1//! Rayon-core houses the core stable APIs of Rayon.
3//! These APIs have been mirrored in the Rayon crate and it is recommended to use these from there.
5//! [`join`] is used to take two closures and potentially run them in parallel.
6//! - It will run in parallel if task B gets stolen before task A can finish.
7//! - It will run sequentially if task A finishes before task B is stolen and can continue on task B.
9//! [`scope`] creates a scope in which you can run any number of parallel tasks.
10//! These tasks can spawn nested tasks and scopes, but given the nature of work stealing, the order of execution can not be guaranteed.
11//! The scope will exist until all tasks spawned within the scope have been completed.
13//! [`spawn`] add a task into the 'static' or 'global' scope, or a local scope created by the [`scope()`] function.
15//! [`ThreadPool`] can be used to create your own thread pools (using [`ThreadPoolBuilder`]) or to customize the global one.
16//! Tasks spawned within the pool (using [`install()`], [`join()`], etc.) will be added to a deque,
17//! where it becomes available for work stealing from other threads in the local threadpool.
19//! [`join`]: fn.join.html
20//! [`scope`]: fn.scope.html
21//! [`scope()`]: fn.scope.html
22//! [`spawn`]: fn.spawn.html
23//! [`ThreadPool`]: struct.threadpool.html
24//! [`install()`]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.install
25//! [`spawn()`]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.spawn
26//! [`join()`]: struct.ThreadPool.html#method.join
27//! [`ThreadPoolBuilder`]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html
29//! # Global fallback when threading is unsupported
31//! Rayon uses `std` APIs for threading, but some targets have incomplete implementations that
32//! always return `Unsupported` errors. The WebAssembly `wasm32-unknown-unknown` and `wasm32-wasi`
33//! targets are notable examples of this. Rather than panicking on the unsupported error when
34//! creating the implicit global threadpool, Rayon configures a fallback mode instead.
36//! This fallback mode mostly functions as if it were using a single-threaded "pool", like setting
37//! `RAYON_NUM_THREADS=1`. For example, `join` will execute its two closures sequentially, since
38//! there is no other thread to share the work. However, since the pool is not running independent
39//! of the main thread, non-blocking calls like `spawn` may not execute at all, unless a lower-
40//! priority call like `broadcast` gives them an opening. The fallback mode does not try to emulate
41//! anything like thread preemption or `async` task switching, but `yield_now` or `yield_local`
42//! can also volunteer execution time.
44//! Explicit `ThreadPoolBuilder` methods always report their error without any fallback.
46//! # Restricting multiple versions
48//! In order to ensure proper coordination between threadpools, and especially
49//! to make sure there's only one global threadpool, `rayon-core` is actively
50//! restricted from building multiple versions of itself into a single target.
51//! You may see a build error like this in violation:
53//! ```text
54//! error: native library `rayon-core` is being linked to by more
55//! than one package, and can only be linked to by one package
56//! ```
58//! While we strive to keep `rayon-core` semver-compatible, it's still
59//! possible to arrive at this situation if different crates have overly
60//! restrictive tilde or inequality requirements for `rayon-core`. The
61//! conflicting requirements will need to be resolved before the build will
62//! succeed.
69use std::any::Any;
70use std::env;
71use std::error::Error;
72use std::fmt;
73use std::io;
74use std::marker::PhantomData;
75use std::str::FromStr;
76use std::thread;
79mod private;
81mod broadcast;
82mod job;
83mod join;
84mod latch;
85mod registry;
86mod scope;
87mod sleep;
88mod spawn;
89mod thread_pool;
90mod unwind;
92mod compile_fail;
93mod test;
95pub use self::broadcast::{broadcast, spawn_broadcast, BroadcastContext};
96pub use self::join::{join, join_context};
97pub use self::registry::ThreadBuilder;
98pub use self::scope::{in_place_scope, scope, Scope};
99pub use self::scope::{in_place_scope_fifo, scope_fifo, ScopeFifo};
100pub use self::spawn::{spawn, spawn_fifo};
101pub use self::thread_pool::current_thread_has_pending_tasks;
102pub use self::thread_pool::current_thread_index;
103pub use self::thread_pool::ThreadPool;
104pub use self::thread_pool::{yield_local, yield_now, Yield};
106#[cfg(not(feature = "web_spin_lock"))]
107use std::sync;
109#[cfg(feature = "web_spin_lock")]
110use wasm_sync as sync;
112use self::registry::{CustomSpawn, DefaultSpawn, ThreadSpawn};
114/// Returns the maximum number of threads that Rayon supports in a single thread-pool.
