'sse2' and
202 // 'avx2' routines. Also, we've checked that our haystack is big
203 // enough to run on the vector routine. Pointer validity is caller's
204 // responsibility.
205 //
206 // Note that we could call `self.avx2.find_raw` directly here. But that
207 // means we'd have to annotate this routine with `target_feature`.
208 // Which is fine, because this routine is `unsafe` anyway and the
209 // `target_feature` obligation is met by virtue of building a `One`.
210 // The real problem is that a routine with a `target_feature`
211 // annotation generally can't be inlined into caller code unless
212 // the caller code has the same target feature annotations. Namely,
213 // the common case (at time of writing) is for calling code to not
214 // have the `avx2` target feature enabled *at compile time*. Without
215 // `target_feature` on this routine, it can be inlined which will
216 // handle some of the short-haystack cases above without touching the
217 // architecture specific code.
218 self.find_raw_avx2(start, end)
219 }
221 /// Like `rfind`, but accepts and returns raw pointers.
222 ///
223 /// When a match is found, the pointer returned is guaranteed to be
224 /// `>= start` and `< end`.
225 ///
226 /// This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would
227 /// like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search.
228 ///
229 /// # Safety
230 ///
231 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
232 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
233 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
234 /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
235 /// allocated object.
236 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
237 /// object.
238 /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
239 /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
240 /// address space.
241 ///
242 /// Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.
243 /// In that case, `None` will always be returned.
244 #[inline]
245 pub unsafe fn rfind_raw(
246 &self,
247 start: *const u8,
248 end: *const u8,
249 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
250 if start >= end {
251 return None;
252 }
253 let len = end.distance(start);
254 if len < __m256i::BYTES {
255 return if len < __m128i::BYTES {
256 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
257 // pointers.
258 generic::rev_byte_by_byte(start, end, |b| {
259 b == self.sse2.needle1()
260 })
261 } else {
262 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
263 // pointers.
264 self.rfind_raw_sse2(start, end)
265 };
266 }
267 // SAFETY: Building a `One` means it's safe to call both 'sse2' and
268 // 'avx2' routines. Also, we've checked that our haystack is big
269 // enough to run on the vector routine. Pointer validity is caller's
270 // responsibility.
271 //
272 // See note in forward routine above for why we don't just call
273 // `self.avx2.rfind_raw` directly here.
274 self.rfind_raw_avx2(start, end)
275 }
277 /// Counts all occurrences of this byte in the given haystack represented
278 /// by raw pointers.
279 ///
280 /// This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would
281 /// like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search.
282 ///
283 /// # Safety
284 ///
285 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
286 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
287 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
288 /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
289 /// allocated object.
290 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
291 /// object.
292 /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
293 /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
294 /// address space.
295 ///
296 /// Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.
297 /// In that case, `0` will always be returned.
298 #[inline]
299 pub unsafe fn count_raw(&self, start: *const u8, end: *const u8) -> usize {
300 if start >= end {
301 return 0;
302 }
303 let len = end.distance(start);
304 if len < __m256i::BYTES {
305 return if len < __m128i::BYTES {
306 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
307 // pointers.
308 generic::count_byte_by_byte(start, end, |b| {
309 b == self.sse2.needle1()
310 })
311 } else {
312 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
313 // pointers.
314 self.count_raw_sse2(start, end)
315 };
316 }
317 // SAFETY: Building a `One` means it's safe to call both 'sse2' and
318 // 'avx2' routines. Also, we've checked that our haystack is big
319 // enough to run on the vector routine. Pointer validity is caller's
320 // responsibility.
321 self.count_raw_avx2(start, end)
322 }
324 /// Execute a search using SSE2 vectors and routines.
325 ///
326 /// # Safety
327 ///
328 /// Same as [`One::find_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
329 /// `end` must be at least the size of an SSE2 vector (in bytes).
330 ///
331 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
332 /// virtue of being a method on `One`, which can only be constructed
333 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
334 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
335 #[inline]
336 unsafe fn find_raw_sse2(
337 &self,
338 start: *const u8,
339 end: *const u8,
340 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
341 self.sse2.find_raw(start, end)
342 }
344 /// Execute a search using SSE2 vectors and routines.
345 ///
346 /// # Safety
347 ///
348 /// Same as [`One::rfind_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
349 /// `end` must be at least the size of an SSE2 vector (in bytes).
