
2Provides literal extraction from `Hir` expressions.
4An [`Extractor`] pulls literals out of [`Hir`] expressions and returns a
5[`Seq`] of [`Literal`]s.
7The purpose of literal extraction is generally to provide avenues for
8optimizing regex searches. The main idea is that substring searches can be an
9order of magnitude faster than a regex search. Therefore, if one can execute
10a substring search to find candidate match locations and only run the regex
11search at those locations, then it is possible for huge improvements in
12performance to be realized.
14With that said, literal optimizations are generally a black art because even
15though substring search is generally faster, if the number of candidates
16produced is high, then it can create a lot of overhead by ping-ponging between
17the substring search and the regex search.
19Here are some heuristics that might be used to help increase the chances of
20effective literal optimizations:
22* Stick to small [`Seq`]s. If you search for too many literals, it's likely
23to lead to substring search that is only a little faster than a regex search,
24and thus the overhead of using literal optimizations in the first place might
25make things slower overall.
26* The literals in your [`Seq`] shouldn't be too short. In general, longer is
27better. A sequence corresponding to single bytes that occur frequently in the
28haystack, for example, is probably a bad literal optimization because it's
29likely to produce many false positive candidates. Longer literals are less
30likely to match, and thus probably produce fewer false positives.
31* If it's possible to estimate the approximate frequency of each byte according
32to some pre-computed background distribution, it is possible to compute a score
33of how "good" a `Seq` is. If a `Seq` isn't good enough, you might consider
34skipping the literal optimization and just use the regex engine.
36(It should be noted that there are always pathological cases that can make
37any kind of literal optimization be a net slower result. This is why it
38might be a good idea to be conservative, or to even provide a means for
39literal optimizations to be dynamically disabled if they are determined to be
40ineffective according to some measure.)
42You're encouraged to explore the methods on [`Seq`], which permit shrinking
43the size of sequences in a preference-order preserving fashion.
45Finally, note that it isn't strictly necessary to use an [`Extractor`]. Namely,
46an `Extractor` only uses public APIs of the [`Seq`] and [`Literal`] types,
47so it is possible to implement your own extractor. For example, for n-grams
48or "inner" literals (i.e., not prefix or suffix literals). The `Extractor`
49is mostly responsible for the case analysis over `Hir` expressions. Much of
50the "trickier" parts are how to combine literal sequences, and that is all
51implemented on [`Seq`].
54use core::{cmp, mem, num::NonZeroUsize};
56use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
58use crate::hir::{self, Hir};
60/// Extracts prefix or suffix literal sequences from [`Hir`] expressions.
62/// Literal extraction is based on the following observations:
64/// * Many regexes start with one or a small number of literals.
65/// * Substring search for literals is often much faster (sometimes by an order
66/// of magnitude) than a regex search.
68/// Thus, in many cases, one can search for literals to find candidate starting
69/// locations of a match, and then only run the full regex engine at each such
70/// location instead of over the full haystack.
72/// The main downside of literal extraction is that it can wind up causing a
73/// search to be slower overall. For example, if there are many matches or if
74/// there are many candidates that don't ultimately lead to a match, then a
75/// lot of overhead will be spent in shuffing back-and-forth between substring
76/// search and the regex engine. This is the fundamental reason why literal
77/// optimizations for regex patterns is sometimes considered a "black art."
79/// # Look-around assertions
81/// Literal extraction treats all look-around assertions as-if they match every
82/// empty string. So for example, the regex `\bquux\b` will yield a sequence
83/// containing a single exact literal `quux`. However, not all occurrences
84/// of `quux` correspond to a match a of the regex. For example, `\bquux\b`
85/// does not match `ZquuxZ` anywhere because `quux` does not fall on a word
86/// boundary.
88/// In effect, if your regex contains look-around assertions, then a match of
89/// an exact literal does not necessarily mean the regex overall matches. So
90/// you may still need to run the regex engine in such cases to confirm the
91/// match.
93/// The precise guarantee you get from a literal sequence is: if every literal
94/// in the sequence is exact and the original regex contains zero look-around
95/// assertions, then a preference-order multi-substring search of those
96/// literals will precisely match a preference-order search of the original
97/// regex.
99/// # Example
101/// This shows how to extract prefixes:
103/// ```
104/// use regex_syntax::{hir::literal::{Extractor, Literal, Seq}, parse};
106/// let hir = parse(r"(a|b|c)(x|y|z)[A-Z]+foo")?;
107/// let got = Extractor::new().extract(&hir);
108/// // All literals returned are "inexact" because none of them reach the
109/// // match state.
110/// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
111///     Literal::inexact("ax"),
112///     Literal::inexact("ay"),
113///     Literal::inexact("az"),
114///     Literal::inexact("bx"),
115///     Literal::inexact("by"),
116///     Literal::inexact("bz"),
117///     Literal::inexact("cx"),
118///     Literal::inexact("cy"),
119///     Literal::inexact("cz"),
120/// ]);
121/// assert_eq!(expected, got);
123/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
124/// ```
126/// This shows how to extract suffixes:
128/// ```
129/// use regex_syntax::{
130///     hir::literal::{Extractor, ExtractKind, Literal, Seq},
131///     parse,
132/// };
134/// let hir = parse(r"foo|[A-Z]+bar")?;
135/// let got = Extractor::new().kind(ExtractKind::Suffix).extract(&hir);
136/// // Since 'foo' gets to a match state, it is considered exact. But 'bar'
137/// // does not because of the '[A-Z]+', and thus is marked inexact.
138/// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
139///     Literal::exact("foo"),
140///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
141/// ]);
142/// assert_eq!(expected, got);
144/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
145/// ```
146#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
147pub struct Extractor {
148    kind: ExtractKind,
149    limit_class: usize,
150    limit_repeat: usize,
151    limit_literal_len: usize,
152    limit_total: usize,
155impl Extractor {
156    /// Create a new extractor with a default configuration.
157    ///
158    /// The extractor can be optionally configured before calling
159    /// [`Extractor::extract`] to get a literal sequence.
160    pub fn new() -> Extractor {
161        Extractor {
162            kind: ExtractKind::Prefix,
163            limit_class: 10,
164            limit_repeat: 10,
165            limit_literal_len: 100,
166            limit_total: 250,
167        }
168    }
170    /// Execute the extractor and return a sequence of literals.
171    pub fn extract(&self, hir: &Hir) -> Seq {
172        use crate::hir::HirKind::*;
174        match *hir.kind() {
175            Empty | Look(_) => Seq::singleton(self::Literal::exact(vec![])),
176            Literal(hir::Literal(ref bytes)) => {
177                let mut seq =
178                    Seq::singleton(self::Literal::exact(bytes.to_vec()));
179                self.enforce_literal_len(&mut seq);
180                seq
181            }
182            Class(hir::Class::Unicode(ref cls)) => {
183                self.extract_class_unicode(cls)
184            }
185            Class(hir::Class::Bytes(ref cls)) => self.extract_class_bytes(cls),
186            Repetition(ref rep) => self.extract_repetition(rep),
187            Capture(hir::Capture { ref sub, .. }) => self.extract(sub),
188            Concat(ref hirs) => match self.kind {
189                ExtractKind::Prefix => self.extract_concat(hirs.iter()),
190                ExtractKind::Suffix => self.extract_concat(hirs.iter().rev()),
191            },
192            Alternation(ref hirs) => {
193                // Unlike concat, we always union starting from the beginning,
194                // since the beginning corresponds to the highest preference,
195                // which doesn't change based on forwards vs reverse.
196                self.extract_alternation(hirs.iter())
197            }
198        }
199    }
201    /// Set the kind of literal sequence to extract from an [`Hir`] expression.
202    ///
203    /// The default is to extract prefixes, but suffixes can be selected
204    /// instead. The contract for prefixes is that every match of the
205    /// corresponding `Hir` must start with one of the literals in the sequence
206    /// returned. Moreover, the _order_ of the sequence returned corresponds to
207    /// the preference order.
208    ///
209    /// Suffixes satisfy a similar contract in that every match of the
210    /// corresponding `Hir` must end with one of the literals in the sequence
211    /// returned. However, there is no guarantee that the literals are in
212    /// preference order.
213    ///
214    /// Remember that a sequence can be infinite. For example, unless the
215    /// limits are configured to be impractically large, attempting to extract
216    /// prefixes (or suffixes) for the pattern `[A-Z]` will return an infinite
217    /// sequence. Generally speaking, if the sequence returned is infinite,
218    /// then it is presumed to be unwise to do prefix (or suffix) optimizations
219    /// for the pattern.
220    pub fn kind(&mut self, kind: ExtractKind) -> &mut Extractor {
221        self.kind = kind;
222        self
223    }
225    /// Configure a limit on the length of the sequence that is permitted for
226    /// a character class. If a character class exceeds this limit, then the
227    /// sequence returned for it is infinite.
228    ///
229    /// This prevents classes like `[A-Z]` or `\pL` from getting turned into
230    /// huge and likely unproductive sequences of literals.
231    ///
232    /// # Example
233    ///
234    /// This example shows how this limit can be lowered to decrease the tolerance
235    /// for character classes being turned into literal sequences.
236    ///
237    /// ```
238    /// use regex_syntax::{hir::literal::{Extractor, Seq}, parse};
239    ///
240    /// let hir = parse(r"[0-9]")?;
241    ///
242    /// let got = Extractor::new().extract(&hir);
243    /// let expected = Seq::new([
244    ///     "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
245    /// ]);
246    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
247    ///
248    /// // Now let's shrink the limit and see how that changes things.
249    /// let got = Extractor::new().limit_class(4).extract(&hir);
250    /// let expected = Seq::infinite();
251    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
252    ///
253    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
254    /// ```
255    pub fn limit_class(&mut self, limit: usize) -> &mut Extractor {
256        self.limit_class = limit;
257        self
258    }
260    /// Configure a limit on the total number of repetitions that is permitted
261    /// before literal extraction is stopped.
262    ///
263    /// This is useful for limiting things like `(abcde){50}`, or more
264    /// insidiously, `(?:){1000000000}`. This limit prevents any one single
265    /// repetition from adding too much to a literal sequence.
266    ///
267    /// With this limit set, repetitions that exceed it will be stopped and any
268    /// literals extracted up to that point will be made inexact.
269    ///
270    /// # Example
271    ///
272    /// This shows how to decrease the limit and compares it with the default.
273    ///
274    /// ```
275    /// use regex_syntax::{hir::literal::{Extractor, Literal, Seq}, parse};
276    ///
277    /// let hir = parse(r"(abc){8}")?;
278    ///
279    /// let got = Extractor::new().extract(&hir);
280    /// let expected = Seq::new(["abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc"]);
281    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
282    ///
283    /// // Now let's shrink the limit and see how that changes things.
