
2This module contains a boat load of wrappers around each of our internal regex
3engines. They encapsulate a few things:
51. The wrappers manage the conditional existence of the regex engine. Namely,
6the PikeVM is the only required regex engine. The rest are optional. These
7wrappers present a uniform API regardless of which engines are available. And
8availability might be determined by compile time features or by dynamic
9configuration via `meta::Config`. Encapsulating the conditional compilation
10features is in particular a huge simplification for the higher level code that
11composes these engines.
122. The wrappers manage construction of each engine, including skipping it if
13the engine is unavailable or configured to not be used.
143. The wrappers manage whether an engine *can* be used for a particular
15search configuration. For example, `BoundedBacktracker::get` only returns a
16backtracking engine when the haystack is bigger than the maximum supported
17length. The wrappers also sometimes take a position on when an engine *ought*
18to be used, but only in cases where the logic is extremely local to the engine
19itself. Otherwise, things like "choose between the backtracker and the one-pass
20DFA" are managed by the higher level meta strategy code.
22There are also corresponding wrappers for the various `Cache` types for each
23regex engine that needs them. If an engine is unavailable or not used, then a
24cache for it will *not* actually be allocated.
27use alloc::vec::Vec;
29use crate::{
30    meta::{
31        error::{BuildError, RetryError, RetryFailError},
32        regex::RegexInfo,
33    },
34    nfa::thompson::{pikevm, NFA},
35    util::{prefilter::Prefilter, primitives::NonMaxUsize},
36    HalfMatch, Input, Match, MatchKind, PatternID, PatternSet,
39#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
40use crate::dfa;
41#[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
42use crate::dfa::onepass;
43#[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
44use crate::hybrid;
45#[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
46use crate::nfa::thompson::backtrack;
49pub(crate) struct PikeVM(PikeVMEngine);
51impl PikeVM {
52    pub(crate) fn new(
53        info: &RegexInfo,
54        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
55        nfa: &NFA,
56    ) -> Result<PikeVM, BuildError> {
57        PikeVMEngine::new(info, pre, nfa).map(PikeVM)
58    }
60    pub(crate) fn create_cache(&self) -> PikeVMCache {
61        PikeVMCache::new(self)
62    }
64    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
65    pub(crate) fn get(&self) -> &PikeVMEngine {
66        &self.0
67    }
71pub(crate) struct PikeVMEngine(pikevm::PikeVM);
73impl PikeVMEngine {
74    pub(crate) fn new(
75        info: &RegexInfo,
76        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
77        nfa: &NFA,
78    ) -> Result<PikeVMEngine, BuildError> {
79        let pikevm_config = pikevm::Config::new()
80            .match_kind(info.config().get_match_kind())
81            .prefilter(pre);
82        let engine = pikevm::Builder::new()
83            .configure(pikevm_config)
84            .build_from_nfa(nfa.clone())
85            .map_err(BuildError::nfa)?;
86        debug!("PikeVM built");
87        Ok(PikeVMEngine(engine))
88    }
90    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
91    pub(crate) fn is_match(
92        &self,
93        cache: &mut PikeVMCache,
94        input: &Input<'_>,
95    ) -> bool {
96        self.0.is_match(cache.0.as_mut().unwrap(), input.clone())
97    }
99    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
100    pub(crate) fn search_slots(
101        &self,
102        cache: &mut PikeVMCache,
103        input: &Input<'_>,
104        slots: &mut [Option<NonMaxUsize>],
105    ) -> Option<PatternID> {
106        self.0.search_slots(cache.0.as_mut().unwrap(), input, slots)
107    }
109    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
110    pub(crate) fn which_overlapping_matches(
111        &self,
112        cache: &mut PikeVMCache,
113        input: &Input<'_>,
114        patset: &mut PatternSet,
115    ) {
116        self.0.which_overlapping_matches(
117            cache.0.as_mut().unwrap(),
118            input,
119            patset,
120        )
121    }
124#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
125pub(crate) struct PikeVMCache(Option<pikevm::Cache>);
127impl PikeVMCache {
128    pub(crate) fn none() -> PikeVMCache {
129        PikeVMCache(None)
130    }
132    pub(crate) fn new(builder: &PikeVM) -> PikeVMCache {
133        PikeVMCache(Some(builder.get().0.create_cache()))
134    }
136    pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self, builder: &PikeVM) {
137        self.0.as_mut().unwrap().reset(&builder.get().0);
138    }
140    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
141        self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |c| c.memory_usage())
142    }
146pub(crate) struct BoundedBacktracker(Option<BoundedBacktrackerEngine>);
148impl BoundedBacktracker {
149    pub(crate) fn new(
150        info: &RegexInfo,
151        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
152        nfa: &NFA,
153    ) -> Result<BoundedBacktracker, BuildError> {
154        BoundedBacktrackerEngine::new(info, pre, nfa).map(BoundedBacktracker)
155    }
157    pub(crate) fn create_cache(&self) -> BoundedBacktrackerCache {
158        BoundedBacktrackerCache::new(self)
159    }
161    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
162    pub(crate) fn get(
163        &self,
164        input: &Input<'_>,
165    ) -> Option<&BoundedBacktrackerEngine> {
166        let engine = self.0.as_ref()?;
167        // It is difficult to make the backtracker give up early if it is
168        // guaranteed to eventually wind up in a match state. This is because
169        // of the greedy nature of a backtracker: it just blindly mushes
170        // forward. Every other regex engine is able to give up more quickly,
171        // so even if the backtracker might be able to zip through faster than
172        // (say) the PikeVM, we prefer the theoretical benefit that some other
173        // engine might be able to scan much less of the haystack than the
174        // backtracker.