350 ///
351 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
352 /// virtue of being a method on `One`, which can only be constructed
353 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
354 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
355 #[inline]
356 unsafe fn rfind_raw_sse2(
357 &self,
358 start: *const u8,
359 end: *const u8,
360 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
361 self.sse2.rfind_raw(start, end)
362 }
364 /// Execute a count using SSE2 vectors and routines.
365 ///
366 /// # Safety
367 ///
368 /// Same as [`One::count_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
369 /// `end` must be at least the size of an SSE2 vector (in bytes).
370 ///
371 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
372 /// virtue of being a method on `One`, which can only be constructed
373 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
374 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
375 #[inline]
376 unsafe fn count_raw_sse2(
377 &self,
378 start: *const u8,
379 end: *const u8,
380 ) -> usize {
381 self.sse2.count_raw(start, end)
382 }
384 /// Execute a search using AVX2 vectors and routines.
385 ///
386 /// # Safety
387 ///
388 /// Same as [`One::find_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
389 /// `end` must be at least the size of an AVX2 vector (in bytes).
390 ///
391 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
392 /// virtue of being a method on `One`, which can only be constructed
393 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
394 #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
395 #[inline]
396 unsafe fn find_raw_avx2(
397 &self,
398 start: *const u8,
399 end: *const u8,
400 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
401 self.avx2.find_raw(start, end)
402 }
404 /// Execute a search using AVX2 vectors and routines.
405 ///
406 /// # Safety
407 ///
408 /// Same as [`One::rfind_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
409 /// `end` must be at least the size of an AVX2 vector (in bytes).
410 ///
411 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
412 /// virtue of being a method on `One`, which can only be constructed
413 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
414 #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
415 #[inline]
416 unsafe fn rfind_raw_avx2(
417 &self,
418 start: *const u8,
419 end: *const u8,
420 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
421 self.avx2.rfind_raw(start, end)
422 }
424 /// Execute a count using AVX2 vectors and routines.
425 ///
426 /// # Safety
427 ///
428 /// Same as [`One::count_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
429 /// `end` must be at least the size of an AVX2 vector (in bytes).
430 ///
431 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
432 /// virtue of being a method on `One`, which can only be constructed
433 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
434 #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
435 #[inline]
436 unsafe fn count_raw_avx2(
437 &self,
438 start: *const u8,
439 end: *const u8,
440 ) -> usize {
441 self.avx2.count_raw(start, end)
442 }
444 /// Returns an iterator over all occurrences of the needle byte in the
445 /// given haystack.
446 ///
447 /// The iterator returned implements `DoubleEndedIterator`. This means it
448 /// can also be used to find occurrences in reverse order.
449 #[inline]
450 pub fn iter<'a, 'h>(&'a self, haystack: &'h [u8]) -> OneIter<'a, 'h> {
451 OneIter { searcher: self, it: generic::Iter::new(haystack) }
452 }
455/// An iterator over all occurrences of a single byte in a haystack.
457/// This iterator implements `DoubleEndedIterator`, which means it can also be
458/// used to find occurrences in reverse order.
460/// This iterator is created by the [`One::iter`] method.
462/// The lifetime parameters are as follows:
464/// * `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying [`One`] searcher.
465/// * `'h` refers to the lifetime of the haystack being searched.
466#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
467pub struct OneIter<'a, 'h> {
468 searcher: &'a One,
469 it: generic::Iter<'h>,
472impl<'a, 'h> Iterator for OneIter<'a, 'h> {
473 type Item = usize;
475 #[inline]
476 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
477 // SAFETY: We rely on the generic iterator to provide valid start
478 // and end pointers, but we guarantee that any pointer returned by
479 // 'find_raw' falls within the bounds of the start and end pointer.
480 unsafe {|s, e| self.searcher.find_raw(s, e)) }
481 }
483 #[inline]
484 fn count(self) -> usize {
485|s, e| {
486 // SAFETY: We rely on our generic iterator to return valid start
487 // and end pointers.
488 unsafe { self.searcher.count_raw(s, e) }
489 })
490 }
492 #[inline]
493 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
495 }
498impl<'a, 'h> DoubleEndedIterator for OneIter<'a, 'h> {
499 #[inline]
500 fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
501 // SAFETY: We rely on the generic iterator to provide valid start
502 // and end pointers, but we guarantee that any pointer returned by
503 // 'rfind_raw' falls within the bounds of the start and end pointer.
504 unsafe {|s, e| self.searcher.rfind_raw(s, e)) }
505 }
508impl<'a, 'h> core::iter::FusedIterator for OneIter<'a, 'h> {}
510/// Finds all occurrences of two bytes in a haystack.