284    /// let got = Extractor::new().limit_repeat(4).extract(&hir);
285    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
286    ///     Literal::inexact("abcabcabcabc"),
287    /// ]);
288    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
289    ///
290    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
291    /// ```
292    pub fn limit_repeat(&mut self, limit: usize) -> &mut Extractor {
293        self.limit_repeat = limit;
294        self
295    }
297    /// Configure a limit on the maximum length of any literal in a sequence.
298    ///
299    /// This is useful for limiting things like `(abcde){5}{5}{5}{5}`. While
300    /// each repetition or literal in that regex is small, when all the
301    /// repetitions are applied, one ends up with a literal of length `5^4 =
302    /// 625`.
303    ///
304    /// With this limit set, literals that exceed it will be made inexact and
305    /// thus prevented from growing.
306    ///
307    /// # Example
308    ///
309    /// This shows how to decrease the limit and compares it with the default.
310    ///
311    /// ```
312    /// use regex_syntax::{hir::literal::{Extractor, Literal, Seq}, parse};
313    ///
314    /// let hir = parse(r"(abc){2}{2}{2}")?;
315    ///
316    /// let got = Extractor::new().extract(&hir);
317    /// let expected = Seq::new(["abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc"]);
318    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
319    ///
320    /// // Now let's shrink the limit and see how that changes things.
321    /// let got = Extractor::new().limit_literal_len(14).extract(&hir);
322    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
323    ///     Literal::inexact("abcabcabcabcab"),
324    /// ]);
325    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
326    ///
327    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
328    /// ```
329    pub fn limit_literal_len(&mut self, limit: usize) -> &mut Extractor {
330        self.limit_literal_len = limit;
331        self
332    }
334    /// Configure a limit on the total number of literals that will be
335    /// returned.
336    ///
337    /// This is useful as a practical measure for avoiding the creation of
338    /// large sequences of literals. While the extractor will automatically
339    /// handle local creations of large sequences (for example, `[A-Z]` yields
340    /// an infinite sequence by default), large sequences can be created
341    /// through non-local means as well.
342    ///
343    /// For example, `[ab]{3}{3}` would yield a sequence of length `512 = 2^9`
344    /// despite each of the repetitions being small on their own. This limit
345    /// thus represents a "catch all" for avoiding locally small sequences from
346    /// combining into large sequences.
347    ///
348    /// # Example
349    ///
350    /// This example shows how reducing the limit will change the literal
351    /// sequence returned.
352    ///
353    /// ```
354    /// use regex_syntax::{hir::literal::{Extractor, Literal, Seq}, parse};
355    ///
356    /// let hir = parse(r"[ab]{2}{2}")?;
357    ///
358    /// let got = Extractor::new().extract(&hir);
359    /// let expected = Seq::new([
360    ///     "aaaa", "aaab", "aaba", "aabb",
361    ///     "abaa", "abab", "abba", "abbb",
362    ///     "baaa", "baab", "baba", "babb",
363    ///     "bbaa", "bbab", "bbba", "bbbb",
364    /// ]);
365    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
366    ///
367    /// // The default limit is not too big, but big enough to extract all
368    /// // literals from '[ab]{2}{2}'. If we shrink the limit to less than 16,
369    /// // then we'll get a truncated set. Notice that it returns a sequence of
370    /// // length 4 even though our limit was 10. This is because the sequence
371    /// // is difficult to increase without blowing the limit. Notice also
372    /// // that every literal in the sequence is now inexact because they were
373    /// // stripped of some suffix.
374    /// let got = Extractor::new().limit_total(10).extract(&hir);
375    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
376    ///     Literal::inexact("aa"),
377    ///     Literal::inexact("ab"),
378    ///     Literal::inexact("ba"),
379    ///     Literal::inexact("bb"),
380    /// ]);
381    /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
382    ///
383    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
384    /// ```
385    pub fn limit_total(&mut self, limit: usize) -> &mut Extractor {
386        self.limit_total = limit;
387        self
388    }
390    /// Extract a sequence from the given concatenation. Sequences from each of
391    /// the child HIR expressions are combined via cross product.
392    ///
393    /// This short circuits once the cross product turns into a sequence
394    /// containing only inexact literals.
395    fn extract_concat<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a Hir>>(&self, it: I) -> Seq {
396        let mut seq = Seq::singleton(self::Literal::exact(vec![]));
397        for hir in it {
398            // If every element in the sequence is inexact, then a cross
399            // product will always be a no-op. Thus, there is nothing else we
400            // can add to it and can quit early. Note that this also includes
401            // infinite sequences.
402            if seq.is_inexact() {
403                break;
404            }
405            // Note that 'cross' also dispatches based on whether we're
406            // extracting prefixes or suffixes.
407            seq = self.cross(seq, &mut self.extract(hir));
408        }
409        seq
410    }
412    /// Extract a sequence from the given alternation.
413    ///
414    /// This short circuits once the union turns into an infinite sequence.
415    fn extract_alternation<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a Hir>>(
416        &self,
417        it: I,
418    ) -> Seq {
419        let mut seq = Seq::empty();
420        for hir in it {
421            // Once our 'seq' is infinite, every subsequent union
422            // operation on it will itself always result in an
423            // infinite sequence. Thus, it can never change and we can
424            // short-circuit.
425            if !seq.is_finite() {
426                break;
427            }
428            seq = self.union(seq, &mut self.extract(hir));
429        }
430        seq
431    }
433    /// Extract a sequence of literals from the given repetition. We do our
434    /// best, Some examples:
435    ///
436    ///   'a*'    => [inexact(a), exact("")]
437    ///   'a*?'   => [exact(""), inexact(a)]
438    ///   'a+'    => [inexact(a)]
439    ///   'a{3}'  => [exact(aaa)]
440    ///   'a{3,5} => [inexact(aaa)]
441    ///
442    /// The key here really is making sure we get the 'inexact' vs 'exact'
443    /// attributes correct on each of the literals we add. For example, the
444    /// fact that 'a*' gives us an inexact 'a' and an exact empty string means
445    /// that a regex like 'ab*c' will result in [inexact(ab), exact(ac)]
446    /// literals being extracted, which might actually be a better prefilter
447    /// than just 'a'.
448    fn extract_repetition(&self, rep: &hir::Repetition) -> Seq {
449        let mut subseq = self.extract(&rep.sub);
450        match *rep {
451            hir::Repetition { min: 0, max, greedy, .. } => {
452                // When 'max=1', we can retain exactness, since 'a?' is
453                // equivalent to 'a|'. Similarly below, 'a??' is equivalent to
454                // '|a'.
455                if max != Some(1) {
456                    subseq.make_inexact();
457                }
458                let mut empty = Seq::singleton(Literal::exact(vec![]));
459                if !greedy {
460                    mem::swap(&mut subseq, &mut empty);
461                }
462                self.union(subseq, &mut empty)
463            }
464            hir::Repetition { min, max: Some(max), .. } if min == max => {
465                assert!(min > 0); // handled above
466                let limit =
467                    u32::try_from(self.limit_repeat).unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
468                let mut seq = Seq::singleton(Literal::exact(vec![]));
469                for _ in 0..cmp::min(min, limit) {
470                    if seq.is_inexact() {
471                        break;
472                    }
473                    seq = self.cross(seq, &mut subseq.clone());
474                }
475                if usize::try_from(min).is_err() || min > limit {
476                    seq.make_inexact();
477                }
478                seq
479            }
480            hir::Repetition { min, .. } => {
481                assert!(min > 0); // handled above
482                let limit =
483                    u32::try_from(self.limit_repeat).unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
484                let mut seq = Seq::singleton(Literal::exact(vec![]));
485                for _ in 0..cmp::min(min, limit) {
486                    if seq.is_inexact() {
487                        break;
488                    }
489                    seq = self.cross(seq, &mut subseq.clone());
490                }
491                seq.make_inexact();
492                seq
493            }
494        }
495    }
497    /// Convert the given Unicode class into a sequence of literals if the
498    /// class is small enough. If the class is too big, return an infinite
499    /// sequence.
500    fn extract_class_unicode(&self, cls: &hir::ClassUnicode) -> Seq {
501        if self.class_over_limit_unicode(cls) {
502            return Seq::infinite();
503        }
504        let mut seq = Seq::empty();
505        for r in cls.iter() {
506            for ch in r.start()..=r.end() {
507                seq.push(Literal::from(ch));
508            }
509        }
510        self.enforce_literal_len(&mut seq);
511        seq
512    }
514    /// Convert the given byte class into a sequence of literals if the class
515    /// is small enough. If the class is too big, return an infinite sequence.
516    fn extract_class_bytes(&self, cls: &hir::ClassBytes) -> Seq {
517        if self.class_over_limit_bytes(cls) {
518            return Seq::infinite();
519        }
520        let mut seq = Seq::empty();
521        for r in cls.iter() {
522            for b in r.start()..=r.end() {
523                seq.push(Literal::from(b));
524            }
525        }
526        self.enforce_literal_len(&mut seq);
527        seq
528    }
530    /// Returns true if the given Unicode class exceeds the configured limits
531    /// on this extractor.
532    fn class_over_limit_unicode(&self, cls: &hir::ClassUnicode) -> bool {
533        let mut count = 0;
534        for r in cls.iter() {
535            if count > self.limit_class {
536                return true;
537            }
538            count += r.len();
539        }
540        count > self.limit_class
541    }
543    /// Returns true if the given byte class exceeds the configured limits on
544    /// this extractor.
545    fn class_over_limit_bytes(&self, cls: &hir::ClassBytes) -> bool {
546        let mut count = 0;
547        for r in cls.iter() {
548            if count > self.limit_class {
549                return true;
550            }
551            count += r.len();
552        }
553        count > self.limit_class
554    }
556    /// Compute the cross product of the two sequences if the result would be
557    /// within configured limits. Otherwise, make `seq2` infinite and cross the
558    /// infinite sequence with `seq1`.
559    fn cross(&self, mut seq1: Seq, seq2: &mut Seq) -> Seq {
560        if seq1.max_cross_len(seq2).map_or(false, |len| len > self.limit_total)
561        {
562            seq2.make_infinite();
563        }
564        if let ExtractKind::Suffix = self.kind {
565            seq1.cross_reverse(seq2);
566        } else {
567            seq1.cross_forward(seq2);
568        }
569        assert!(seq1.len().map_or(true, |x| x <= self.limit_total));
570        self.enforce_literal_len(&mut seq1);
571        seq1
572    }
574    /// Union the two sequences if the result would be within configured
575    /// limits. Otherwise, make `seq2` infinite and union the infinite sequence
576    /// with `seq1`.