175        //
176        // Now, if the haystack is really short already, then we allow the
177        // backtracker to run. (This hasn't been litigated quantitatively with
178        // benchmarks. Just a hunch.)
179        if input.get_earliest() && input.haystack().len() > 128 {
180            return None;
181        }
182        // If the backtracker is just going to return an error because the
183        // haystack is too long, then obviously do not use it.
184        if input.get_span().len() > engine.max_haystack_len() {
185            return None;
186        }
187        Some(engine)
188    }
192pub(crate) struct BoundedBacktrackerEngine(
193    #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")] backtrack::BoundedBacktracker,
194    #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))] (),
197impl BoundedBacktrackerEngine {
198    pub(crate) fn new(
199        info: &RegexInfo,
200        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
201        nfa: &NFA,
202    ) -> Result<Option<BoundedBacktrackerEngine>, BuildError> {
203        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
204        {
205            if !info.config().get_backtrack()
206                || info.config().get_match_kind() != MatchKind::LeftmostFirst
207            {
208                return Ok(None);
209            }
210            let backtrack_config = backtrack::Config::new().prefilter(pre);
211            let engine = backtrack::Builder::new()
212                .configure(backtrack_config)
213                .build_from_nfa(nfa.clone())
214                .map_err(BuildError::nfa)?;
215            debug!(
216                "BoundedBacktracker built (max haystack length: {:?})",
217                engine.max_haystack_len()
218            );
219            Ok(Some(BoundedBacktrackerEngine(engine)))
220        }
221        #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))]
222        {
223            Ok(None)
224        }
225    }
227    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
228    pub(crate) fn is_match(
229        &self,
230        cache: &mut BoundedBacktrackerCache,
231        input: &Input<'_>,
232    ) -> bool {
233        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
234        {
235            // OK because we only permit access to this engine when we know
236            // the haystack is short enough for the backtracker to run without
237            // reporting an error.
238            self.0
239                .try_is_match(cache.0.as_mut().unwrap(), input.clone())
240                .unwrap()
241        }
242        #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))]
243        {
244            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
245            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
246            unreachable!()
247        }
248    }
250    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
251    pub(crate) fn search_slots(
252        &self,
253        cache: &mut BoundedBacktrackerCache,
254        input: &Input<'_>,
255        slots: &mut [Option<NonMaxUsize>],
256    ) -> Option<PatternID> {
257        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
258        {
259            // OK because we only permit access to this engine when we know
260            // the haystack is short enough for the backtracker to run without
261            // reporting an error.