512/// That is, this reports matches of one of two possible bytes. For example,
513/// searching for `a` or `b` in `afoobar` would report matches at offsets `0`,
514/// `4` and `5`.
515#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
516pub struct Two {
517 /// Used for haystacks less than 32 bytes.
518 sse2: generic::Two<__m128i>,
519 /// Used for haystacks bigger than 32 bytes.
520 avx2: generic::Two<__m256i>,
523impl Two {
524 /// Create a new searcher that finds occurrences of the needle bytes given.
525 ///
526 /// This particular searcher is specialized to use AVX2 vector instructions
527 /// that typically make it quite fast. (SSE2 is used for haystacks that
528 /// are too short to accommodate an AVX2 vector.)
529 ///
530 /// If either SSE2 or AVX2 is unavailable in the current environment, then
531 /// `None` is returned.
532 #[inline]
533 pub fn new(needle1: u8, needle2: u8) -> Option<Two> {
534 if Two::is_available() {
535 // SAFETY: we check that sse2 and avx2 are available above.
536 unsafe { Some(Two::new_unchecked(needle1, needle2)) }
537 } else {
538 None
539 }
540 }
542 /// Create a new finder specific to AVX2 vectors and routines without
543 /// checking that either SSE2 or AVX2 is available.
544 ///
545 /// # Safety
546 ///
547 /// Callers must guarantee that it is safe to execute both `sse2` and
548 /// `avx2` instructions in the current environment.
549 ///
550 /// Note that it is a common misconception that if one compiles for an
551 /// `x86_64` target, then they therefore automatically have access to SSE2
552 /// instructions. While this is almost always the case, it isn't true in
553 /// 100% of cases.
554 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2", enable = "avx2")]
555 #[inline]
556 pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(needle1: u8, needle2: u8) -> Two {
557 Two {
558 sse2: generic::Two::new(needle1, needle2),
559 avx2: generic::Two::new(needle1, needle2),
560 }
561 }
563 /// Returns true when this implementation is available in the current
564 /// environment.
565 ///
566 /// When this is true, it is guaranteed that [`Two::new`] will return
567 /// a `Some` value. Similarly, when it is false, it is guaranteed that
568 /// `Two::new` will return a `None` value.
569 ///
570 /// Note also that for the lifetime of a single program, if this returns
571 /// true then it will always return true.
572 #[inline]
573 pub fn is_available() -> bool {
574 #[cfg(not(target_feature = "sse2"))]
575 {
576 false
577 }
578 #[cfg(target_feature = "sse2")]
579 {
580 #[cfg(target_feature = "avx2")]
581 {
582 true
583 }
584 #[cfg(not(target_feature = "avx2"))]
585 {
586 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
587 {
588 std::is_x86_feature_detected!("avx2")
589 }
590 #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
591 {
592 false
593 }
594 }
595 }
596 }
598 /// Return the first occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the given
599 /// haystack. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.
600 ///
601 /// The occurrence is reported as an offset into `haystack`. Its maximum
602 /// value is `haystack.len() - 1`.
603 #[inline]
604 pub fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
605 // SAFETY: `find_raw` guarantees that if a pointer is returned, it
606 // falls within the bounds of the start and end pointers.
607 unsafe {
608 generic::search_slice_with_raw(haystack, |s, e| {
609 self.find_raw(s, e)
610 })
611 }
612 }
614 /// Return the last occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the given
615 /// haystack. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.
616 ///
617 /// The occurrence is reported as an offset into `haystack`. Its maximum
618 /// value is `haystack.len() - 1`.
619 #[inline]
620 pub fn rfind(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
621 // SAFETY: `find_raw` guarantees that if a pointer is returned, it
622 // falls within the bounds of the start and end pointers.
623 unsafe {
624 generic::search_slice_with_raw(haystack, |s, e| {
625 self.rfind_raw(s, e)
626 })
627 }
628 }
630 /// Like `find`, but accepts and returns raw pointers.
631 ///
632 /// When a match is found, the pointer returned is guaranteed to be
633 /// `>= start` and `< end`.
634 ///
635 /// This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would
636 /// like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search.
637 ///
638 /// # Safety
639 ///
640 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
641 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
642 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
643 /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
644 /// allocated object.
645 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
646 /// object.
647 /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
648 /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
649 /// address space.
650 ///
651 /// Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.
652 /// In that case, `None` will always be returned.