116/// If a higher thread count is requested by calling `ThreadPoolBuilder::num_threads` or by setting
117/// the `RAYON_NUM_THREADS` environment variable, then it will be reduced to this maximum.
119/// The value may vary between different targets, and is subject to change in new Rayon versions.
120pub fn max_num_threads() -> usize {
121 // We are limited by the bits available in the sleep counter's `AtomicUsize`.
122 crate::sleep::THREADS_MAX
125/// Returns the number of threads in the current registry. If this
126/// code is executing within a Rayon thread-pool, then this will be
127/// the number of threads for the thread-pool of the current
128/// thread. Otherwise, it will be the number of threads for the global
129/// thread-pool.
131/// This can be useful when trying to judge how many times to split
132/// parallel work (the parallel iterator traits use this value
133/// internally for this purpose).
135/// # Future compatibility note
137/// Note that unless this thread-pool was created with a
138/// builder that specifies the number of threads, then this
139/// number may vary over time in future versions (see [the
140/// `num_threads()` method for details][snt]).
142/// [snt]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html#method.num_threads
143pub fn current_num_threads() -> usize {
144 crate::registry::Registry::current_num_threads()
147/// Error when initializing a thread pool.
149pub struct ThreadPoolBuildError {
150 kind: ErrorKind,
154enum ErrorKind {
155 GlobalPoolAlreadyInitialized,
156 CurrentThreadAlreadyInPool,
157 IOError(io::Error),
160/// Used to create a new [`ThreadPool`] or to configure the global rayon thread pool.
161/// ## Creating a ThreadPool
162/// The following creates a thread pool with 22 threads.
164/// ```rust
165/// # use rayon_core as rayon;
166/// let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(22).build().unwrap();
167/// ```
169/// To instead configure the global thread pool, use [`build_global()`]:
171/// ```rust
172/// # use rayon_core as rayon;
173/// rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(22).build_global().unwrap();
174/// ```
176/// [`ThreadPool`]: struct.ThreadPool.html
177/// [`build_global()`]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html#method.build_global
178pub struct ThreadPoolBuilder<S = DefaultSpawn> {
179 /// The number of threads in the rayon thread pool.
180 /// If zero will use the RAYON_NUM_THREADS environment variable.
181 /// If RAYON_NUM_THREADS is invalid or zero will use the default.
182 num_threads: usize,
184 /// The thread we're building *from* will also be part of the pool.
185 use_current_thread: bool,
187 /// Custom closure, if any, to handle a panic that we cannot propagate
188 /// anywhere else.
189 panic_handler: Option<Box<PanicHandler>>,
191 /// Closure to compute the name of a thread.
192 get_thread_name: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(usize) -> String>>,
194 /// The stack size for the created worker threads
195 stack_size: Option<usize>,
197 /// Closure invoked on worker thread start.
198 start_handler: Option<Box<StartHandler>>,
200 /// Closure invoked on worker thread exit.
201 exit_handler: Option<Box<ExitHandler>>,
203 /// Closure invoked to spawn threads.
204 spawn_handler: S,
206 /// If false, worker threads will execute spawned jobs in a
207 /// "depth-first" fashion. If true, they will do a "breadth-first"
208 /// fashion. Depth-first is the default.
209 breadth_first: bool,
212/// Contains the rayon thread pool configuration. Use [`ThreadPoolBuilder`] instead.