262            self.0
263                .try_search_slots(cache.0.as_mut().unwrap(), input, slots)
264                .unwrap()
265        }
266        #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))]
267        {
268            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
269            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
270            unreachable!()
271        }
272    }
274    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
275    fn max_haystack_len(&self) -> usize {
276        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
277        {
278            self.0.max_haystack_len()
279        }
280        #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))]
281        {
282            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
283            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
284            unreachable!()
285        }
286    }
289#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
290pub(crate) struct BoundedBacktrackerCache(
291    #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")] Option<backtrack::Cache>,
292    #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))] (),
295impl BoundedBacktrackerCache {
296    pub(crate) fn none() -> BoundedBacktrackerCache {
297        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
298        {
299            BoundedBacktrackerCache(None)
300        }
301        #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))]
302        {
303            BoundedBacktrackerCache(())
304        }
305    }
307    pub(crate) fn new(
308        builder: &BoundedBacktracker,
309    ) -> BoundedBacktrackerCache {
310        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
311        {
312            BoundedBacktrackerCache(
313                builder.0.as_ref().map(|e| e.0.create_cache()),
314            )
315        }
316        #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))]
317        {
318            BoundedBacktrackerCache(())
319        }
320    }
322    pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self, builder: &BoundedBacktracker) {
323        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
324        if let Some(ref e) = builder.0 {
325            self.0.as_mut().unwrap().reset(&e.0);
326        }
327    }
329    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
330        #[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
331        {
332            self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |c| c.memory_usage())
333        }
334        #[cfg(not(feature = "nfa-backtrack"))]
335        {
336            0
337        }
338    }
342pub(crate) struct OnePass(Option<OnePassEngine>);
344impl OnePass {
345    pub(crate) fn new(info: &RegexInfo, nfa: &NFA) -> OnePass {
346        OnePass(OnePassEngine::new(info, nfa))
347    }
349    pub(crate) fn create_cache(&self) -> OnePassCache {
350        OnePassCache::new(self)
351    }
353    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
354    pub(crate) fn get(&self, input: &Input<'_>) -> Option<&OnePassEngine> {
355        let engine = self.0.as_ref()?;
356        if !input.get_anchored().is_anchored()
357            && !engine.get_nfa().is_always_start_anchored()
358        {
359            return None;
360        }
361        Some(engine)
362    }
364    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
365        self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |e| e.memory_usage())
366    }
370pub(crate) struct OnePassEngine(
371    #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")] onepass::DFA,
372    #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))] (),
375impl OnePassEngine {
376    pub(crate) fn new(info: &RegexInfo, nfa: &NFA) -> Option<OnePassEngine> {
377        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
378        {
379            if !info.config().get_onepass() {
380                return None;
381            }
382            // In order to even attempt building a one-pass DFA, we require
383            // that we either have at least one explicit capturing group or
384            // there's a Unicode word boundary somewhere. If we don't have
385            // either of these things, then the lazy DFA will almost certainly
386            // be useable and be much faster. The only case where it might
387            // not is if the lazy DFA isn't utilizing its cache effectively,
388            // but in those cases, the underlying regex is almost certainly
389            // not one-pass or is too big to fit within the current one-pass
390            // implementation limits.
391            if info.props_union().explicit_captures_len() == 0
392                && !info.props_union().look_set().contains_word_unicode()
393            {
394                debug!("not building OnePass because it isn't worth it");
395                return None;
396            }
397            let onepass_config = onepass::Config::new()
398                .match_kind(info.config().get_match_kind())
399                // Like for the lazy DFA, we unconditionally enable this
400                // because it doesn't cost much and makes the API more
401                // flexible.
402                .starts_for_each_pattern(true)
403                .byte_classes(info.config().get_byte_classes())
404                .size_limit(info.config().get_onepass_size_limit());
405            let result = onepass::Builder::new()
406                .configure(onepass_config)
407                .build_from_nfa(nfa.clone());
408            let engine = match result {
409                Ok(engine) => engine,
410                Err(_err) => {
411                    debug!("OnePass failed to build: {}", _err);
412                    return None;
413                }
414            };
415            debug!("OnePass built, {} bytes", engine.memory_usage());
416            Some(OnePassEngine(engine))
417        }
418        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))]
419        {
420            None
421        }
422    }
424    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
425    pub(crate) fn search_slots(
426        &self,
427        cache: &mut OnePassCache,
428        input: &Input<'_>,
429        slots: &mut [Option<NonMaxUsize>],
430    ) -> Option<PatternID> {
431        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
432        {
433            // OK because we only permit getting a OnePassEngine when we know
434            // the search is anchored and thus an error cannot occur.