653 #[inline]
654 pub unsafe fn find_raw(
655 &self,
656 start: *const u8,
657 end: *const u8,
658 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
659 if start >= end {
660 return None;
661 }
662 let len = end.distance(start);
663 if len < __m256i::BYTES {
664 return if len < __m128i::BYTES {
665 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
666 // pointers.
667 generic::fwd_byte_by_byte(start, end, |b| {
668 b == self.sse2.needle1() || b == self.sse2.needle2()
669 })
670 } else {
671 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
672 // pointers.
673 self.find_raw_sse2(start, end)
674 };
675 }
676 // SAFETY: Building a `Two` means it's safe to call both 'sse2' and
677 // 'avx2' routines. Also, we've checked that our haystack is big
678 // enough to run on the vector routine. Pointer validity is caller's
679 // responsibility.
680 //
681 // Note that we could call `self.avx2.find_raw` directly here. But that
682 // means we'd have to annotate this routine with `target_feature`.
683 // Which is fine, because this routine is `unsafe` anyway and the
684 // `target_feature` obligation is met by virtue of building a `Two`.
685 // The real problem is that a routine with a `target_feature`
686 // annotation generally can't be inlined into caller code unless
687 // the caller code has the same target feature annotations. Namely,
688 // the common case (at time of writing) is for calling code to not
689 // have the `avx2` target feature enabled *at compile time*. Without
690 // `target_feature` on this routine, it can be inlined which will
691 // handle some of the short-haystack cases above without touching the
692 // architecture specific code.
693 self.find_raw_avx2(start, end)
694 }
696 /// Like `rfind`, but accepts and returns raw pointers.
697 ///
698 /// When a match is found, the pointer returned is guaranteed to be
699 /// `>= start` and `< end`.
700 ///
701 /// This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would
702 /// like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search.
703 ///
704 /// # Safety
705 ///
706 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
707 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
708 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
709 /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
710 /// allocated object.
711 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
712 /// object.
713 /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
714 /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
715 /// address space.
716 ///
717 /// Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.
718 /// In that case, `None` will always be returned.
719 #[inline]
720 pub unsafe fn rfind_raw(
721 &self,
722 start: *const u8,
723 end: *const u8,
724 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
725 if start >= end {
726 return None;
727 }
728 let len = end.distance(start);
729 if len < __m256i::BYTES {
730 return if len < __m128i::BYTES {
731 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
732 // pointers.
733 generic::rev_byte_by_byte(start, end, |b| {
734 b == self.sse2.needle1() || b == self.sse2.needle2()
735 })
736 } else {
737 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
738 // pointers.
739 self.rfind_raw_sse2(start, end)
740 };
741 }
742 // SAFETY: Building a `Two` means it's safe to call both 'sse2' and
743 // 'avx2' routines. Also, we've checked that our haystack is big
744 // enough to run on the vector routine. Pointer validity is caller's
745 // responsibility.
746 //
747 // See note in forward routine above for why we don't just call
748 // `self.avx2.rfind_raw` directly here.
749 self.rfind_raw_avx2(start, end)
750 }
752 /// Execute a search using SSE2 vectors and routines.
753 ///
754 /// # Safety
755 ///
756 /// Same as [`Two::find_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
757 /// `end` must be at least the size of an SSE2 vector (in bytes).
758 ///
759 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
760 /// virtue of being a method on `Two`, which can only be constructed
761 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
762 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
763 #[inline]
764 unsafe fn find_raw_sse2(
765 &self,
766 start: *const u8,
767 end: *const u8,
768 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
769 self.sse2.find_raw(start, end)
770 }
772 /// Execute a search using SSE2 vectors and routines.
773 ///
774 /// # Safety
775 ///
776 /// Same as [`Two::rfind_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
777 /// `end` must be at least the size of an SSE2 vector (in bytes).
778 ///
779 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
780 /// virtue of being a method on `Two`, which can only be constructed
781 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
782 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
783 #[inline]
784 unsafe fn rfind_raw_sse2(
785 &self,
786 start: *const u8,
787 end: *const u8,
788 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
789 self.sse2.rfind_raw(start, end)
790 }
792 /// Execute a search using AVX2 vectors and routines.
793 ///
794 /// # Safety
795 ///
796 /// Same as [`Two::find_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
797 /// `end` must be at least the size of an AVX2 vector (in bytes).