577    fn union(&self, mut seq1: Seq, seq2: &mut Seq) -> Seq {
578        if seq1.max_union_len(seq2).map_or(false, |len| len > self.limit_total)
579        {
580            // We try to trim our literal sequences to see if we can make
581            // room for more literals. The idea is that we'd rather trim down
582            // literals already in our sequence if it means we can add a few
583            // more and retain a finite sequence. Otherwise, we'll union with
584            // an infinite sequence and that infects everything and effectively
585            // stops literal extraction in its tracks.
586            //
587            // We do we keep 4 bytes here? Well, it's a bit of an abstraction
588            // leakage. Downstream, the literals may wind up getting fed to
589            // the Teddy algorithm, which supports searching literals up to
590            // length 4. So that's why we pick that number here. Arguably this
591            // should be a tuneable parameter, but it seems a little tricky to
592            // describe. And I'm still unsure if this is the right way to go
593            // about culling literal sequences.
594            match self.kind {
595                ExtractKind::Prefix => {
596                    seq1.keep_first_bytes(4);
597                    seq2.keep_first_bytes(4);
598                }
599                ExtractKind::Suffix => {
600                    seq1.keep_last_bytes(4);
601                    seq2.keep_last_bytes(4);
602                }
603            }
604            seq1.dedup();
605            seq2.dedup();
606            if seq1
607                .max_union_len(seq2)
608                .map_or(false, |len| len > self.limit_total)
609            {
610                seq2.make_infinite();
611            }
612        }
613        seq1.union(seq2);
614        assert!(seq1.len().map_or(true, |x| x <= self.limit_total));
615        seq1
616    }
618    /// Applies the literal length limit to the given sequence. If none of the
619    /// literals in the sequence exceed the limit, then this is a no-op.
620    fn enforce_literal_len(&self, seq: &mut Seq) {
621        let len = self.limit_literal_len;
622        match self.kind {
623            ExtractKind::Prefix => seq.keep_first_bytes(len),
624            ExtractKind::Suffix => seq.keep_last_bytes(len),
625        }
626    }
629impl Default for Extractor {
630    fn default() -> Extractor {
631        Extractor::new()
632    }
635/// The kind of literals to extract from an [`Hir`] expression.
637/// The default extraction kind is `Prefix`.
639#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
640pub enum ExtractKind {
641    /// Extracts only prefix literals from a regex.
642    Prefix,
643    /// Extracts only suffix literals from a regex.
644    ///
645    /// Note that the sequence returned by suffix literals currently may
646    /// not correctly represent leftmost-first or "preference" order match
647    /// semantics.
648    Suffix,
651impl ExtractKind {
652    /// Returns true if this kind is the `Prefix` variant.
653    pub fn is_prefix(&self) -> bool {
654        matches!(*self, ExtractKind::Prefix)
655    }
657    /// Returns true if this kind is the `Suffix` variant.
658    pub fn is_suffix(&self) -> bool {
659        matches!(*self, ExtractKind::Suffix)
660    }
663impl Default for ExtractKind {
664    fn default() -> ExtractKind {
665        ExtractKind::Prefix
666    }
669/// A sequence of literals.
671/// A `Seq` is very much like a set in that it represents a union of its
672/// members. That is, it corresponds to a set of literals where at least one
673/// must match in order for a particular [`Hir`] expression to match. (Whether
674/// this corresponds to the entire `Hir` expression, a prefix of it or a suffix
675/// of it depends on how the `Seq` was extracted from the `Hir`.)
677/// It is also unlike a set in that multiple identical literals may appear,
678/// and that the order of the literals in the `Seq` matters. For example, if
679/// the sequence is `[sam, samwise]` and leftmost-first matching is used, then
680/// `samwise` can never match and the sequence is equivalent to `[sam]`.
682/// # States of a sequence
684/// A `Seq` has a few different logical states to consider:
686/// * The sequence can represent "any" literal. When this happens, the set does
687/// not have a finite size. The purpose of this state is to inhibit callers
688/// from making assumptions about what literals are required in order to match
689/// a particular [`Hir`] expression. Generally speaking, when a set is in this
690/// state, literal optimizations are inhibited. A good example of a regex that
691/// will cause this sort of set to appear is `[A-Za-z]`. The character class
692/// is just too big (and also too narrow) to be usefully expanded into 52
693/// different literals. (Note that the decision for when a seq should become
694/// infinite is determined by the caller. A seq itself has no hard-coded
695/// limits.)
696/// * The sequence can be empty, in which case, it is an affirmative statement
697/// that there are no literals that can match the corresponding `Hir`.
698/// Consequently, the `Hir` never matches any input. For example, `[a&&b]`.
699/// * The sequence can be non-empty, in which case, at least one of the
700/// literals must match in order for the corresponding `Hir` to match.
702/// # Example
704/// This example shows how literal sequences can be simplified by stripping
705/// suffixes and minimizing while maintaining preference order.
707/// ```
708/// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
710/// let mut seq = Seq::new(&[
711///     "farm",
712///     "appliance",
713///     "faraway",
714///     "apple",
715///     "fare",
716///     "gap",
717///     "applicant",
718///     "applaud",
719/// ]);
720/// seq.keep_first_bytes(3);
721/// seq.minimize_by_preference();
722/// // Notice that 'far' comes before 'app', which matches the order in the
723/// // original sequence. This guarantees that leftmost-first semantics are
724/// // not altered by simplifying the set.
725/// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
726///     Literal::inexact("far"),
727///     Literal::inexact("app"),
728///     Literal::exact("gap"),
729/// ]);
730/// assert_eq!(expected, seq);
731/// ```
732#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
733pub struct Seq {
734    /// The members of this seq.
735    ///
736    /// When `None`, the seq represents all possible literals. That is, it
737    /// prevents one from making assumptions about specific literals in the
738    /// seq, and forces one to treat it as if any literal might be in the seq.
739    ///
740    /// Note that `Some(vec![])` is valid and corresponds to the empty seq of
741    /// literals, i.e., a regex that can never match. For example, `[a&&b]`.
742    /// It is distinct from `Some(vec![""])`, which corresponds to the seq
743    /// containing an empty string, which matches at every position.
744    literals: Option<Vec<Literal>>,
747impl Seq {
748    /// Returns an empty sequence.
749    ///
750    /// An empty sequence matches zero literals, and thus corresponds to a
751    /// regex that itself can never match.
752    #[inline]
753    pub fn empty() -> Seq {
754        Seq { literals: Some(vec![]) }
755    }
757    /// Returns a sequence of literals without a finite size and may contain
758    /// any literal.
759    ///
760    /// A sequence without finite size does not reveal anything about the
761    /// characteristics of the literals in its set. There are no fixed prefixes
762    /// or suffixes, nor are lower or upper bounds on the length of the literals
763    /// in the set known.
764    ///
765    /// This is useful to represent constructs in a regex that are "too big"
766    /// to useful represent as a sequence of literals. For example, `[A-Za-z]`.
767    /// When sequences get too big, they lose their discriminating nature and
768    /// are more likely to produce false positives, which in turn makes them
769    /// less likely to speed up searches.
770    ///
771    /// More pragmatically, for many regexes, enumerating all possible literals
772    /// is itself not possible or might otherwise use too many resources. So
773    /// constraining the size of sets during extraction is a practical trade
774    /// off to make.
775    #[inline]
776    pub fn infinite() -> Seq {
777        Seq { literals: None }
778    }
780    /// Returns a sequence containing a single literal.
781    #[inline]
782    pub fn singleton(lit: Literal) -> Seq {
783        Seq { literals: Some(vec![lit]) }
784    }
786    /// Returns a sequence of exact literals from the given byte strings.
787    #[inline]
788    pub fn new<I, B>(it: I) -> Seq
789    where
790        I: IntoIterator<Item = B>,
791        B: AsRef<[u8]>,
792    {
793        it.into_iter().map(|b| Literal::exact(b.as_ref())).collect()
794    }
796    /// If this is a finite sequence, return its members as a slice of
797    /// literals.
798    ///
799    /// The slice returned may be empty, in which case, there are no literals
800    /// that can match this sequence.
801    #[inline]
802    pub fn literals(&self) -> Option<&[Literal]> {
803        self.literals.as_deref()
804    }
806    /// Push a literal to the end of this sequence.
807    ///
808    /// If this sequence is not finite, then this is a no-op.
809    ///
810    /// Similarly, if the most recently added item of this sequence is
811    /// equivalent to the literal given, then it is not added. This reflects
812    /// a `Seq`'s "set like" behavior, and represents a practical trade off.
813    /// Namely, there is never any need to have two adjacent and equivalent
814    /// literals in the same sequence, _and_ it is easy to detect in some
815    /// cases.
816    #[inline]
817    pub fn push(&mut self, lit: Literal) {
818        let lits = match self.literals {
819            None => return,
820            Some(ref mut lits) => lits,
821        };
822        if lits.last().map_or(false, |m| m == &lit) {
823            return;
824        }
825        lits.push(lit);
826    }
828    /// Make all of the literals in this sequence inexact.
829    ///
830    /// This is a no-op if this sequence is not finite.
831    #[inline]
832    pub fn make_inexact(&mut self) {
833        let lits = match self.literals {
834            None => return,
835            Some(ref mut lits) => lits,
836        };
837        for lit in lits.iter_mut() {
838            lit.make_inexact();
839        }
840    }
842    /// Converts this sequence to an infinite sequence.
843    ///
844    /// This is a no-op if the sequence is already infinite.
845    #[inline]
846    pub fn make_infinite(&mut self) {
847        self.literals = None;
848    }
850    /// Modify this sequence to contain the cross product between it and the
851    /// sequence given.
852    ///
853    /// The cross product only considers literals in this sequence that are
854    /// exact. That is, inexact literals are not extended.
855    ///
856    /// The literals are always drained from `other`, even if none are used.
857    /// This permits callers to reuse the sequence allocation elsewhere.
858    ///
859    /// If this sequence is infinite, then this is a no-op, regardless of what
860    /// `other` contains (and in this case, the literals are still drained from
861    /// `other`). If `other` is infinite and this sequence is finite, then this
862    /// is a no-op, unless this sequence contains a zero-length literal. In
863    /// which case, the infiniteness of `other` infects this sequence, and this
864    /// sequence is itself made infinite.
865    ///
866    /// Like [`Seq::union`], this may attempt to deduplicate literals. See
867    /// [`Seq::dedup`] for how deduplication deals with exact and inexact
868    /// literals.
869    ///
870    /// # Example
871    ///
872    /// This example shows basic usage and how exact and inexact literals
873    /// interact.