435            self.0
436                .try_search_slots(cache.0.as_mut().unwrap(), input, slots)
437                .unwrap()
438        }
439        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))]
440        {
441            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
442            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
443            unreachable!()
444        }
445    }
447    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
448        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
449        {
450            self.0.memory_usage()
451        }
452        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))]
453        {
454            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
455            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
456            unreachable!()
457        }
458    }
460    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
461    fn get_nfa(&self) -> &NFA {
462        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
463        {
464            self.0.get_nfa()
465        }
466        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))]
467        {
468            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
469            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
470            unreachable!()
471        }
472    }
475#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
476pub(crate) struct OnePassCache(
477    #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")] Option<onepass::Cache>,
478    #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))] (),
481impl OnePassCache {
482    pub(crate) fn none() -> OnePassCache {
483        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
484        {
485            OnePassCache(None)
486        }
487        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))]
488        {
489            OnePassCache(())
490        }
491    }
493    pub(crate) fn new(builder: &OnePass) -> OnePassCache {
494        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
495        {
496            OnePassCache(builder.0.as_ref().map(|e| e.0.create_cache()))
497        }
498        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))]
499        {
500            OnePassCache(())
501        }
502    }
504    pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self, builder: &OnePass) {
505        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
506        if let Some(ref e) = builder.0 {
507            self.0.as_mut().unwrap().reset(&e.0);
508        }
509    }
511    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
512        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-onepass")]
513        {
514            self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |c| c.memory_usage())
515        }
516        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-onepass"))]
517        {
518            0
519        }
520    }
524pub(crate) struct Hybrid(Option<HybridEngine>);
526impl Hybrid {
527    pub(crate) fn none() -> Hybrid {
528        Hybrid(None)
529    }
531    pub(crate) fn new(
532        info: &RegexInfo,
533        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
534        nfa: &NFA,
535        nfarev: &NFA,
536    ) -> Hybrid {
537        Hybrid(HybridEngine::new(info, pre, nfa, nfarev))
538    }
540    pub(crate) fn create_cache(&self) -> HybridCache {
541        HybridCache::new(self)
542    }
544    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
545    pub(crate) fn get(&self, _input: &Input<'_>) -> Option<&HybridEngine> {
546        let engine = self.0.as_ref()?;
547        Some(engine)
548    }
550    pub(crate) fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
551        self.0.is_some()
552    }
556pub(crate) struct HybridEngine(
557    #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")] hybrid::regex::Regex,
558    #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))] (),
561impl HybridEngine {
562    pub(crate) fn new(
563        info: &RegexInfo,
564        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
565        nfa: &NFA,
566        nfarev: &NFA,
567    ) -> Option<HybridEngine> {
568        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
569        {
570            if !info.config().get_hybrid() {
571                return None;
572            }
573            let dfa_config = hybrid::dfa::Config::new()
574                .match_kind(info.config().get_match_kind())
575                .prefilter(pre.clone())
576                // Enabling this is necessary for ensuring we can service any
577                // kind of 'Input' search without error. For the lazy DFA,
578                // this is not particularly costly, since the start states are
579                // generated lazily.
580                .starts_for_each_pattern(true)
581                .byte_classes(info.config().get_byte_classes())
582                .unicode_word_boundary(true)
583                .specialize_start_states(pre.is_some())
584                .cache_capacity(info.config().get_hybrid_cache_capacity())
585                // This makes it possible for building a lazy DFA to
586                // fail even though the NFA has already been built. Namely,
587                // if the cache capacity is too small to fit some minimum
588                // number of states (which is small, like 4 or 5), then the
589                // DFA will refuse to build.
590                //
591                // We shouldn't enable this to make building always work, since
592                // this could cause the allocation of a cache bigger than the
593                // provided capacity amount.
594                //
595                // This is effectively the only reason why building a lazy DFA
596                // could fail. If it does, then we simply suppress the error
597                // and return None.
598                .skip_cache_capacity_check(false)
599                // This and enabling heuristic Unicode word boundary support
600                // above make it so the lazy DFA can quit at match time.
601                .minimum_cache_clear_count(Some(3))
602                .minimum_bytes_per_state(Some(10));
603            let result = hybrid::dfa::Builder::new()
604                .configure(dfa_config.clone())
605                .build_from_nfa(nfa.clone());
606            let fwd = match result {
607                Ok(fwd) => fwd,
608                Err(_err) => {
609                    debug!("forward lazy DFA failed to build: {}", _err);
610                    return None;
611                }
612            };
613            let result = hybrid::dfa::Builder::new()
614                .configure(
615                    dfa_config
616                        .clone()
617                        .match_kind(MatchKind::All)
618                        .prefilter(None)
619                        .specialize_start_states(false),
620                )
621                .build_from_nfa(nfarev.clone());
622            let rev = match result {
623                Ok(rev) => rev,
624                Err(_err) => {
625                    debug!("reverse lazy DFA failed to build: {}", _err);
626                    return None;
627                }
628            };
629            let engine =
630                hybrid::regex::Builder::new().build_from_dfas(fwd, rev);
631            debug!("lazy DFA built");
632            Some(HybridEngine(engine))
633        }
634        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
635        {
636            None
637        }
638    }
640    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
641    pub(crate) fn try_search(
642        &self,
643        cache: &mut HybridCache,
644        input: &Input<'_>,
645    ) -> Result<Option<Match>, RetryFailError> {