798 ///
799 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
800 /// virtue of being a method on `Two`, which can only be constructed
801 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
802 #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
803 #[inline]
804 unsafe fn find_raw_avx2(
805 &self,
806 start: *const u8,
807 end: *const u8,
808 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
809 self.avx2.find_raw(start, end)
810 }
812 /// Execute a search using AVX2 vectors and routines.
813 ///
814 /// # Safety
815 ///
816 /// Same as [`Two::rfind_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
817 /// `end` must be at least the size of an AVX2 vector (in bytes).
818 ///
819 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
820 /// virtue of being a method on `Two`, which can only be constructed
821 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
822 #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
823 #[inline]
824 unsafe fn rfind_raw_avx2(
825 &self,
826 start: *const u8,
827 end: *const u8,
828 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
829 self.avx2.rfind_raw(start, end)
830 }
832 /// Returns an iterator over all occurrences of the needle bytes in the
833 /// given haystack.
834 ///
835 /// The iterator returned implements `DoubleEndedIterator`. This means it
836 /// can also be used to find occurrences in reverse order.
837 #[inline]
838 pub fn iter<'a, 'h>(&'a self, haystack: &'h [u8]) -> TwoIter<'a, 'h> {
839 TwoIter { searcher: self, it: generic::Iter::new(haystack) }
840 }
843/// An iterator over all occurrences of two possible bytes in a haystack.
845/// This iterator implements `DoubleEndedIterator`, which means it can also be
846/// used to find occurrences in reverse order.
848/// This iterator is created by the [`Two::iter`] method.
850/// The lifetime parameters are as follows:
852/// * `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying [`Two`] searcher.
853/// * `'h` refers to the lifetime of the haystack being searched.
854#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
855pub struct TwoIter<'a, 'h> {
856 searcher: &'a Two,
857 it: generic::Iter<'h>,
860impl<'a, 'h> Iterator for TwoIter<'a, 'h> {
861 type Item = usize;
863 #[inline]
864 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
865 // SAFETY: We rely on the generic iterator to provide valid start
866 // and end pointers, but we guarantee that any pointer returned by
867 // 'find_raw' falls within the bounds of the start and end pointer.
868 unsafe {|s, e| self.searcher.find_raw(s, e)) }
869 }
871 #[inline]
872 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
874 }
877impl<'a, 'h> DoubleEndedIterator for TwoIter<'a, 'h> {
878 #[inline]
879 fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
880 // SAFETY: We rely on the generic iterator to provide valid start
881 // and end pointers, but we guarantee that any pointer returned by
882 // 'rfind_raw' falls within the bounds of the start and end pointer.
883 unsafe {|s, e| self.searcher.rfind_raw(s, e)) }
884 }
887impl<'a, 'h> core::iter::FusedIterator for TwoIter<'a, 'h> {}
889/// Finds all occurrences of three bytes in a haystack.
891/// That is, this reports matches of one of three possible bytes. For example,
892/// searching for `a`, `b` or `o` in `afoobar` would report matches at offsets
893/// `0`, `2`, `3`, `4` and `5`.
894#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
895pub struct Three {
896 /// Used for haystacks less than 32 bytes.
897 sse2: generic::Three<__m128i>,
898 /// Used for haystacks bigger than 32 bytes.
899 avx2: generic::Three<__m256i>,
902impl Three {
903 /// Create a new searcher that finds occurrences of the needle bytes given.
904 ///
905 /// This particular searcher is specialized to use AVX2 vector instructions
906 /// that typically make it quite fast. (SSE2 is used for haystacks that
907 /// are too short to accommodate an AVX2 vector.)
908 ///
909 /// If either SSE2 or AVX2 is unavailable in the current environment, then
910 /// `None` is returned.
911 #[inline]
912 pub fn new(needle1: u8, needle2: u8, needle3: u8) -> Option<Three> {
913 if Three::is_available() {
914 // SAFETY: we check that sse2 and avx2 are available above.
915 unsafe { Some(Three::new_unchecked(needle1, needle2, needle3)) }
916 } else {
917 None
918 }
919 }
921 /// Create a new finder specific to AVX2 vectors and routines without
922 /// checking that either SSE2 or AVX2 is available.
923 ///
924 /// # Safety
925 ///
926 /// Callers must guarantee that it is safe to execute both `sse2` and
927 /// `avx2` instructions in the current environment.
928 ///
929 /// Note that it is a common misconception that if one compiles for an
930 /// `x86_64` target, then they therefore automatically have access to SSE2
931 /// instructions. While this is almost always the case, it isn't true in
932 /// 100% of cases.