214/// [`ThreadPoolBuilder`]: struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html
215#[deprecated(note = "Use `ThreadPoolBuilder`")]
217pub struct Configuration {
218 builder: ThreadPoolBuilder,
221/// The type for a panic handling closure. Note that this same closure
222/// may be invoked multiple times in parallel.
223type PanicHandler = dyn Fn(Box<dyn Any + Send>) + Send + Sync;
225/// The type for a closure that gets invoked when a thread starts. The
226/// closure is passed the index of the thread on which it is invoked.
227/// Note that this same closure may be invoked multiple times in parallel.
228type StartHandler = dyn Fn(usize) + Send + Sync;
230/// The type for a closure that gets invoked when a thread exits. The
231/// closure is passed the index of the thread on which is is invoked.
232/// Note that this same closure may be invoked multiple times in parallel.
233type ExitHandler = dyn Fn(usize) + Send + Sync;
235// NB: We can't `#[derive(Default)]` because `S` is left ambiguous.
236impl Default for ThreadPoolBuilder {
237 fn default() -> Self {
238 ThreadPoolBuilder {
239 num_threads: 0,
240 use_current_thread: false,
241 panic_handler: None,
242 get_thread_name: None,
243 stack_size: None,
244 start_handler: None,
245 exit_handler: None,
246 spawn_handler: DefaultSpawn,
247 breadth_first: false,
248 }
249 }
252impl ThreadPoolBuilder {
253 /// Creates and returns a valid rayon thread pool builder, but does not initialize it.
254 pub fn new() -> Self {
255 Self::default()
256 }
259/// Note: the `S: ThreadSpawn` constraint is an internal implementation detail for the
260/// default spawn and those set by [`spawn_handler`](#method.spawn_handler).
261impl<S> ThreadPoolBuilder<S>
263 S: ThreadSpawn,
265 /// Creates a new `ThreadPool` initialized using this configuration.
266 pub fn build(self) -> Result<ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuildError> {
267 ThreadPool::build(self)
268 }
270 /// Initializes the global thread pool. This initialization is
271 /// **optional**. If you do not call this function, the thread pool
272 /// will be automatically initialized with the default
273 /// configuration. Calling `build_global` is not recommended, except
274 /// in two scenarios:
275 ///
276 /// - You wish to change the default configuration.
277 /// - You are running a benchmark, in which case initializing may
278 /// yield slightly more consistent results, since the worker threads
279 /// will already be ready to go even in the first iteration. But
280 /// this cost is minimal.
281 ///
282 /// Initialization of the global thread pool happens exactly
283 /// once. Once started, the configuration cannot be
284 /// changed. Therefore, if you call `build_global` a second time, it
285 /// will return an error. An `Ok` result indicates that this
286 /// is the first initialization of the thread pool.
287 pub fn build_global(self) -> Result<(), ThreadPoolBuildError> {
288 let registry = registry::init_global_registry(self)?;
289 registry.wait_until_primed();
290 Ok(())
291 }
294impl ThreadPoolBuilder {
295 /// Creates a scoped `ThreadPool` initialized using this configuration.
296 ///
297 /// This is a convenience function for building a pool using [`std::thread::scope`]
298 /// to spawn threads in a [`spawn_handler`](#method.spawn_handler).
299 /// The threads in this pool will start by calling `wrapper`, which should
300 /// do initialization and continue by calling `ThreadBuilder::run()`.
301 ///
302 /// [`std::thread::scope`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/fn.scope.html
303 ///
304 /// # Examples
305 ///
306 /// A scoped pool may be useful in combination with scoped thread-local variables.
307 ///
308 /// ```
309 /// # use rayon_core as rayon;
310 ///
311 /// scoped_tls::scoped_thread_local!(static POOL_DATA: Vec<i32>);
312 ///
313 /// fn main() -> Result<(), rayon::ThreadPoolBuildError> {
314 /// let pool_data = vec![1, 2, 3];
315 ///
316 /// // We haven't assigned any TLS data yet.