646        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
647        {
648            let cache = cache.0.as_mut().unwrap();
649            self.0.try_search(cache, input).map_err(|e| e.into())
650        }
651        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
652        {
653            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
654            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
655            unreachable!()
656        }
657    }
659    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
660    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_fwd(
661        &self,
662        cache: &mut HybridCache,
663        input: &Input<'_>,
664    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryFailError> {
665        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
666        {
667            let fwd = self.0.forward();
668            let mut fwdcache = cache.0.as_mut().unwrap().as_parts_mut().0;
669            fwd.try_search_fwd(&mut fwdcache, input).map_err(|e| e.into())
670        }
671        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
672        {
673            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
674            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
675            unreachable!()
676        }
677    }
679    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
680    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_fwd_stopat(
681        &self,
682        cache: &mut HybridCache,
683        input: &Input<'_>,
684    ) -> Result<Result<HalfMatch, usize>, RetryFailError> {
685        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
686        {
687            let dfa = self.0.forward();
688            let mut cache = cache.0.as_mut().unwrap().as_parts_mut().0;
689            crate::meta::stopat::hybrid_try_search_half_fwd(
690                dfa, &mut cache, input,
691            )
692        }
693        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
694        {
695            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
696            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
697            unreachable!()
698        }
699    }
701    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
702    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_rev(
703        &self,
704        cache: &mut HybridCache,
705        input: &Input<'_>,
706    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryFailError> {
707        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
708        {
709            let rev = self.0.reverse();
710            let mut revcache = cache.0.as_mut().unwrap().as_parts_mut().1;
711            rev.try_search_rev(&mut revcache, input).map_err(|e| e.into())
712        }
713        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
714        {
715            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
716            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
717            unreachable!()
718        }
719    }
721    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
722    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_rev_limited(
723        &self,
724        cache: &mut HybridCache,
725        input: &Input<'_>,
726        min_start: usize,
727    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryError> {
728        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
729        {
730            let dfa = self.0.reverse();
731            let mut cache = cache.0.as_mut().unwrap().as_parts_mut().1;
732            crate::meta::limited::hybrid_try_search_half_rev(
733                dfa, &mut cache, input, min_start,
734            )
735        }
736        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
737        {
738            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
739            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
740            unreachable!()
741        }
742    }
744    #[inline]
745    pub(crate) fn try_which_overlapping_matches(
746        &self,
747        cache: &mut HybridCache,
748        input: &Input<'_>,
749        patset: &mut PatternSet,
750    ) -> Result<(), RetryFailError> {
751        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
752        {
753            let fwd = self.0.forward();
754            let mut fwdcache = cache.0.as_mut().unwrap().as_parts_mut().0;
755            fwd.try_which_overlapping_matches(&mut fwdcache, input, patset)
756                .map_err(|e| e.into())
757        }
758        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
759        {
760            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
761            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
762            unreachable!()
763        }
764    }
767#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
768pub(crate) struct HybridCache(
769    #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")] Option<hybrid::regex::Cache>,
770    #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))] (),
773impl HybridCache {
774    pub(crate) fn none() -> HybridCache {
775        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
776        {
777            HybridCache(None)
778        }
779        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
780        {
781            HybridCache(())
782        }
783    }
785    pub(crate) fn new(builder: &Hybrid) -> HybridCache {
786        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
787        {
788            HybridCache(builder.0.as_ref().map(|e| e.0.create_cache()))
789        }
790        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
791        {
792            HybridCache(())
793        }
794    }
796    pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self, builder: &Hybrid) {
797        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
798        if let Some(ref e) = builder.0 {
799            self.0.as_mut().unwrap().reset(&e.0);
800        }
801    }
803    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
804        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
805        {
806            self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |c| c.memory_usage())
807        }
808        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
809        {
810            0
811        }
812    }
816pub(crate) struct DFA(Option<DFAEngine>);
818impl DFA {
819    pub(crate) fn none() -> DFA {
820        DFA(None)
821    }
823    pub(crate) fn new(
824        info: &RegexInfo,
825        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
826        nfa: &NFA,
827        nfarev: &NFA,
828    ) -> DFA {
829        DFA(DFAEngine::new(info, pre, nfa, nfarev))
830    }
832    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
833    pub(crate) fn get(&self, _input: &Input<'_>) -> Option<&DFAEngine> {
834        let engine = self.0.as_ref()?;
835        Some(engine)
836    }
838    pub(crate) fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
839        self.0.is_some()
840    }
842    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
843        self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |e| e.memory_usage())
844    }
848pub(crate) struct DFAEngine(
849    #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")] dfa::regex::Regex,
850    #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))] (),
853impl DFAEngine {
854    pub(crate) fn new(
855        info: &RegexInfo,
856        pre: Option<Prefilter>,
857        nfa: &NFA,
858        nfarev: &NFA,
859    ) -> Option<DFAEngine> {
860        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
861        {
862            if !info.config().get_dfa() {
863                return None;
864            }
865            // If our NFA is anything but small, don't even bother with a DFA.