874    ///
875    /// ```
876    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
877    ///
878    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::from_iter([
879    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
880    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
881    /// ]);
882    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::from_iter([
883    ///     Literal::inexact("quux"),
884    ///     Literal::exact("baz"),
885    /// ]);
886    /// seq1.cross_forward(&mut seq2);
887    ///
888    /// // The literals are pulled out of seq2.
889    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
890    ///
891    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
892    ///     Literal::inexact("fooquux"),
893    ///     Literal::exact("foobaz"),
894    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
895    /// ]);
896    /// assert_eq!(expected, seq1);
897    /// ```
898    ///
899    /// This example shows the behavior of when `other` is an infinite
900    /// sequence.
901    ///
902    /// ```
903    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
904    ///
905    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::from_iter([
906    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
907    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
908    /// ]);
909    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::infinite();
910    /// seq1.cross_forward(&mut seq2);
911    ///
912    /// // When seq2 is infinite, cross product doesn't add anything, but
913    /// // ensures all members of seq1 are inexact.
914    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
915    ///     Literal::inexact("foo"),
916    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
917    /// ]);
918    /// assert_eq!(expected, seq1);
919    /// ```
920    ///
921    /// This example is like the one above, but shows what happens when this
922    /// sequence contains an empty string. In this case, an infinite `other`
923    /// sequence infects this sequence (because the empty string means that
924    /// there are no finite prefixes):
925    ///
926    /// ```
927    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
928    ///
929    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::from_iter([
930    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
931    ///     Literal::exact(""), // inexact provokes same behavior
932    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
933    /// ]);
934    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::infinite();
935    /// seq1.cross_forward(&mut seq2);
936    ///
937    /// // seq1 is now infinite!
938    /// assert!(!seq1.is_finite());
939    /// ```
940    ///
941    /// This example shows the behavior of this sequence is infinite.
942    ///
943    /// ```
944    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
945    ///
946    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::infinite();
947    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::from_iter([
948    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
949    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
950    /// ]);
951    /// seq1.cross_forward(&mut seq2);
952    ///
953    /// // seq1 remains unchanged.
954    /// assert!(!seq1.is_finite());
955    /// // Even though the literals in seq2 weren't used, it was still drained.
956    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
957    /// ```
958    #[inline]
959    pub fn cross_forward(&mut self, other: &mut Seq) {
960        let (lits1, lits2) = match self.cross_preamble(other) {
961            None => return,
962            Some((lits1, lits2)) => (lits1, lits2),
963        };
964        let newcap = lits1.len().saturating_mul(lits2.len());
965        for selflit in mem::replace(lits1, Vec::with_capacity(newcap)) {
966            if !selflit.is_exact() {
967                lits1.push(selflit);
968                continue;
969            }
970            for otherlit in lits2.iter() {
971                let mut newlit = Literal::exact(Vec::with_capacity(
972                    selflit.len() + otherlit.len(),
973                ));
974                newlit.extend(&selflit);
975                newlit.extend(&otherlit);
976                if !otherlit.is_exact() {
977                    newlit.make_inexact();
978                }
979                lits1.push(newlit);
980            }
981        }
982        lits2.drain(..);
983        self.dedup();
984    }
986    /// Modify this sequence to contain the cross product between it and
987    /// the sequence given, where the sequences are treated as suffixes
988    /// instead of prefixes. Namely, the sequence `other` is *prepended*
989    /// to `self` (as opposed to `other` being *appended* to `self` in
990    /// [`Seq::cross_forward`]).
991    ///
992    /// The cross product only considers literals in this sequence that are
993    /// exact. That is, inexact literals are not extended.
994    ///
995    /// The literals are always drained from `other`, even if none are used.
996    /// This permits callers to reuse the sequence allocation elsewhere.
997    ///
998    /// If this sequence is infinite, then this is a no-op, regardless of what
999    /// `other` contains (and in this case, the literals are still drained from
1000    /// `other`). If `other` is infinite and this sequence is finite, then this
1001    /// is a no-op, unless this sequence contains a zero-length literal. In
1002    /// which case, the infiniteness of `other` infects this sequence, and this
1003    /// sequence is itself made infinite.
1004    ///
1005    /// Like [`Seq::union`], this may attempt to deduplicate literals. See
1006    /// [`Seq::dedup`] for how deduplication deals with exact and inexact
1007    /// literals.
1008    ///
1009    /// # Example
1010    ///
1011    /// This example shows basic usage and how exact and inexact literals
1012    /// interact.
1013    ///
1014    /// ```
1015    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1016    ///
1017    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::from_iter([
1018    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
1019    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
1020    /// ]);
1021    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::from_iter([
1022    ///     Literal::inexact("quux"),
1023    ///     Literal::exact("baz"),
1024    /// ]);
1025    /// seq1.cross_reverse(&mut seq2);
1026    ///
1027    /// // The literals are pulled out of seq2.
1028    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
1029    ///
1030    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
1031    ///     Literal::inexact("quuxfoo"),
1032    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
1033    ///     Literal::exact("bazfoo"),
1034    /// ]);
1035    /// assert_eq!(expected, seq1);
1036    /// ```
1037    ///
1038    /// This example shows the behavior of when `other` is an infinite
1039    /// sequence.
1040    ///
1041    /// ```
1042    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1043    ///
1044    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::from_iter([
1045    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
1046    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
1047    /// ]);
1048    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::infinite();
1049    /// seq1.cross_reverse(&mut seq2);
1050    ///
1051    /// // When seq2 is infinite, cross product doesn't add anything, but
1052    /// // ensures all members of seq1 are inexact.
1053    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
1054    ///     Literal::inexact("foo"),
1055    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
1056    /// ]);
1057    /// assert_eq!(expected, seq1);
1058    /// ```
1059    ///
1060    /// This example is like the one above, but shows what happens when this
1061    /// sequence contains an empty string. In this case, an infinite `other`
1062    /// sequence infects this sequence (because the empty string means that
1063    /// there are no finite suffixes):
1064    ///
1065    /// ```
1066    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1067    ///
1068    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::from_iter([
1069    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
1070    ///     Literal::exact(""), // inexact provokes same behavior
1071    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
1072    /// ]);
1073    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::infinite();
1074    /// seq1.cross_reverse(&mut seq2);
1075    ///
1076    /// // seq1 is now infinite!
1077    /// assert!(!seq1.is_finite());
1078    /// ```
1079    ///
1080    /// This example shows the behavior when this sequence is infinite.
1081    ///
1082    /// ```
1083    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1084    ///
1085    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::infinite();
1086    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::from_iter([
1087    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
1088    ///     Literal::inexact("bar"),
1089    /// ]);
1090    /// seq1.cross_reverse(&mut seq2);
1091    ///
1092    /// // seq1 remains unchanged.
1093    /// assert!(!seq1.is_finite());
1094    /// // Even though the literals in seq2 weren't used, it was still drained.
1095    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
1096    /// ```
1097    #[inline]
1098    pub fn cross_reverse(&mut self, other: &mut Seq) {
1099        let (lits1, lits2) = match self.cross_preamble(other) {
1100            None => return,
1101            Some((lits1, lits2)) => (lits1, lits2),
1102        };
1103        // We basically proceed as we do in 'cross_forward' at this point,
1104        // except that the outer loop is now 'other' and the inner loop is now
1105        // 'self'. That's because 'self' corresponds to suffixes and 'other'
1106        // corresponds to the sequence we want to *prepend* to the suffixes.
1107        let newcap = lits1.len().saturating_mul(lits2.len());
1108        let selflits = mem::replace(lits1, Vec::with_capacity(newcap));
1109        for (i, otherlit) in lits2.drain(..).enumerate() {
1110            for selflit in selflits.iter() {
1111                if !selflit.is_exact() {
1112                    // If the suffix isn't exact, then we can't prepend
1113                    // anything to it. However, we still want to keep it. But
1114                    // we only want to keep one of them, to avoid duplication.
1115                    // (The duplication is okay from a correctness perspective,
1116                    // but wasteful.)
1117                    if i == 0 {
1118                        lits1.push(selflit.clone());
1119                    }
1120                    continue;
1121                }
1122                let mut newlit = Literal::exact(Vec::with_capacity(
1123                    otherlit.len() + selflit.len(),
1124                ));
1125                newlit.extend(&otherlit);
1126                newlit.extend(&selflit);
1127                if !otherlit.is_exact() {
1128                    newlit.make_inexact();
1129                }
1130                lits1.push(newlit);
1131            }
1132        }
1133        self.dedup();
1134    }
1136    /// A helper function the corresponds to the subtle preamble for both
1137    /// `cross_forward` and `cross_reverse`. In effect, it handles the cases
1138    /// of infinite sequences for both `self` and `other`, as well as ensuring
1139    /// that literals from `other` are drained even if they aren't used.
1140    fn cross_preamble<'a>(
1141        &'a mut self,
1142        other: &'a mut Seq,
1143    ) -> Option<(&'a mut Vec<Literal>, &'a mut Vec<Literal>)> {
1144        let lits2 = match other.literals {
1145            None => {
1146                // If our current seq contains the empty string and the seq
1147                // we're adding matches any literal, then it follows that the
1148                // current seq must now also match any literal.
1149                //
1150                // Otherwise, we just have to make sure everything in this
1151                // sequence is inexact.
1152                if self.min_literal_len() == Some(0) {
1153                    *self = Seq::infinite();
1154                } else {
1155                    self.make_inexact();
1156                }
1157                return None;
1158            }
1159            Some(ref mut lits) => lits,
1160        };
1161        let lits1 = match self.literals {
1162            None => {
1163                // If we aren't going to make it to the end of this routine
1164                // where lits2 is drained, then we need to do it now.
1165                lits2.drain(..);
1166                return None;
1167            }
1168            Some(ref mut lits) => lits,
1169        };
1170        Some((lits1, lits2))
1171    }
1173    /// Unions the `other` sequence into this one.
1174    ///
1175    /// The literals are always drained out of the given `other` sequence,
1176    /// even if they are being unioned into an infinite sequence. This permits
1177    /// the caller to reuse the `other` sequence in another context.
1178    ///
1179    /// Some literal deduping may be performed. If any deduping happens,
1180    /// any leftmost-first or "preference" order match semantics will be
1181    /// preserved.
1182    ///
1183    /// # Example
1184    ///
1185    /// This example shows basic usage.
1186    ///
1187    /// ```
1188    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1189    ///
1190    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::new(&["foo", "bar"]);
1191    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::new(&["bar", "quux", "foo"]);
1192    /// seq1.union(&mut seq2);
1193    ///
1194    /// // The literals are pulled out of seq2.
1195    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
1196    ///
1197    /// // Adjacent literals are deduped, but non-adjacent literals may not be.