317 /// assert!(!POOL_DATA.is_set());
318 ///
319 /// rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
320 /// .build_scoped(
321 /// // Borrow `pool_data` in TLS for each thread.
322 /// |thread| POOL_DATA.set(&pool_data, || thread.run()),
323 /// // Do some work that needs the TLS data.
324 /// |pool| pool.install(|| assert!(POOL_DATA.is_set())),
325 /// )?;
326 ///
327 /// // Once we've returned, `pool_data` is no longer borrowed.
328 /// drop(pool_data);
329 /// Ok(())
330 /// }
331 /// ```
332 pub fn build_scoped<W, F, R>(self, wrapper: W, with_pool: F) -> Result<R, ThreadPoolBuildError>
333 where
334 W: Fn(ThreadBuilder) + Sync, // expected to call `run()`
335 F: FnOnce(&ThreadPool) -> R,
336 {
337 std::thread::scope(|scope| {
338 let pool = self
339 .spawn_handler(|thread| {
340 let mut builder = std::thread::Builder::new();
341 if let Some(name) = thread.name() {
342 builder = builder.name(name.to_string());
343 }
344 if let Some(size) = thread.stack_size() {
345 builder = builder.stack_size(size);
346 }
347 builder.spawn_scoped(scope, || wrapper(thread))?;
348 Ok(())
349 })
350 .build()?;
351 Ok(with_pool(&pool))
352 })
353 }
356impl<S> ThreadPoolBuilder<S> {
357 /// Sets a custom function for spawning threads.
358 ///
359 /// Note that the threads will not exit until after the pool is dropped. It
360 /// is up to the caller to wait for thread termination if that is important
361 /// for any invariants. For instance, threads created in [`std::thread::scope`]
362 /// will be joined before that scope returns, and this will block indefinitely
363 /// if the pool is leaked. Furthermore, the global thread pool doesn't terminate
364 /// until the entire process exits!
365 ///
366 /// # Examples
367 ///
368 /// A minimal spawn handler just needs to call `run()` from an independent thread.
369 ///
370 /// ```
371 /// # use rayon_core as rayon;
372 /// fn main() -> Result<(), rayon::ThreadPoolBuildError> {
373 /// let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
374 /// .spawn_handler(|thread| {
375 /// std::thread::spawn(|| thread.run());
376 /// Ok(())
377 /// })
378 /// .build()?;
379 ///
380 /// pool.install(|| println!("Hello from my custom thread!"));
381 /// Ok(())
382 /// }
383 /// ```
384 ///
385 /// The default spawn handler sets the name and stack size if given, and propagates
386 /// any errors from the thread builder.
387 ///
388 /// ```
389 /// # use rayon_core as rayon;
390 /// fn main() -> Result<(), rayon::ThreadPoolBuildError> {
391 /// let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
392 /// .spawn_handler(|thread| {
393 /// let mut b = std::thread::Builder::new();
394 /// if let Some(name) = thread.name() {
395 /// b = b.name(name.to_owned());
396 /// }
397 /// if let Some(stack_size) = thread.stack_size() {
398 /// b = b.stack_size(stack_size);
399 /// }
400 /// b.spawn(|| thread.run())?;
401 /// Ok(())
402 /// })
403 /// .build()?;
404 ///
405 /// pool.install(|| println!("Hello from my fully custom thread!"));
406 /// Ok(())
407 /// }
408 /// ```
409 ///
410 /// This can also be used for a pool of scoped threads like [`crossbeam::scope`],
411 /// or [`std::thread::scope`] introduced in Rust 1.63, which is encapsulated in
412 /// [`build_scoped`](#method.build_scoped).