866            if let Some(state_limit) = info.config().get_dfa_state_limit() {
867                if nfa.states().len() > state_limit {
868                    debug!(
869                        "skipping full DFA because NFA has {} states, \
870                         which exceeds the heuristic limit of {}",
871                        nfa.states().len(),
872                        state_limit,
873                    );
874                    return None;
875                }
876            }
877            // We cut the size limit in four because the total heap used by
878            // DFA construction is determinization aux memory and the DFA
879            // itself, and those things are configured independently in the
880            // lower level DFA builder API. And then split that in two because
881            // of forward and reverse DFAs.
882            let size_limit = info.config().get_dfa_size_limit().map(|n| n / 4);
883            let dfa_config = dfa::dense::Config::new()
884                .match_kind(info.config().get_match_kind())
885                .prefilter(pre.clone())
886                // Enabling this is necessary for ensuring we can service any
887                // kind of 'Input' search without error. For the full DFA, this
888                // can be quite costly. But since we have such a small bound
889                // on the size of the DFA, in practice, any multl-regexes are
890                // probably going to blow the limit anyway.
891                .starts_for_each_pattern(true)
892                .byte_classes(info.config().get_byte_classes())
893                .unicode_word_boundary(true)
894                .specialize_start_states(pre.is_some())
895                .determinize_size_limit(size_limit)
896                .dfa_size_limit(size_limit);
897            let result = dfa::dense::Builder::new()
898                .configure(dfa_config.clone())
899                .build_from_nfa(&nfa);
900            let fwd = match result {
901                Ok(fwd) => fwd,
902                Err(_err) => {
903                    debug!("forward full DFA failed to build: {}", _err);
904                    return None;
905                }
906            };
907            let result = dfa::dense::Builder::new()
908                .configure(
909                    dfa_config
910                        .clone()
911                        // We never need unanchored reverse searches, so
912                        // there's no point in building it into the DFA, which
913                        // WILL take more space. (This isn't done for the lazy
914                        // DFA because the DFA is, well, lazy. It doesn't pay
915                        // the cost for supporting unanchored searches unless
916                        // you actually do an unanchored search, which we
917                        // don't.)
918                        .start_kind(dfa::StartKind::Anchored)
919                        .match_kind(MatchKind::All)
920                        .prefilter(None)
921                        .specialize_start_states(false),
922                )
923                .build_from_nfa(&nfarev);
924            let rev = match result {
925                Ok(rev) => rev,
926                Err(_err) => {
927                    debug!("reverse full DFA failed to build: {}", _err);
928                    return None;
929                }
930            };
931            let engine = dfa::regex::Builder::new().build_from_dfas(fwd, rev);
932            debug!(
933                "fully compiled forward and reverse DFAs built, {} bytes",
934                engine.forward().memory_usage()
935                    + engine.reverse().memory_usage(),
936            );
937            Some(DFAEngine(engine))
938        }
939        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
940        {
941            None
942        }
943    }
945    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
946    pub(crate) fn try_search(
947        &self,
948        input: &Input<'_>,
949    ) -> Result<Option<Match>, RetryFailError> {
950        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
951        {
952            self.0.try_search(input).map_err(|e| e.into())
953        }
954        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
955        {
956            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
957            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
958            unreachable!()
959        }
960    }
962    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
963    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_fwd(
964        &self,
965        input: &Input<'_>,
966    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryFailError> {
967        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
968        {
969            use crate::dfa::Automaton;
970            self.0.forward().try_search_fwd(input).map_err(|e| e.into())
971        }
972        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
973        {
974            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
975            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
976            unreachable!()
977        }
978    }
980    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
981    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_fwd_stopat(
982        &self,
983        input: &Input<'_>,
984    ) -> Result<Result<HalfMatch, usize>, RetryFailError> {
985        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
986        {
987            let dfa = self.0.forward();
988            crate::meta::stopat::dfa_try_search_half_fwd(dfa, input)
989        }
990        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
991        {
992            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
993            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
994            unreachable!()
995        }
996    }
998    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
999    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_rev(
1000        &self,
1001        input: &Input<'_>,
1002    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryFailError> {
1003        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
1004        {
1005            use crate::dfa::Automaton;
1006            self.0.reverse().try_search_rev(&input).map_err(|e| e.into())
1007        }