1198    /// assert_eq!(Seq::new(&["foo", "bar", "quux", "foo"]), seq1);
1199    /// ```
1200    ///
1201    /// This example shows that literals are drained from `other` even when
1202    /// they aren't necessarily used.
1203    ///
1204    /// ```
1205    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1206    ///
1207    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::infinite();
1208    /// // Infinite sequences have no finite length.
1209    /// assert_eq!(None, seq1.len());
1210    ///
1211    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::new(&["bar", "quux", "foo"]);
1212    /// seq1.union(&mut seq2);
1213    ///
1214    /// // seq1 is still infinite and seq2 has been drained.
1215    /// assert_eq!(None, seq1.len());
1216    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
1217    /// ```
1218    #[inline]
1219    pub fn union(&mut self, other: &mut Seq) {
1220        let lits2 = match other.literals {
1221            None => {
1222                // Unioning with an infinite sequence always results in an
1223                // infinite sequence.
1224                self.make_infinite();
1225                return;
1226            }
1227            Some(ref mut lits) => lits.drain(..),
1228        };
1229        let lits1 = match self.literals {
1230            None => return,
1231            Some(ref mut lits) => lits,
1232        };
1233        lits1.extend(lits2);
1234        self.dedup();
1235    }
1237    /// Unions the `other` sequence into this one by splice the `other`
1238    /// sequence at the position of the first zero-length literal.
1239    ///
1240    /// This is useful for preserving preference order semantics when combining
1241    /// two literal sequences. For example, in the regex `(a||f)+foo`, the
1242    /// correct preference order prefix sequence is `[a, foo, f]`.
1243    ///
1244    /// The literals are always drained out of the given `other` sequence,
1245    /// even if they are being unioned into an infinite sequence. This permits
1246    /// the caller to reuse the `other` sequence in another context. Note that
1247    /// the literals are drained even if no union is performed as well, i.e.,
1248    /// when this sequence does not contain a zero-length literal.
1249    ///
1250    /// Some literal deduping may be performed. If any deduping happens,
1251    /// any leftmost-first or "preference" order match semantics will be
1252    /// preserved.
1253    ///
1254    /// # Example
1255    ///
1256    /// This example shows basic usage.
1257    ///
1258    /// ```
1259    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1260    ///
1261    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::new(&["a", "", "f", ""]);
1262    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::new(&["foo"]);
1263    /// seq1.union_into_empty(&mut seq2);
1264    ///
1265    /// // The literals are pulled out of seq2.
1266    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
1267    /// // 'foo' gets spliced into seq1 where the first empty string occurs.
1268    /// assert_eq!(Seq::new(&["a", "foo", "f"]), seq1);
1269    /// ```
1270    ///
1271    /// This example shows that literals are drained from `other` even when
1272    /// they aren't necessarily used.
1273    ///
1274    /// ```
1275    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1276    ///
1277    /// let mut seq1 = Seq::new(&["foo", "bar"]);
1278    /// let mut seq2 = Seq::new(&["bar", "quux", "foo"]);
1279    /// seq1.union_into_empty(&mut seq2);
1280    ///
1281    /// // seq1 has no zero length literals, so no splicing happens.
1282    /// assert_eq!(Seq::new(&["foo", "bar"]), seq1);
1283    /// // Even though no splicing happens, seq2 is still drained.
1284    /// assert_eq!(Some(0), seq2.len());
1285    /// ```
1286    #[inline]
1287    pub fn union_into_empty(&mut self, other: &mut Seq) {
1288        let lits2 = other.literals.as_mut().map(|lits| lits.drain(..));
1289        let lits1 = match self.literals {
1290            None => return,
1291            Some(ref mut lits) => lits,
1292        };
1293        let first_empty = match lits1.iter().position(|m| m.is_empty()) {
1294            None => return,
1295            Some(i) => i,
1296        };
1297        let lits2 = match lits2 {
1298            None => {
1299                // Note that we are only here if we've found an empty literal,
1300                // which implies that an infinite sequence infects this seq and
1301                // also turns it into an infinite sequence.
1302                self.literals = None;
1303                return;
1304            }
1305            Some(lits) => lits,
1306        };
1307        // Clearing out the empties needs to come before the splice because
1308        // the splice might add more empties that we don't want to get rid
1309        // of. Since we're splicing into the position of the first empty, the
1310        // 'first_empty' position computed above is still correct.
1311        lits1.retain(|m| !m.is_empty());
1312        lits1.splice(first_empty..first_empty, lits2);
1313        self.dedup();
1314    }
1316    /// Deduplicate adjacent equivalent literals in this sequence.
1317    ///
1318    /// If adjacent literals are equivalent strings but one is exact and the
1319    /// other inexact, the inexact literal is kept and the exact one is
1320    /// removed.
1321    ///
1322    /// Deduping an infinite sequence is a no-op.
1323    ///
1324    /// # Example
1325    ///
1326    /// This example shows how literals that are duplicate byte strings but
1327    /// are not equivalent with respect to exactness are resolved.
1328    ///
1329    /// ```
1330    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1331    ///
1332    /// let mut seq = Seq::from_iter([
1333    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
1334    ///     Literal::inexact("foo"),
1335    /// ]);
1336    /// seq.dedup();
1337    ///
1338    /// assert_eq!(Seq::from_iter([Literal::inexact("foo")]), seq);
1339    /// ```
1340    #[inline]
1341    pub fn dedup(&mut self) {
1342        if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1343            lits.dedup_by(|lit1, lit2| {
1344                if lit1.as_bytes() != lit2.as_bytes() {
1345                    return false;
1346                }
1347                if lit1.is_exact() != lit2.is_exact() {
1348                    lit1.make_inexact();
1349                    lit2.make_inexact();
1350                }
1351                true
1352            });
1353        }
1354    }
1356    /// Sorts this sequence of literals lexicographically.
1357    ///
1358    /// Note that if, before sorting, if a literal that is a prefix of another
1359    /// literal appears after it, then after sorting, the sequence will not
1360    /// represent the same preference order match semantics. For example,
1361    /// sorting the sequence `[samwise, sam]` yields the sequence `[sam,
1362    /// samwise]`. Under preference order semantics, the latter sequence will
1363    /// never match `samwise` where as the first sequence can.
1364    ///
1365    /// # Example
1366    ///
1367    /// This example shows basic usage.
1368    ///
1369    /// ```
1370    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1371    ///
1372    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["foo", "quux", "bar"]);
1373    /// seq.sort();
1374    ///
1375    /// assert_eq!(Seq::new(&["bar", "foo", "quux"]), seq);
1376    /// ```
1377    #[inline]
1378    pub fn sort(&mut self) {
1379        if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1380            lits.sort();
1381        }
1382    }
1384    /// Reverses all of the literals in this sequence.
1385    ///
1386    /// The order of the sequence itself is preserved.
1387    ///
1388    /// # Example
1389    ///
1390    /// This example shows basic usage.
1391    ///
1392    /// ```
1393    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1394    ///
1395    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["oof", "rab"]);
1396    /// seq.reverse_literals();
1397    /// assert_eq!(Seq::new(&["foo", "bar"]), seq);
1398    /// ```
1399    #[inline]
1400    pub fn reverse_literals(&mut self) {
1401        if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1402            for lit in lits.iter_mut() {
1403                lit.reverse();
1404            }
1405        }
1406    }
1408    /// Shrinks this seq to its minimal size while respecting the preference
1409    /// order of its literals.
1410    ///
1411    /// While this routine will remove duplicate literals from this seq, it
1412    /// will also remove literals that can never match in a leftmost-first or
1413    /// "preference order" search. Similar to [`Seq::dedup`], if a literal is
1414    /// deduped, then the one that remains is made inexact.
1415    ///
1416    /// This is a no-op on seqs that are empty or not finite.
1417    ///
1418    /// # Example
1419    ///
1420    /// This example shows the difference between `{sam, samwise}` and
1421    /// `{samwise, sam}`.
1422    ///
1423    /// ```
1424    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1425    ///
1426    /// // If 'sam' comes before 'samwise' and a preference order search is
1427    /// // executed, then 'samwise' can never match.
1428    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["sam", "samwise"]);
1429    /// seq.minimize_by_preference();
1430    /// assert_eq!(Seq::from_iter([Literal::inexact("sam")]), seq);
1431    ///
1432    /// // But if they are reversed, then it's possible for 'samwise' to match
1433    /// // since it is given higher preference.
1434    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["samwise", "sam"]);
1435    /// seq.minimize_by_preference();
1436    /// assert_eq!(Seq::new(&["samwise", "sam"]), seq);
1437    /// ```
1438    ///
1439    /// This example shows that if an empty string is in this seq, then
1440    /// anything that comes after it can never match.
1441    ///
1442    /// ```
1443    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1444    ///
1445    /// // An empty string is a prefix of all strings, so it automatically
1446    /// // inhibits any subsequent strings from matching.
1447    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["foo", "bar", "", "quux", "fox"]);
1448    /// seq.minimize_by_preference();
1449    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
1450    ///     Literal::exact("foo"),
1451    ///     Literal::exact("bar"),
1452    ///     Literal::inexact(""),
1453    /// ]);
1454    /// assert_eq!(expected, seq);
1455    ///
1456    /// // And of course, if it's at the beginning, then it makes it impossible
1457    /// // for anything else to match.
1458    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["", "foo", "quux", "fox"]);
1459    /// seq.minimize_by_preference();
1460    /// assert_eq!(Seq::from_iter([Literal::inexact("")]), seq);
1461    /// ```
1462    #[inline]
1463    pub fn minimize_by_preference(&mut self) {
1464        if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1465            PreferenceTrie::minimize(lits, false);
1466        }
1467    }
1469    /// Trims all literals in this seq such that only the first `len` bytes
1470    /// remain. If a literal has less than or equal to `len` bytes, then it
1471    /// remains unchanged. Otherwise, it is trimmed and made inexact.
1472    ///
1473    /// # Example
1474    ///
1475    /// ```
1476    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1477    ///
1478    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["a", "foo", "quux"]);
1479    /// seq.keep_first_bytes(2);
1480    ///
1481    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
1482    ///     Literal::exact("a"),
1483    ///     Literal::inexact("fo"),
1484    ///     Literal::inexact("qu"),
1485    /// ]);
1486    /// assert_eq!(expected, seq);
1487    /// ```
1488    #[inline]
1489    pub fn keep_first_bytes(&mut self, len: usize) {
1490        if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1491            for m in lits.iter_mut() {
1492                m.keep_first_bytes(len);
1493            }
1494        }
1495    }
1497    /// Trims all literals in this seq such that only the last `len` bytes
1498    /// remain. If a literal has less than or equal to `len` bytes, then it
1499    /// remains unchanged. Otherwise, it is trimmed and made inexact.