933 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2", enable = "avx2")]
934 #[inline]
935 pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(
936 needle1: u8,
937 needle2: u8,
938 needle3: u8,
939 ) -> Three {
940 Three {
941 sse2: generic::Three::new(needle1, needle2, needle3),
942 avx2: generic::Three::new(needle1, needle2, needle3),
943 }
944 }
946 /// Returns true when this implementation is available in the current
947 /// environment.
948 ///
949 /// When this is true, it is guaranteed that [`Three::new`] will return
950 /// a `Some` value. Similarly, when it is false, it is guaranteed that
951 /// `Three::new` will return a `None` value.
952 ///
953 /// Note also that for the lifetime of a single program, if this returns
954 /// true then it will always return true.
955 #[inline]
956 pub fn is_available() -> bool {
957 #[cfg(not(target_feature = "sse2"))]
958 {
959 false
960 }
961 #[cfg(target_feature = "sse2")]
962 {
963 #[cfg(target_feature = "avx2")]
964 {
965 true
966 }
967 #[cfg(not(target_feature = "avx2"))]
968 {
969 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
970 {
971 std::is_x86_feature_detected!("avx2")
972 }
973 #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
974 {
975 false
976 }
977 }
978 }
979 }
981 /// Return the first occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the given
982 /// haystack. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.
983 ///
984 /// The occurrence is reported as an offset into `haystack`. Its maximum
985 /// value is `haystack.len() - 1`.
986 #[inline]
987 pub fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
988 // SAFETY: `find_raw` guarantees that if a pointer is returned, it
989 // falls within the bounds of the start and end pointers.
990 unsafe {
991 generic::search_slice_with_raw(haystack, |s, e| {
992 self.find_raw(s, e)
993 })
994 }
995 }
997 /// Return the last occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the given
998 /// haystack. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.
999 ///
1000 /// The occurrence is reported as an offset into `haystack`. Its maximum
1001 /// value is `haystack.len() - 1`.
1002 #[inline]
1003 pub fn rfind(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
1004 // SAFETY: `find_raw` guarantees that if a pointer is returned, it
1005 // falls within the bounds of the start and end pointers.
1006 unsafe {
1007 generic::search_slice_with_raw(haystack, |s, e| {
1008 self.rfind_raw(s, e)
1009 })
1010 }
1011 }
1013 /// Like `find`, but accepts and returns raw pointers.
1014 ///
1015 /// When a match is found, the pointer returned is guaranteed to be
1016 /// `>= start` and `< end`.
1017 ///
1018 /// This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would
1019 /// like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search.
1020 ///
1021 /// # Safety
1022 ///
1023 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
1024 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
1025 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
1026 /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
1027 /// allocated object.
1028 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
1029 /// object.
1030 /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
1031 /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
1032 /// address space.
1033 ///
1034 /// Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.
1035 /// In that case, `None` will always be returned.
1036 #[inline]
1037 pub unsafe fn find_raw(
1038 &self,
1039 start: *const u8,
1040 end: *const u8,
1041 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
1042 if start >= end {
1043 return None;
1044 }
1045 let len = end.distance(start);
1046 if len < __m256i::BYTES {
1047 return if len < __m128i::BYTES {
1048 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
1049 // pointers.
1050 generic::fwd_byte_by_byte(start, end, |b| {
1051 b == self.sse2.needle1()
1052 || b == self.sse2.needle2()
1053 || b == self.sse2.needle3()
1054 })
1055 } else {
1056 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
1057 // pointers.
1058 self.find_raw_sse2(start, end)
1059 };
1060 }
1061 // SAFETY: Building a `Three` means it's safe to call both 'sse2' and
1062 // 'avx2' routines. Also, we've checked that our haystack is big
1063 // enough to run on the vector routine. Pointer validity is caller's
1064 // responsibility.
1065 //
1066 // Note that we could call `self.avx2.find_raw` directly here. But that
1067 // means we'd have to annotate this routine with `target_feature`.
1068 // Which is fine, because this routine is `unsafe` anyway and the
1069 // `target_feature` obligation is met by virtue of building a `Three`.
1070 // The real problem is that a routine with a `target_feature`
1071 // annotation generally can't be inlined into caller code unless
1072 // the caller code has the same target feature annotations. Namely,
1073 // the common case (at time of writing) is for calling code to not
1074 // have the `avx2` target feature enabled *at compile time*. Without
1075 // `target_feature` on this routine, it can be inlined which will
1076 // handle some of the short-haystack cases above without touching the
1077 // architecture specific code.