1008        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
1009        {
1010            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
1011            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
1012            unreachable!()
1013        }
1014    }
1016    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
1017    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_rev_limited(
1018        &self,
1019        input: &Input<'_>,
1020        min_start: usize,
1021    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryError> {
1022        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
1023        {
1024            let dfa = self.0.reverse();
1025            crate::meta::limited::dfa_try_search_half_rev(
1026                dfa, input, min_start,
1027            )
1028        }
1029        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
1030        {
1031            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
1032            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
1033            unreachable!()
1034        }
1035    }
1037    #[inline]
1038    pub(crate) fn try_which_overlapping_matches(
1039        &self,
1040        input: &Input<'_>,
1041        patset: &mut PatternSet,
1042    ) -> Result<(), RetryFailError> {
1043        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
1044        {
1045            use crate::dfa::Automaton;
1046            self.0
1047                .forward()
1048                .try_which_overlapping_matches(input, patset)
1049                .map_err(|e| e.into())
1050        }
1051        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
1052        {
1053            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
1054            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
1055            unreachable!()
1056        }
1057    }
1059    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
1060        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
1061        {
1062            self.0.forward().memory_usage() + self.0.reverse().memory_usage()
1063        }
1064        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
1065        {
1066            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
1067            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
1068            unreachable!()
1069        }
1070    }
1074pub(crate) struct ReverseHybrid(Option<ReverseHybridEngine>);
1076impl ReverseHybrid {
1077    pub(crate) fn none() -> ReverseHybrid {
1078        ReverseHybrid(None)
1079    }
1081    pub(crate) fn new(info: &RegexInfo, nfarev: &NFA) -> ReverseHybrid {
1082        ReverseHybrid(ReverseHybridEngine::new(info, nfarev))
1083    }
1085    pub(crate) fn create_cache(&self) -> ReverseHybridCache {
1086        ReverseHybridCache::new(self)
1087    }
1089    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
1090    pub(crate) fn get(
1091        &self,
1092        _input: &Input<'_>,
1093    ) -> Option<&ReverseHybridEngine> {
1094        let engine = self.0.as_ref()?;
1095        Some(engine)
1096    }
1100pub(crate) struct ReverseHybridEngine(
1101    #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")] hybrid::dfa::DFA,
1102    #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))] (),
1105impl ReverseHybridEngine {
1106    pub(crate) fn new(
1107        info: &RegexInfo,
1108        nfarev: &NFA,
1109    ) -> Option<ReverseHybridEngine> {
1110        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
1111        {
1112            if !info.config().get_hybrid() {
1113                return None;
1114            }
1115            // Since we only use this for reverse searches, we can hard-code
1116            // a number of things like match semantics, prefilters, starts
1117            // for each pattern and so on.
1118            let dfa_config = hybrid::dfa::Config::new()
1119                .match_kind(MatchKind::All)
1120                .prefilter(None)
1121                .starts_for_each_pattern(false)
1122                .byte_classes(info.config().get_byte_classes())
1123                .unicode_word_boundary(true)
1124                .specialize_start_states(false)
1125                .cache_capacity(info.config().get_hybrid_cache_capacity())
1126                .skip_cache_capacity_check(false)
1127                .minimum_cache_clear_count(Some(3))
1128                .minimum_bytes_per_state(Some(10));
1129            let result = hybrid::dfa::Builder::new()
1130                .configure(dfa_config)
1131                .build_from_nfa(nfarev.clone());
1132            let rev = match result {
1133                Ok(rev) => rev,
1134                Err(_err) => {
1135                    debug!("lazy reverse DFA failed to build: {}", _err);
1136                    return None;
1137                }
1138            };
1139            debug!("lazy reverse DFA built");
1140            Some(ReverseHybridEngine(rev))
1141        }
1142        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
1143        {
1144            None
1145        }
1146    }
1148    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
1149    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_rev_limited(
1150        &self,
1151        cache: &mut ReverseHybridCache,
1152        input: &Input<'_>,
1153        min_start: usize,
1154    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryError> {
1155        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
1156        {
1157            let dfa = &self.0;
1158            let mut cache = cache.0.as_mut().unwrap();
1159            crate::meta::limited::hybrid_try_search_half_rev(
1160                dfa, &mut cache, input, min_start,
1161            )
1162        }
1163        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
1164        {
1165            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
1166            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
1167            unreachable!()
1168        }
1169    }
1172#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
1173pub(crate) struct ReverseHybridCache(
1174    #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")] Option<hybrid::dfa::Cache>,
1175    #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))] (),
1178impl ReverseHybridCache {
1179    pub(crate) fn none() -> ReverseHybridCache {
1180        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