413 ///
414 /// [`crossbeam::scope`]: https://docs.rs/crossbeam/0.8/crossbeam/fn.scope.html
415 /// [`std::thread::scope`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/fn.scope.html
416 ///
417 /// ```
418 /// # use rayon_core as rayon;
419 /// fn main() -> Result<(), rayon::ThreadPoolBuildError> {
420 /// std::thread::scope(|scope| {
421 /// let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
422 /// .spawn_handler(|thread| {
423 /// let mut builder = std::thread::Builder::new();
424 /// if let Some(name) = thread.name() {
425 /// builder = builder.name(name.to_string());
426 /// }
427 /// if let Some(size) = thread.stack_size() {
428 /// builder = builder.stack_size(size);
429 /// }
430 /// builder.spawn_scoped(scope, || {
431 /// // Add any scoped initialization here, then run!
432 /// thread.run()
433 /// })?;
434 /// Ok(())
435 /// })
436 /// .build()?;
437 ///
438 /// pool.install(|| println!("Hello from my custom scoped thread!"));
439 /// Ok(())
440 /// })
441 /// }
442 /// ```
443 pub fn spawn_handler<F>(self, spawn: F) -> ThreadPoolBuilder<CustomSpawn<F>>
444 where
445 F: FnMut(ThreadBuilder) -> io::Result<()>,
446 {
447 ThreadPoolBuilder {
448 spawn_handler: CustomSpawn::new(spawn),
449 // ..self
450 num_threads: self.num_threads,
451 use_current_thread: self.use_current_thread,
452 panic_handler: self.panic_handler,
453 get_thread_name: self.get_thread_name,
454 stack_size: self.stack_size,
455 start_handler: self.start_handler,
456 exit_handler: self.exit_handler,
457 breadth_first: self.breadth_first,
458 }
459 }
461 /// Returns a reference to the current spawn handler.
462 fn get_spawn_handler(&mut self) -> &mut S {
463 &mut self.spawn_handler
464 }
466 /// Get the number of threads that will be used for the thread
467 /// pool. See `num_threads()` for more information.
468 fn get_num_threads(&self) -> usize {
469 if self.num_threads > 0 {
470 self.num_threads
471 } else {
472 let default = || {
473 thread::available_parallelism()
474 .map(|n| n.get())
475 .unwrap_or(1)
476 };
478 match env::var("RAYON_NUM_THREADS")
479 .ok()
480 .and_then(|s| usize::from_str(&s).ok())
481 {
482 Some(x @ 1..) => return x,
483 Some(0) => return default(),
484 _ => {}
485 }
487 // Support for deprecated `RAYON_RS_NUM_CPUS`.
488 match env::var("RAYON_RS_NUM_CPUS")
489 .ok()
490 .and_then(|s| usize::from_str(&s).ok())
491 {
492 Some(x @ 1..) => x,
493 _ => default(),
494 }
495 }
496 }
498 /// Get the thread name for the thread with the given index.
499 fn get_thread_name(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<String> {
500 let f = self.get_thread_name.as_mut()?;
501 Some(f(index))
502 }
504 /// Sets a closure which takes a thread index and returns
505 /// the thread's name.
506 pub fn thread_name<F>(mut self, closure: F) -> Self
507 where
508 F: FnMut(usize) -> String + 'static,
509 {
510 self.get_thread_name = Some(Box::new(closure));
511 self
512 }
514 /// Sets the number of threads to be used in the rayon threadpool.
515 ///
516 /// If you specify a non-zero number of threads using this
517 /// function, then the resulting thread-pools are guaranteed to
518 /// start at most this number of threads.
519 ///
520 /// If `num_threads` is 0, or you do not call this function, then
521 /// the Rayon runtime will select the number of threads
522 /// automatically. At present, this is based on the
523 /// `RAYON_NUM_THREADS` environment variable (if set),
524 /// or the number of logical CPUs (otherwise).
525 /// In the future, however, the default behavior may
526 /// change to dynamically add or remove threads as needed.
527 ///
528 /// **Future compatibility warning:** Given the default behavior
529 /// may change in the future, if you wish to rely on a fixed
530 /// number of threads, you should use this function to specify
531 /// that number. To reproduce the current default behavior, you
532 /// may wish to use [`std::thread::available_parallelism`]
533 /// to query the number of CPUs dynamically.