1078 self.find_raw_avx2(start, end)
1079 }
1081 /// Like `rfind`, but accepts and returns raw pointers.
1082 ///
1083 /// When a match is found, the pointer returned is guaranteed to be
1084 /// `>= start` and `< end`.
1085 ///
1086 /// This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would
1087 /// like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search.
1088 ///
1089 /// # Safety
1090 ///
1091 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.
1092 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.
1093 /// * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and
1094 /// must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the
1095 /// allocated object.
1096 /// * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same
1097 /// object.
1098 /// * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.
1099 /// * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the
1100 /// address space.
1101 ///
1102 /// Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.
1103 /// In that case, `None` will always be returned.
1104 #[inline]
1105 pub unsafe fn rfind_raw(
1106 &self,
1107 start: *const u8,
1108 end: *const u8,
1109 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
1110 if start >= end {
1111 return None;
1112 }
1113 let len = end.distance(start);
1114 if len < __m256i::BYTES {
1115 return if len < __m128i::BYTES {
1116 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
1117 // pointers.
1118 generic::rev_byte_by_byte(start, end, |b| {
1119 b == self.sse2.needle1()
1120 || b == self.sse2.needle2()
1121 || b == self.sse2.needle3()
1122 })
1123 } else {
1124 // SAFETY: We require the caller to pass valid start/end
1125 // pointers.
1126 self.rfind_raw_sse2(start, end)
1127 };
1128 }
1129 // SAFETY: Building a `Three` means it's safe to call both 'sse2' and
1130 // 'avx2' routines. Also, we've checked that our haystack is big
1131 // enough to run on the vector routine. Pointer validity is caller's
1132 // responsibility.
1133 //
1134 // See note in forward routine above for why we don't just call
1135 // `self.avx2.rfind_raw` directly here.
1136 self.rfind_raw_avx2(start, end)
1137 }
1139 /// Execute a search using SSE2 vectors and routines.
1140 ///
1141 /// # Safety
1142 ///
1143 /// Same as [`Three::find_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
1144 /// `end` must be at least the size of an SSE2 vector (in bytes).
1145 ///
1146 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
1147 /// virtue of being a method on `Three`, which can only be constructed
1148 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
1149 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
1150 #[inline]
1151 unsafe fn find_raw_sse2(
1152 &self,
1153 start: *const u8,
1154 end: *const u8,
1155 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
1156 self.sse2.find_raw(start, end)
1157 }
1159 /// Execute a search using SSE2 vectors and routines.
1160 ///
1161 /// # Safety
1162 ///
1163 /// Same as [`Three::rfind_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
1164 /// `end` must be at least the size of an SSE2 vector (in bytes).
1165 ///
1166 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
1167 /// virtue of being a method on `Three`, which can only be constructed
1168 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
1169 #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
1170 #[inline]
1171 unsafe fn rfind_raw_sse2(
1172 &self,
1173 start: *const u8,
1174 end: *const u8,
1175 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
1176 self.sse2.rfind_raw(start, end)
1177 }
1179 /// Execute a search using AVX2 vectors and routines.
1180 ///
1181 /// # Safety
1182 ///
1183 /// Same as [`Three::find_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
1184 /// `end` must be at least the size of an AVX2 vector (in bytes).
1185 ///
1186 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
1187 /// virtue of being a method on `Three`, which can only be constructed
1188 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
1189 #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
1190 #[inline]
1191 unsafe fn find_raw_avx2(
1192 &self,
1193 start: *const u8,
1194 end: *const u8,
1195 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
1196 self.avx2.find_raw(start, end)
1197 }
1199 /// Execute a search using AVX2 vectors and routines.
1200 ///
1201 /// # Safety
1202 ///
1203 /// Same as [`Three::rfind_raw`], except the distance between `start` and
1204 /// `end` must be at least the size of an AVX2 vector (in bytes).
1205 ///
1206 /// (The target feature safety obligation is automatically fulfilled by
1207 /// virtue of being a method on `Three`, which can only be constructed
1208 /// when it is safe to call `sse2`/`avx2` routines.)
1209 #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
1210 #[inline]
1211 unsafe fn rfind_raw_avx2(
1212 &self,
1213 start: *const u8,
1214 end: *const u8,
1215 ) -> Option<*const u8> {
1216 self.avx2.rfind_raw(start, end)
1217 }
1219 /// Returns an iterator over all occurrences of the needle bytes in the
1220 /// given haystack.