1500    ///
1501    /// # Example
1502    ///
1503    /// ```
1504    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Seq};
1505    ///
1506    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&["a", "foo", "quux"]);
1507    /// seq.keep_last_bytes(2);
1508    ///
1509    /// let expected = Seq::from_iter([
1510    ///     Literal::exact("a"),
1511    ///     Literal::inexact("oo"),
1512    ///     Literal::inexact("ux"),
1513    /// ]);
1514    /// assert_eq!(expected, seq);
1515    /// ```
1516    #[inline]
1517    pub fn keep_last_bytes(&mut self, len: usize) {
1518        if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1519            for m in lits.iter_mut() {
1520                m.keep_last_bytes(len);
1521            }
1522        }
1523    }
1525    /// Returns true if this sequence is finite.
1526    ///
1527    /// When false, this sequence is infinite and must be treated as if it
1528    /// contains every possible literal.
1529    #[inline]
1530    pub fn is_finite(&self) -> bool {
1531        self.literals.is_some()
1532    }
1534    /// Returns true if and only if this sequence is finite and empty.
1535    ///
1536    /// An empty sequence never matches anything. It can only be produced by
1537    /// literal extraction when the corresponding regex itself cannot match.
1538    #[inline]
1539    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
1540        self.len() == Some(0)
1541    }
1543    /// Returns the number of literals in this sequence if the sequence is
1544    /// finite. If the sequence is infinite, then `None` is returned.
1545    #[inline]
1546    pub fn len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1547        self.literals.as_ref().map(|lits| lits.len())
1548    }
1550    /// Returns true if and only if all literals in this sequence are exact.
1551    ///
1552    /// This returns false if the sequence is infinite.
1553    #[inline]
1554    pub fn is_exact(&self) -> bool {
1555        self.literals().map_or(false, |lits| lits.iter().all(|x| x.is_exact()))
1556    }
1558    /// Returns true if and only if all literals in this sequence are inexact.
1559    ///
1560    /// This returns true if the sequence is infinite.
1561    #[inline]
1562    pub fn is_inexact(&self) -> bool {
1563        self.literals().map_or(true, |lits| lits.iter().all(|x| !x.is_exact()))
1564    }
1566    /// Return the maximum length of the sequence that would result from
1567    /// unioning `self` with `other`. If either set is infinite, then this
1568    /// returns `None`.
1569    #[inline]
1570    pub fn max_union_len(&self, other: &Seq) -> Option<usize> {
1571        let len1 = self.len()?;
1572        let len2 = other.len()?;
1573        Some(len1.saturating_add(len2))
1574    }
1576    /// Return the maximum length of the sequence that would result from the
1577    /// cross product of `self` with `other`. If either set is infinite, then
1578    /// this returns `None`.
1579    #[inline]
1580    pub fn max_cross_len(&self, other: &Seq) -> Option<usize> {
1581        let len1 = self.len()?;
1582        let len2 = other.len()?;
1583        Some(len1.saturating_mul(len2))
1584    }
1586    /// Returns the length of the shortest literal in this sequence.
1587    ///
1588    /// If the sequence is infinite or empty, then this returns `None`.
1589    #[inline]
1590    pub fn min_literal_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1591        self.literals.as_ref()?.iter().map(|x| x.len()).min()
1592    }
1594    /// Returns the length of the longest literal in this sequence.
1595    ///
1596    /// If the sequence is infinite or empty, then this returns `None`.
1597    #[inline]
1598    pub fn max_literal_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1599        self.literals.as_ref()?.iter().map(|x| x.len()).max()
1600    }
1602    /// Returns the longest common prefix from this seq.
1603    ///
1604    /// If the seq matches any literal or other contains no literals, then
1605    /// there is no meaningful prefix and this returns `None`.
1606    ///
1607    /// # Example
1608    ///
1609    /// This shows some example seqs and their longest common prefix.
1610    ///
1611    /// ```
1612    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1613    ///
1614    /// let seq = Seq::new(&["foo", "foobar", "fo"]);
1615    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b"fo"[..]), seq.longest_common_prefix());
1616    /// let seq = Seq::new(&["foo", "foo"]);
1617    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b"foo"[..]), seq.longest_common_prefix());
1618    /// let seq = Seq::new(&["foo", "bar"]);
1619    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b""[..]), seq.longest_common_prefix());
1620    /// let seq = Seq::new(&[""]);
1621    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b""[..]), seq.longest_common_prefix());
1622    ///
1623    /// let seq = Seq::infinite();
1624    /// assert_eq!(None, seq.longest_common_prefix());
1625    /// let seq = Seq::empty();
1626    /// assert_eq!(None, seq.longest_common_prefix());
1627    /// ```
1628    #[inline]
1629    pub fn longest_common_prefix(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
1630        // If we match everything or match nothing, then there's no meaningful
1631        // longest common prefix.
1632        let lits = match self.literals {
1633            None => return None,
1634            Some(ref lits) => lits,
1635        };
1636        if lits.len() == 0 {
1637            return None;
1638        }
1639        let base = lits[0].as_bytes();
1640        let mut len = base.len();
1641        for m in lits.iter().skip(1) {
1642            len = m
1643                .as_bytes()
1644                .iter()
1645                .zip(base[..len].iter())
1646                .take_while(|&(a, b)| a == b)
1647                .count();
1648            if len == 0 {
1649                return Some(&[]);
1650            }
1651        }
1652        Some(&base[..len])
1653    }
1655    /// Returns the longest common suffix from this seq.
1656    ///
1657    /// If the seq matches any literal or other contains no literals, then
1658    /// there is no meaningful suffix and this returns `None`.
1659    ///
1660    /// # Example
1661    ///
1662    /// This shows some example seqs and their longest common suffix.
1663    ///
1664    /// ```
1665    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::Seq;
1666    ///
1667    /// let seq = Seq::new(&["oof", "raboof", "of"]);
1668    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b"of"[..]), seq.longest_common_suffix());
1669    /// let seq = Seq::new(&["foo", "foo"]);
1670    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b"foo"[..]), seq.longest_common_suffix());
1671    /// let seq = Seq::new(&["foo", "bar"]);
1672    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b""[..]), seq.longest_common_suffix());
1673    /// let seq = Seq::new(&[""]);
1674    /// assert_eq!(Some(&b""[..]), seq.longest_common_suffix());
1675    ///
1676    /// let seq = Seq::infinite();
1677    /// assert_eq!(None, seq.longest_common_suffix());
1678    /// let seq = Seq::empty();
1679    /// assert_eq!(None, seq.longest_common_suffix());
1680    /// ```
1681    #[inline]
1682    pub fn longest_common_suffix(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
1683        // If we match everything or match nothing, then there's no meaningful
1684        // longest common suffix.
1685        let lits = match self.literals {
1686            None => return None,
1687            Some(ref lits) => lits,
1688        };
1689        if lits.len() == 0 {
1690            return None;
1691        }
1692        let base = lits[0].as_bytes();
1693        let mut len = base.len();
1694        for m in lits.iter().skip(1) {
1695            len = m
1696                .as_bytes()
1697                .iter()
1698                .rev()
1699                .zip(base[base.len() - len..].iter().rev())
1700                .take_while(|&(a, b)| a == b)
1701                .count();
1702            if len == 0 {
1703                return Some(&[]);
1704            }
1705        }
1706        Some(&base[base.len() - len..])
1707    }
1709    /// Optimizes this seq while treating its literals as prefixes and
1710    /// respecting the preference order of its literals.
1711    ///
1712    /// The specific way "optimization" works is meant to be an implementation
1713    /// detail, as it essentially represents a set of heuristics. The goal
1714    /// that optimization tries to accomplish is to make the literals in this
1715    /// set reflect inputs that will result in a more effective prefilter.
1716    /// Principally by reducing the false positive rate of candidates found by
1717    /// the literals in this sequence. That is, when a match of a literal is
1718    /// found, we would like it to be a strong predictor of the overall match
1719    /// of the regex. If it isn't, then much time will be spent starting and
1720    /// stopping the prefilter search and attempting to confirm the match only
1721    /// to have it fail.
1722    ///
1723    /// Some of those heuristics might be:
1724    ///
1725    /// * Identifying a common prefix from a larger sequence of literals, and
1726    /// shrinking the sequence down to that single common prefix.
1727    /// * Rejecting the sequence entirely if it is believed to result in very
1728    /// high false positive rate. When this happens, the sequence is made
1729    /// infinite.
1730    /// * Shrinking the sequence to a smaller number of literals representing
1731    /// prefixes, but not shrinking it so much as to make literals too short.
1732    /// (A sequence with very short literals, of 1 or 2 bytes, will typically
1733    /// result in a higher false positive rate.)
1734    ///
1735    /// Optimization should only be run once extraction is complete. Namely,
1736    /// optimization may make assumptions that do not compose with other
1737    /// operations in the middle of extraction. For example, optimization will
1738    /// reduce `[E(sam), E(samwise)]` to `[E(sam)]`, but such a transformation
1739    /// is only valid if no other extraction will occur. If other extraction
1740    /// may occur, then the correct transformation would be to `[I(sam)]`.
1741    ///
1742    /// The [`Seq::optimize_for_suffix_by_preference`] does the same thing, but
1743    /// for suffixes.
1744    ///
1745    /// # Example
1746    ///
1747    /// This shows how optimization might transform a sequence. Note that
1748    /// the specific behavior is not a documented guarantee. The heuristics
1749    /// used are an implementation detail and may change over time in semver
1750    /// compatible releases.
1751    ///
1752    /// ```
1753    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Seq, Literal};
1754    ///
1755    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&[
1756    ///     "samantha",
1757    ///     "sam",
1758    ///     "samwise",
1759    ///     "frodo",
1760    /// ]);
1761    /// seq.optimize_for_prefix_by_preference();
1762    /// assert_eq!(Seq::from_iter([
1763    ///     Literal::exact("samantha"),
1764    ///     // Kept exact even though 'samwise' got pruned
1765    ///     // because optimization assumes literal extraction
1766    ///     // has finished.
1767    ///     Literal::exact("sam"),
1768    ///     Literal::exact("frodo"),
1769    /// ]), seq);
1770    /// ```
1771    ///
1772    /// # Example: optimization may make the sequence infinite
1773    ///
1774    /// If the heuristics deem that the sequence could cause a very high false
1775    /// positive rate, then it may make the sequence infinite, effectively
1776    /// disabling its use as a prefilter.
1777    ///
1778    /// ```
1779    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Seq, Literal};
1780    ///
1781    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&[
1782    ///     "samantha",
1783    ///     // An empty string matches at every position,
1784    ///     // thus rendering the prefilter completely
1785    ///     // ineffective.