534 ///
535 /// **Old environment variable:** `RAYON_NUM_THREADS` is a one-to-one
536 /// replacement of the now deprecated `RAYON_RS_NUM_CPUS` environment
537 /// variable. If both variables are specified, `RAYON_NUM_THREADS` will
538 /// be preferred.
539 pub fn num_threads(mut self, num_threads: usize) -> Self {
540 self.num_threads = num_threads;
541 self
542 }
544 /// Use the current thread as one of the threads in the pool.
545 ///
546 /// The current thread is guaranteed to be at index 0, and since the thread is not managed by
547 /// rayon, the spawn and exit handlers do not run for that thread.
548 ///
549 /// Note that the current thread won't run the main work-stealing loop, so jobs spawned into
550 /// the thread-pool will generally not be picked up automatically by this thread unless you
551 /// yield to rayon in some way, like via [`yield_now()`], [`yield_local()`], or [`scope()`].
552 ///
553 /// # Local thread-pools
554 ///
555 /// Using this in a local thread-pool means the registry will be leaked. In future versions
556 /// there might be a way of cleaning up the current-thread state.
557 pub fn use_current_thread(mut self) -> Self {
558 self.use_current_thread = true;
559 self
560 }
562 /// Returns a copy of the current panic handler.
563 fn take_panic_handler(&mut self) -> Option<Box<PanicHandler>> {
564 self.panic_handler.take()
565 }
567 /// Normally, whenever Rayon catches a panic, it tries to
568 /// propagate it to someplace sensible, to try and reflect the
569 /// semantics of sequential execution. But in some cases,
570 /// particularly with the `spawn()` APIs, there is no
571 /// obvious place where we should propagate the panic to.
572 /// In that case, this panic handler is invoked.
573 ///
574 /// If no panic handler is set, the default is to abort the
575 /// process, under the principle that panics should not go
576 /// unobserved.
577 ///
578 /// If the panic handler itself panics, this will abort the
579 /// process. To prevent this, wrap the body of your panic handler
580 /// in a call to `std::panic::catch_unwind()`.
581 pub fn panic_handler<H>(mut self, panic_handler: H) -> Self
582 where
583 H: Fn(Box<dyn Any + Send>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
584 {
585 self.panic_handler = Some(Box::new(panic_handler));
586 self
587 }
589 /// Get the stack size of the worker threads
590 fn get_stack_size(&self) -> Option<usize> {
591 self.stack_size
592 }
594 /// Sets the stack size of the worker threads
595 pub fn stack_size(mut self, stack_size: usize) -> Self {
596 self.stack_size = Some(stack_size);
597 self
598 }
600 /// **(DEPRECATED)** Suggest to worker threads that they execute
601 /// spawned jobs in a "breadth-first" fashion.
602 ///
603 /// Typically, when a worker thread is idle or blocked, it will
604 /// attempt to execute the job from the *top* of its local deque of
605 /// work (i.e., the job most recently spawned). If this flag is set
606 /// to true, however, workers will prefer to execute in a
607 /// *breadth-first* fashion -- that is, they will search for jobs at
608 /// the *bottom* of their local deque. (At present, workers *always*
609 /// steal from the bottom of other workers' deques, regardless of
610 /// the setting of this flag.)
611 ///
612 /// If you think of the tasks as a tree, where a parent task
613 /// spawns its children in the tree, then this flag loosely
614 /// corresponds to doing a breadth-first traversal of the tree,
615 /// whereas the default would be to do a depth-first traversal.
616 ///
617 /// **Note that this is an "execution hint".** Rayon's task
618 /// execution is highly dynamic and the precise order in which
619 /// independent tasks are executed is not intended to be
620 /// guaranteed.
621 ///
622 /// This `breadth_first()` method is now deprecated per [RFC #1],
623 /// and in the future its effect may be removed. Consider using
624 /// [`scope_fifo()`] for a similar effect.