1221 ///
1222 /// The iterator returned implements `DoubleEndedIterator`. This means it
1223 /// can also be used to find occurrences in reverse order.
1224 #[inline]
1225 pub fn iter<'a, 'h>(&'a self, haystack: &'h [u8]) -> ThreeIter<'a, 'h> {
1226 ThreeIter { searcher: self, it: generic::Iter::new(haystack) }
1227 }
1230/// An iterator over all occurrences of three possible bytes in a haystack.
1232/// This iterator implements `DoubleEndedIterator`, which means it can also be
1233/// used to find occurrences in reverse order.
1235/// This iterator is created by the [`Three::iter`] method.
1237/// The lifetime parameters are as follows:
1239/// * `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying [`Three`] searcher.
1240/// * `'h` refers to the lifetime of the haystack being searched.
1241#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
1242pub struct ThreeIter<'a, 'h> {
1243 searcher: &'a Three,
1244 it: generic::Iter<'h>,
1247impl<'a, 'h> Iterator for ThreeIter<'a, 'h> {
1248 type Item = usize;
1250 #[inline]
1251 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
1252 // SAFETY: We rely on the generic iterator to provide valid start
1253 // and end pointers, but we guarantee that any pointer returned by
1254 // 'find_raw' falls within the bounds of the start and end pointer.
1255 unsafe {|s, e| self.searcher.find_raw(s, e)) }
1256 }
1258 #[inline]
1259 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
1261 }
1264impl<'a, 'h> DoubleEndedIterator for ThreeIter<'a, 'h> {
1265 #[inline]
1266 fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
1267 // SAFETY: We rely on the generic iterator to provide valid start
1268 // and end pointers, but we guarantee that any pointer returned by
1269 // 'rfind_raw' falls within the bounds of the start and end pointer.
1270 unsafe {|s, e| self.searcher.rfind_raw(s, e)) }
1271 }
1274impl<'a, 'h> core::iter::FusedIterator for ThreeIter<'a, 'h> {}
1277mod tests {
1278 use super::*;
1280 define_memchr_quickcheck!(super);
1282 #[test]
1283 fn forward_one() {
1284 crate::tests::memchr::Runner::new(1).forward_iter(
1285 |haystack, needles| {
1286 Some(One::new(needles[0])?.iter(haystack).collect())
1287 },
1288 )
1289 }
1291 #[test]
1292 fn reverse_one() {
1293 crate::tests::memchr::Runner::new(1).reverse_iter(
1294 |haystack, needles| {
1295 Some(One::new(needles[0])?.iter(haystack).rev().collect())
1296 },
1297 )
1298 }
1300 #[test]
1301 fn count_one() {
1302 crate::tests::memchr::Runner::new(1).count_iter(|haystack, needles| {
1303 Some(One::new(needles[0])?.iter(haystack).count())
1304 })
1305 }
1307 #[test]
1308 fn forward_two() {
1309 crate::tests::memchr::Runner::new(2).forward_iter(
1310 |haystack, needles| {
1311 let n1 = needles.get(0).copied()?;
1312 let n2 = needles.get(1).copied()?;
1313 Some(Two::new(n1, n2)?.iter(haystack).collect())
1314 },
1315 )
1316 }
1318 #[test]
1319 fn reverse_two() {
1320 crate::tests::memchr::Runner::new(2).reverse_iter(
1321 |haystack, needles| {
1322 let n1 = needles.get(0).copied()?;
1323 let n2 = needles.get(1).copied()?;
1324 Some(Two::new(n1, n2)?.iter(haystack).rev().collect())
1325 },
1326 )
1327 }
1329 #[test]
1330 fn forward_three() {
1331 crate::tests::memchr::Runner::new(3).forward_iter(
1332 |haystack, needles| {
1333 let n1 = needles.get(0).copied()?;
1334 let n2 = needles.get(1).copied()?;
1335 let n3 = needles.get(2).copied()?;
1336 Some(Three::new(n1, n2, n3)?.iter(haystack).collect())
1337 },
1338 )
1339 }
1341 #[test]
1342 fn reverse_three() {
1343 crate::tests::memchr::Runner::new(3).reverse_iter(
1344 |haystack, needles| {
1345 let n1 = needles.get(0).copied()?;
1346 let n2 = needles.get(1).copied()?;
1347 let n3 = needles.get(2).copied()?;
1348 Some(Three::new(n1, n2, n3)?.iter(haystack).rev().collect())
1349 },
1350 )
1351 }