1786    ///     "",
1787    ///     "sam",
1788    ///     "samwise",
1789    ///     "frodo",
1790    /// ]);
1791    /// seq.optimize_for_prefix_by_preference();
1792    /// assert!(!seq.is_finite());
1793    /// ```
1794    ///
1795    /// Do note that just because there is a `" "` in the sequence, that
1796    /// doesn't mean the sequence will always be made infinite after it is
1797    /// optimized. Namely, if the sequence is considered exact (any match
1798    /// corresponds to an overall match of the original regex), then any match
1799    /// is an overall match, and so the false positive rate is always `0`.
1800    ///
1801    /// To demonstrate this, we remove `samwise` from our sequence. This
1802    /// results in no optimization happening and all literals remain exact.
1803    /// Thus the entire sequence is exact, and it is kept as-is, even though
1804    /// one is an ASCII space:
1805    ///
1806    /// ```
1807    /// use regex_syntax::hir::literal::{Seq, Literal};
1808    ///
1809    /// let mut seq = Seq::new(&[
1810    ///     "samantha",
1811    ///     " ",
1812    ///     "sam",
1813    ///     "frodo",
1814    /// ]);
1815    /// seq.optimize_for_prefix_by_preference();
1816    /// assert!(seq.is_finite());
1817    /// ```
1818    #[inline]
1819    pub fn optimize_for_prefix_by_preference(&mut self) {
1820        self.optimize_by_preference(true);
1821    }
1823    /// Optimizes this seq while treating its literals as suffixes and
1824    /// respecting the preference order of its literals.
1825    ///
1826    /// Optimization should only be run once extraction is complete.
1827    ///
1828    /// The [`Seq::optimize_for_prefix_by_preference`] does the same thing, but
1829    /// for prefixes. See its documentation for more explanation.
1830    #[inline]
1831    pub fn optimize_for_suffix_by_preference(&mut self) {
1832        self.optimize_by_preference(false);
1833    }
1835    fn optimize_by_preference(&mut self, prefix: bool) {
1836        let origlen = match self.len() {
1837            None => return,
1838            Some(len) => len,
1839        };
1840        // Just give up now if our sequence contains an empty string.
1841        if self.min_literal_len().map_or(false, |len| len == 0) {
1842            // We squash the sequence so that nobody else gets any bright
1843            // ideas to try and use it. An empty string implies a match at
1844            // every position. A prefilter cannot help you here.
1845            self.make_infinite();
1846            return;
1847        }
1848        // Make sure we start with the smallest sequence possible. We use a
1849        // special version of preference minimization that retains exactness.
1850        // This is legal because optimization is only expected to occur once
1851        // extraction is complete.
1852        if prefix {
1853            if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1854                PreferenceTrie::minimize(lits, true);
1855            }
1856        }
1858        // Look for a common prefix (or suffix). If we found one of those and
1859        // it's long enough, then it's a good bet that it will be our fastest
1860        // possible prefilter since single-substring search is so fast.
1861        let fix = if prefix {
1862            self.longest_common_prefix()
1863        } else {
1864            self.longest_common_suffix()
1865        };
1866        if let Some(fix) = fix {
1867            // As a special case, if we have a common prefix and the leading
1868            // byte of that prefix is one that we think probably occurs rarely,
1869            // then strip everything down to just that single byte. This should
1870            // promote the use of memchr.
1871            //
1872            // ... we only do this though if our sequence has more than one
1873            // literal. Otherwise, we'd rather just stick with a single literal
1874            // scan. That is, using memchr is probably better than looking
1875            // for 2 or more literals, but probably not as good as a straight
1876            // memmem search.
1877            //
1878            // ... and also only do this when the prefix is short and probably
1879            // not too discriminatory anyway. If it's longer, then it's
1880            // probably quite discriminatory and thus is likely to have a low
1881            // false positive rate.
1882            if prefix
1883                && origlen > 1
1884                && fix.len() >= 1
1885                && fix.len() <= 3
1886                && rank(fix[0]) < 200
1887            {
1888                self.keep_first_bytes(1);
1889                self.dedup();
1890                return;
1891            }
1892            // We only strip down to the common prefix/suffix if we think
1893            // the existing set of literals isn't great, or if the common
1894            // prefix/suffix is expected to be particularly discriminatory.
1895            let isfast =
1896                self.is_exact() && self.len().map_or(false, |len| len <= 16);
1897            let usefix = fix.len() > 4 || (fix.len() > 1 && !isfast);
1898            if usefix {
1899                // If we keep exactly the number of bytes equal to the length
1900                // of the prefix (or suffix), then by the definition of a
1901                // prefix, every literal in the sequence will be equivalent.
1902                // Thus, 'dedup' will leave us with one literal.
1903                //
1904                // We do it this way to avoid an alloc, but also to make sure
1905                // the exactness of literals is kept (or not).
1906                if prefix {
1907                    self.keep_first_bytes(fix.len());
1908                } else {
1909                    self.keep_last_bytes(fix.len());
1910                }
1911                self.dedup();
1912                assert_eq!(Some(1), self.len());
1913                // We still fall through here. In particular, we want our
1914                // longest common prefix to be subject to the poison check.
1915            }
1916        }
1917        // If we have an exact sequence, we *probably* just want to keep it
1918        // as-is. But there are some cases where we don't. So we save a copy of
1919        // the exact sequence now, and then try to do some more optimizations
1920        // below. If those don't work out, we go back to this exact sequence.
1921        //
1922        // The specific motivation for this is that we sometimes wind up with
1923        // an exact sequence with a hefty number of literals. Say, 100. If we
1924        // stuck with that, it would be too big for Teddy and would result in
1925        // using Aho-Corasick. Which is fine... but the lazy DFA is plenty
1926        // suitable in such cases. The real issue is that we will wind up not
1927        // using a fast prefilter at all. So in cases like this, even though
1928        // we have an exact sequence, it would be better to try and shrink the
1929        // sequence (which we do below) and use it as a prefilter that can
1930        // produce false positive matches.
1931        //
1932        // But if the shrinking below results in a sequence that "sucks," then
1933        // we don't want to use that because we already have an exact sequence
1934        // in hand.
1935        let exact: Option<Seq> =
1936            if self.is_exact() { Some(self.clone()) } else { None };
1937        // Now we attempt to shorten the sequence. The idea here is that we
1938        // don't want to look for too many literals, but we want to shorten
1939        // our sequence enough to improve our odds of using better algorithms
1940        // downstream (such as Teddy).
1941        //
1942        // The pair of numbers in this list corresponds to the maximal prefix
1943        // (in bytes) to keep for all literals and the length of the sequence
1944        // at which to do it.
1945        //
1946        // So for example, the pair (3, 500) would mean, "if we have more than
1947        // 500 literals in our sequence, then truncate all of our literals
1948        // such that they are at most 3 bytes in length and the minimize the
1949        // sequence."
1950        const ATTEMPTS: [(usize, usize); 5] =
1951            [(5, 10), (4, 10), (3, 64), (2, 64), (1, 10)];
1952        for (keep, limit) in ATTEMPTS {
1953            let len = match self.len() {
1954                None => break,
1955                Some(len) => len,
1956            };
1957            if len <= limit {
1958                break;
1959            }
1960            if prefix {
1961                self.keep_first_bytes(keep);
1962            } else {
1963                self.keep_last_bytes(keep);
1964            }
1965            if prefix {
1966                if let Some(ref mut lits) = self.literals {
1967                    PreferenceTrie::minimize(lits, true);
1968                }
1969            }
1970        }
1971        // Check for a poison literal. A poison literal is one that is short
1972        // and is believed to have a very high match count. These poisons
1973        // generally lead to a prefilter with a very high false positive rate,
1974        // and thus overall worse performance.
1975        //
1976        // We do this last because we could have gone from a non-poisonous
1977        // sequence to a poisonous one. Perhaps we should add some code to
1978        // prevent such transitions in the first place, but then again, we
1979        // likely only made the transition in the first place if the sequence
1980        // was itself huge. And huge sequences are themselves poisonous. So...
1981        if let Some(lits) = self.literals() {
1982            if lits.iter().any(|lit| lit.is_poisonous()) {
1983                self.make_infinite();
1984            }
1985        }
1986        // OK, if we had an exact sequence before attempting more optimizations
1987        // above and our post-optimized sequence sucks for some reason or
1988        // another, then we go back to the exact sequence.
1989        if let Some(exact) = exact {
1990            // If optimizing resulted in dropping our literals, then certainly
1991            // backup and use the exact sequence that we had.
1992            if !self.is_finite() {
1993                *self = exact;
1994                return;
1995            }
1996            // If our optimized sequence contains a short literal, then it's
1997            // *probably* not so great. So throw it away and revert to the
1998            // exact sequence.
1999            if self.min_literal_len().map_or(true, |len| len <= 2) {
2000                *self = exact;
2001                return;
2002            }
2003            // Finally, if our optimized sequence is "big" (i.e., can't use
2004            // Teddy), then also don't use it and rely on the exact sequence.
2005            if self.len().map_or(true, |len| len > 64) {
2006                *self = exact;
2007                return;
2008            }
2009        }
2010    }
2013impl core::fmt::Debug for Seq {
2014    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
2015        write!(f, "Seq")?;
2016        if let Some(lits) = self.literals() {
2017            f.debug_list().entries(lits.iter()).finish()
2018        } else {
2019            write!(f, "[∞]")
2020        }
2021    }
2024impl FromIterator<Literal> for Seq {
2025    fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = Literal>>(it: T) -> Seq {
2026        let mut seq = Seq::empty();
2027        for literal in it {
2028            seq.push(literal);
2029        }
2030        seq
2031    }
2034/// A single literal extracted from an [`Hir`] expression.
2036/// A literal is composed of two things:
2038/// * A sequence of bytes. No guarantees with respect to UTF-8 are provided.
2039/// In particular, even if the regex a literal is extracted from is UTF-8, the
2040/// literal extracted may not be valid UTF-8. (For example, if an [`Extractor`]
2041/// limit resulted in trimming a literal in a way that splits a codepoint.)
2042/// * Whether the literal is "exact" or not. An "exact" literal means that it
2043/// has not been trimmed, and may continue to be extended. If a literal is
2044/// "exact" after visiting the entire `Hir` expression, then this implies that
2045/// the literal leads to a match state. (Although it doesn't necessarily imply
2046/// all occurrences of the literal correspond to a match of the regex, since
2047/// literal extraction ignores look-around assertions.)
2048#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
2049pub struct Literal {
2050    bytes: Vec<u8>,
2051    exact: bool,
2054impl Literal {
2055    /// Returns a new exact literal containing the bytes given.