625 ///
626 /// [RFC #1]: https://github.com/rayon-rs/rfcs/blob/master/accepted/rfc0001-scope-scheduling.md
627 /// [`scope_fifo()`]: fn.scope_fifo.html
628 #[deprecated(note = "use `scope_fifo` and `spawn_fifo` for similar effect")]
629 pub fn breadth_first(mut self) -> Self {
630 self.breadth_first = true;
631 self
632 }
634 fn get_breadth_first(&self) -> bool {
635 self.breadth_first
636 }
638 /// Takes the current thread start callback, leaving `None`.
639 fn take_start_handler(&mut self) -> Option<Box<StartHandler>> {
640 self.start_handler.take()
641 }
643 /// Sets a callback to be invoked on thread start.
644 ///
645 /// The closure is passed the index of the thread on which it is invoked.
646 /// Note that this same closure may be invoked multiple times in parallel.
647 /// If this closure panics, the panic will be passed to the panic handler.
648 /// If that handler returns, then startup will continue normally.
649 pub fn start_handler<H>(mut self, start_handler: H) -> Self
650 where
651 H: Fn(usize) + Send + Sync + 'static,
652 {
653 self.start_handler = Some(Box::new(start_handler));
654 self
655 }
657 /// Returns a current thread exit callback, leaving `None`.
658 fn take_exit_handler(&mut self) -> Option<Box<ExitHandler>> {
659 self.exit_handler.take()
660 }
662 /// Sets a callback to be invoked on thread exit.
663 ///
664 /// The closure is passed the index of the thread on which it is invoked.
665 /// Note that this same closure may be invoked multiple times in parallel.
666 /// If this closure panics, the panic will be passed to the panic handler.
667 /// If that handler returns, then the thread will exit normally.
668 pub fn exit_handler<H>(mut self, exit_handler: H) -> Self
669 where
670 H: Fn(usize) + Send + Sync + 'static,
671 {
672 self.exit_handler = Some(Box::new(exit_handler));
673 self
674 }
678impl Configuration {
679 /// Creates and return a valid rayon thread pool configuration, but does not initialize it.
680 pub fn new() -> Configuration {
681 Configuration {
682 builder: ThreadPoolBuilder::new(),
683 }
684 }
686 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::build`.
687 pub fn build(self) -> Result<ThreadPool, Box<dyn Error + 'static>> {
688 self.builder.build().map_err(Box::from)
689 }
691 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::thread_name`.
692 pub fn thread_name<F>(mut self, closure: F) -> Self
693 where
694 F: FnMut(usize) -> String + 'static,
695 {
696 self.builder = self.builder.thread_name(closure);
697 self
698 }
700 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::num_threads`.
701 pub fn num_threads(mut self, num_threads: usize) -> Configuration {
702 self.builder = self.builder.num_threads(num_threads);
703 self
704 }
706 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::panic_handler`.
707 pub fn panic_handler<H>(mut self, panic_handler: H) -> Configuration
708 where
709 H: Fn(Box<dyn Any + Send>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
710 {
711 self.builder = self.builder.panic_handler(panic_handler);
712 self
713 }
715 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::stack_size`.
716 pub fn stack_size(mut self, stack_size: usize) -> Self {
717 self.builder = self.builder.stack_size(stack_size);
718 self
719 }
721 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::breadth_first`.
722 pub fn breadth_first(mut self) -> Self {
723 self.builder = self.builder.breadth_first();
724 self
725 }
727 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::start_handler`.
728 pub fn start_handler<H>(mut self, start_handler: H) -> Configuration
729 where
730 H: Fn(usize) + Send + Sync + 'static,
731 {
732 self.builder = self.builder.start_handler(start_handler);
733 self
734 }
736 /// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::exit_handler`.
737 pub fn exit_handler<H>(mut self, exit_handler: H) -> Configuration
738 where
739 H: Fn(usize) + Send + Sync + 'static,
740 {
741 self.builder = self.builder.exit_handler(exit_handler);
742 self
743 }
745 /// Returns a ThreadPoolBuilder with identical parameters.