1181        {
1182            ReverseHybridCache(None)
1183        }
1184        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
1185        {
1186            ReverseHybridCache(())
1187        }
1188    }
1190    pub(crate) fn new(builder: &ReverseHybrid) -> ReverseHybridCache {
1191        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
1192        {
1193            ReverseHybridCache(builder.0.as_ref().map(|e| e.0.create_cache()))
1194        }
1195        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
1196        {
1197            ReverseHybridCache(())
1198        }
1199    }
1201    pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self, builder: &ReverseHybrid) {
1202        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
1203        if let Some(ref e) = builder.0 {
1204            self.0.as_mut().unwrap().reset(&e.0);
1205        }
1206    }
1208    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
1209        #[cfg(feature = "hybrid")]
1210        {
1211            self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |c| c.memory_usage())
1212        }
1213        #[cfg(not(feature = "hybrid"))]
1214        {
1215            0
1216        }
1217    }
1221pub(crate) struct ReverseDFA(Option<ReverseDFAEngine>);
1223impl ReverseDFA {
1224    pub(crate) fn none() -> ReverseDFA {
1225        ReverseDFA(None)
1226    }
1228    pub(crate) fn new(info: &RegexInfo, nfarev: &NFA) -> ReverseDFA {
1229        ReverseDFA(ReverseDFAEngine::new(info, nfarev))
1230    }
1232    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
1233    pub(crate) fn get(&self, _input: &Input<'_>) -> Option<&ReverseDFAEngine> {
1234        let engine = self.0.as_ref()?;
1235        Some(engine)
1236    }
1238    pub(crate) fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
1239        self.0.is_some()
1240    }
1242    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
1243        self.0.as_ref().map_or(0, |e| e.memory_usage())
1244    }
1248pub(crate) struct ReverseDFAEngine(
1249    #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")] dfa::dense::DFA<Vec<u32>>,
1250    #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))] (),
1253impl ReverseDFAEngine {
1254    pub(crate) fn new(
1255        info: &RegexInfo,
1256        nfarev: &NFA,
1257    ) -> Option<ReverseDFAEngine> {
1258        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
1259        {
1260            if !info.config().get_dfa() {
1261                return None;
1262            }
1263            // If our NFA is anything but small, don't even bother with a DFA.
1264            if let Some(state_limit) = info.config().get_dfa_state_limit() {
1265                if nfarev.states().len() > state_limit {
1266                    debug!(
1267                        "skipping full reverse DFA because NFA has {} states, \
1268                         which exceeds the heuristic limit of {}",
1269                        nfarev.states().len(),
1270                        state_limit,
1271					);
1272                    return None;
1273                }
1274            }
1275            // We cut the size limit in two because the total heap used by DFA
1276            // construction is determinization aux memory and the DFA itself,
1277            // and those things are configured independently in the lower level
1278            // DFA builder API.
1279            let size_limit = info.config().get_dfa_size_limit().map(|n| n / 2);
1280            // Since we only use this for reverse searches, we can hard-code
1281            // a number of things like match semantics, prefilters, starts
1282            // for each pattern and so on. We also disable acceleration since
1283            // it's incompatible with limited searches (which is the only
1284            // operation we support for this kind of engine at the moment).
1285            let dfa_config = dfa::dense::Config::new()
1286                .match_kind(MatchKind::All)
1287                .prefilter(None)
1288                .accelerate(false)
1289                .start_kind(dfa::StartKind::Anchored)
1290                .starts_for_each_pattern(false)
1291                .byte_classes(info.config().get_byte_classes())
1292                .unicode_word_boundary(true)
1293                .specialize_start_states(false)
1294                .determinize_size_limit(size_limit)
1295                .dfa_size_limit(size_limit);
1296            let result = dfa::dense::Builder::new()
1297                .configure(dfa_config)
1298                .build_from_nfa(&nfarev);
1299            let rev = match result {
1300                Ok(rev) => rev,
1301                Err(_err) => {
1302                    debug!("full reverse DFA failed to build: {}", _err);
1303                    return None;
1304                }
1305            };
1306            debug!(
1307                "fully compiled reverse DFA built, {} bytes",
1308                rev.memory_usage()
1309            );
1310            Some(ReverseDFAEngine(rev))
1311        }
1312        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
1313        {
1314            None
1315        }
1316    }
1318    #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
1319    pub(crate) fn try_search_half_rev_limited(
1320        &self,
1321        input: &Input<'_>,
1322        min_start: usize,
1323    ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, RetryError> {
1324        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
1325        {
1326            let dfa = &self.0;
1327            crate::meta::limited::dfa_try_search_half_rev(
1328                dfa, input, min_start,
1329            )
1330        }
1331        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
1332        {
1333            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
1334            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
1335            unreachable!()
1336        }
1337    }
1339    pub(crate) fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
1340        #[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
1341        {
1342            self.0.memory_usage()
1343        }
1344        #[cfg(not(feature = "dfa-build"))]
1345        {
1346            // Impossible to reach because this engine is never constructed
1347            // if the requisite features aren't enabled.
1348            unreachable!()
1349        }
1350    }