746 fn into_builder(self) -> ThreadPoolBuilder {
747 self.builder
748 }
751impl ThreadPoolBuildError {
752 fn new(kind: ErrorKind) -> ThreadPoolBuildError {
753 ThreadPoolBuildError { kind }
754 }
756 fn is_unsupported(&self) -> bool {
757 matches!(&self.kind, ErrorKind::IOError(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Unsupported)
758 }
762 "The global thread pool has already been initialized.";
765 "The current thread is already part of another thread pool.";
767impl Error for ThreadPoolBuildError {
768 #[allow(deprecated)]
769 fn description(&self) -> &str {
770 match self.kind {
771 ErrorKind::GlobalPoolAlreadyInitialized => GLOBAL_POOL_ALREADY_INITIALIZED,
772 ErrorKind::CurrentThreadAlreadyInPool => CURRENT_THREAD_ALREADY_IN_POOL,
773 ErrorKind::IOError(ref e) => e.description(),
774 }
775 }
777 fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
778 match &self.kind {
779 ErrorKind::GlobalPoolAlreadyInitialized | ErrorKind::CurrentThreadAlreadyInPool => None,
780 ErrorKind::IOError(e) => Some(e),
781 }
782 }
785impl fmt::Display for ThreadPoolBuildError {
786 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
787 match &self.kind {
788 ErrorKind::CurrentThreadAlreadyInPool => CURRENT_THREAD_ALREADY_IN_POOL.fmt(f),
789 ErrorKind::GlobalPoolAlreadyInitialized => GLOBAL_POOL_ALREADY_INITIALIZED.fmt(f),
790 ErrorKind::IOError(e) => e.fmt(f),
791 }
792 }
795/// Deprecated in favor of `ThreadPoolBuilder::build_global`.
796#[deprecated(note = "use `ThreadPoolBuilder::build_global`")]
798pub fn initialize(config: Configuration) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
799 config.into_builder().build_global().map_err(Box::from)
802impl<S> fmt::Debug for ThreadPoolBuilder<S> {
803 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
804 let ThreadPoolBuilder {
805 ref num_threads,
806 ref use_current_thread,
807 ref get_thread_name,
808 ref panic_handler,
809 ref stack_size,
810 ref start_handler,
811 ref exit_handler,
812 spawn_handler: _,
813 ref breadth_first,
814 } = *self;
816 // Just print `Some(<closure>)` or `None` to the debug
817 // output.
818 struct ClosurePlaceholder;
819 impl fmt::Debug for ClosurePlaceholder {
820 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
821 f.write_str("<closure>")
822 }
823 }
824 let get_thread_name = get_thread_name.as_ref().map(|_| ClosurePlaceholder);
825 let panic_handler = panic_handler.as_ref().map(|_| ClosurePlaceholder);
826 let start_handler = start_handler.as_ref().map(|_| ClosurePlaceholder);
827 let exit_handler = exit_handler.as_ref().map(|_| ClosurePlaceholder);
829 f.debug_struct("ThreadPoolBuilder")
830 .field("num_threads", num_threads)
831 .field("use_current_thread", use_current_thread)
832 .field("get_thread_name", &get_thread_name)
833 .field("panic_handler", &panic_handler)
834 .field("stack_size", &stack_size)
835 .field("start_handler", &start_handler)
836 .field("exit_handler", &exit_handler)
837 .field("breadth_first", &breadth_first)
838 .finish()
839 }
843impl fmt::Debug for Configuration {
844 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
845 self.builder.fmt(f)
846 }
849/// Provides the calling context to a closure called by `join_context`.
851pub struct FnContext {
852 migrated: bool,
854 /// disable `Send` and `Sync`, just for a little future-proofing.
855 _marker: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
858impl FnContext {
859 #[inline]
860 fn new(migrated: bool) -> Self {
861 FnContext {
862 migrated,
863 _marker: PhantomData,
864 }
865 }
868impl FnContext {
869 /// Returns `true` if the closure was called from a different thread
870 /// than it was provided from.
871 #[inline]
872 pub fn migrated(&self) -> bool {
873 self.migrated
874 }