2056    #[inline]
2057    pub fn exact<B: Into<Vec<u8>>>(bytes: B) -> Literal {
2058        Literal { bytes: bytes.into(), exact: true }
2059    }
2061    /// Returns a new inexact literal containing the bytes given.
2062    #[inline]
2063    pub fn inexact<B: Into<Vec<u8>>>(bytes: B) -> Literal {
2064        Literal { bytes: bytes.into(), exact: false }
2065    }
2067    /// Returns the bytes in this literal.
2068    #[inline]
2069    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
2070        &self.bytes
2071    }
2073    /// Yields ownership of the bytes inside this literal.
2074    ///
2075    /// Note that this throws away whether the literal is "exact" or not.
2076    #[inline]
2077    pub fn into_bytes(self) -> Vec<u8> {
2078        self.bytes
2079    }
2081    /// Returns the length of this literal in bytes.
2082    #[inline]
2083    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
2084        self.as_bytes().len()
2085    }
2087    /// Returns true if and only if this literal has zero bytes.
2088    #[inline]
2089    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
2090        self.len() == 0
2091    }
2093    /// Returns true if and only if this literal is exact.
2094    #[inline]
2095    pub fn is_exact(&self) -> bool {
2096        self.exact
2097    }
2099    /// Marks this literal as inexact.
2100    ///
2101    /// Inexact literals can never be extended. For example,
2102    /// [`Seq::cross_forward`] will not extend inexact literals.
2103    #[inline]
2104    pub fn make_inexact(&mut self) {
2105        self.exact = false;
2106    }
2108    /// Reverse the bytes in this literal.
2109    #[inline]
2110    pub fn reverse(&mut self) {
2111        self.bytes.reverse();
2112    }
2114    /// Extend this literal with the literal given.
2115    ///
2116    /// If this literal is inexact, then this is a no-op.
2117    #[inline]
2118    pub fn extend(&mut self, lit: &Literal) {
2119        if !self.is_exact() {
2120            return;
2121        }
2122        self.bytes.extend_from_slice(&lit.bytes);
2123    }
2125    /// Trims this literal such that only the first `len` bytes remain. If
2126    /// this literal has fewer than `len` bytes, then it remains unchanged.
2127    /// Otherwise, the literal is marked as inexact.
2128    #[inline]
2129    pub fn keep_first_bytes(&mut self, len: usize) {
2130        if len >= self.len() {
2131            return;
2132        }
2133        self.make_inexact();
2134        self.bytes.truncate(len);
2135    }
2137    /// Trims this literal such that only the last `len` bytes remain. If this
2138    /// literal has fewer than `len` bytes, then it remains unchanged.
2139    /// Otherwise, the literal is marked as inexact.
2140    #[inline]
2141    pub fn keep_last_bytes(&mut self, len: usize) {
2142        if len >= self.len() {
2143            return;
2144        }
2145        self.make_inexact();
2146        self.bytes.drain(..self.len() - len);
2147    }
2149    /// Returns true if it is believe that this literal is likely to match very
2150    /// frequently, and is thus not a good candidate for a prefilter.
2151    fn is_poisonous(&self) -> bool {
2152        self.is_empty() || (self.len() == 1 && rank(self.as_bytes()[0]) >= 250)
2153    }
2156impl From<u8> for Literal {
2157    fn from(byte: u8) -> Literal {
2158        Literal::exact(vec![byte])
2159    }
2162impl From<char> for Literal {
2163    fn from(ch: char) -> Literal {
2164        use alloc::string::ToString;
2165        Literal::exact(ch.encode_utf8(&mut [0; 4]).to_string())
2166    }
2169impl AsRef<[u8]> for Literal {
2170    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
2171        self.as_bytes()
2172    }
2175impl core::fmt::Debug for Literal {
2176    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
2177        let tag = if self.exact { "E" } else { "I" };
2178        f.debug_tuple(tag)
2179            .field(&crate::debug::Bytes(self.as_bytes()))
2180            .finish()
2181    }
2184/// A "preference" trie that rejects literals that will never match when
2185/// executing a leftmost first or "preference" search.
2187/// For example, if 'sam' is inserted, then trying to insert 'samwise' will be
2188/// rejected because 'samwise' can never match since 'sam' will always take
2189/// priority. However, if 'samwise' is inserted first, then inserting 'sam'
2190/// after it is accepted. In this case, either 'samwise' or 'sam' can match in
2191/// a "preference" search.
2193/// Note that we only use this trie as a "set." That is, given a sequence of
2194/// literals, we insert each one in order. An `insert` will reject a literal
2195/// if a prefix of that literal already exists in the trie. Thus, to rebuild
2196/// the "minimal" sequence, we simply only keep literals that were successfully
2197/// inserted. (Since we don't need traversal, one wonders whether we can make
2198/// some simplifications here, but I haven't given it a ton of thought and I've
2199/// never seen this show up on a profile. Because of the heuristic limits
2200/// imposed on literal extractions, the size of the inputs here is usually
2201/// very small.)
2203struct PreferenceTrie {
2204    /// The states in this trie. The index of a state in this vector is its ID.
2205    states: Vec<State>,
2206    /// This vec indicates which states are match states. It always has
2207    /// the same length as `states` and is indexed by the same state ID.
2208    /// A state with identifier `sid` is a match state if and only if
2209    /// `matches[sid].is_some()`. The option contains the index of the literal
2210    /// corresponding to the match. The index is offset by 1 so that it fits in
2211    /// a NonZeroUsize.
2212    matches: Vec<Option<NonZeroUsize>>,
2213    /// The index to allocate to the next literal added to this trie. Starts at
2214    /// 1 and increments by 1 for every literal successfully added to the trie.
2215    next_literal_index: usize,
2218/// A single state in a trie. Uses a sparse representation for its transitions.
2219#[derive(Debug, Default)]
2220struct State {
2221    /// Sparse representation of the transitions out of this state. Transitions
2222    /// are sorted by byte. There is at most one such transition for any
2223    /// particular byte.
2224    trans: Vec<(u8, usize)>,
2227impl PreferenceTrie {
2228    /// Minimizes the given sequence of literals while preserving preference
2229    /// order semantics.
2230    ///
2231    /// When `keep_exact` is true, the exactness of every literal retained is
2232    /// kept. This is useful when dealing with a fully extracted `Seq` that
2233    /// only contains exact literals. In that case, we can keep all retained
2234    /// literals as exact because we know we'll never need to match anything
2235    /// after them and because any removed literals are guaranteed to never
2236    /// match.
2237    fn minimize(literals: &mut Vec<Literal>, keep_exact: bool) {
2238        let mut trie = PreferenceTrie {
2239            states: vec![],
2240            matches: vec![],
2241            next_literal_index: 1,
2242        };
2243        let mut make_inexact = vec![];
2244        literals.retain_mut(|lit| match trie.insert(lit.as_bytes()) {
2245            Ok(_) => true,
2246            Err(i) => {
2247                if !keep_exact {
2248                    make_inexact.push(i.checked_sub(1).unwrap());
2249                }
2250                false
2251            }
2252        });
2253        for i in make_inexact {
2254            literals[i].make_inexact();
2255        }
2256    }
2258    /// Returns `Ok` if the given byte string is accepted into this trie and
2259    /// `Err` otherwise. The index for the success case corresponds to the
2260    /// index of the literal added. The index for the error case corresponds to
2261    /// the index of the literal already in the trie that prevented the given
2262    /// byte string from being added. (Which implies it is a prefix of the one
2263    /// given.)
2264    ///
2265    /// In short, the byte string given is accepted into the trie if and only
2266    /// if it is possible for it to match when executing a preference order
2267    /// search.
2268    fn insert(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, usize> {
2269        let mut prev = self.root();
2270        if let Some(idx) = self.matches[prev] {
2271            return Err(idx.get());
2272        }
2273        for &b in bytes.iter() {
2274            match self.states[prev].trans.binary_search_by_key(&b, |t| t.0) {
2275                Ok(i) => {
2276                    prev = self.states[prev].trans[i].1;
2277                    if let Some(idx) = self.matches[prev] {
2278                        return Err(idx.get());
2279                    }
2280                }
2281                Err(i) => {
2282                    let next = self.create_state();
2283                    self.states[prev].trans.insert(i, (b, next));
2284                    prev = next;
2285                }
2286            }
2287        }
2288        let idx = self.next_literal_index;
2289        self.next_literal_index += 1;
2290        self.matches[prev] = NonZeroUsize::new(idx);
2291        Ok(idx)
2292    }
2294    /// Returns the root state ID, and if it doesn't exist, creates it.
2295    fn root(&mut self) -> usize {
2296        if !self.states.is_empty() {
2297            0
2298        } else {
2299            self.create_state()
2300        }
2301    }
2303    /// Creates a new empty state and returns its ID.
2304    fn create_state(&mut self) -> usize {
2305        let id = self.states.len();
2306        self.states.push(State::default());
2307        self.matches.push(None);
2308        id
2309    }
2312/// Returns the "rank" of the given byte.
2314/// The minimum rank value is `0` and the maximum rank value is `255`.
2316/// The rank of a byte is derived from a heuristic background distribution of
2317/// relative frequencies of bytes. The heuristic says that lower the rank of a
2318/// byte, the less likely that byte is to appear in any arbitrary haystack.
2319pub fn rank(byte: u8) -> u8 {
2320    crate::rank::BYTE_FREQUENCIES[usize::from(byte)]
2324mod tests {
2325    use super::*;
2327    fn parse(pattern: &str) -> Hir {
2328        crate::ParserBuilder::new().utf8(false).build().parse(pattern).unwrap()
2329    }
2331    fn prefixes(pattern: &str) -> Seq {
2332        Extractor::new().kind(ExtractKind::Prefix).extract(&parse(pattern))
2333    }
2335    fn suffixes(pattern: &str) -> Seq {
2336        Extractor::new().kind(ExtractKind::Suffix).extract(&parse(pattern))
2337    }
2339    fn e(pattern: &str) -> (Seq, Seq) {
2340        (prefixes(pattern), suffixes(pattern))
2341    }
2343    #[allow(non_snake_case)]
2344    fn E(x: &str) -> Literal {
2345        Literal::exact(x.as_bytes())
2346    }
2348    #[allow(non_snake_case)]
2349    fn I(x: &str) -> Literal {
2350        Literal::inexact(x.as_bytes())
2351    }
2353    fn seq<I: IntoIterator<Item = Literal>>(it: I) -> Seq {
2354        Seq::from_iter(it)
2355    }
2357    fn infinite() -> (Seq, Seq) {
2358        (Seq::infinite(), Seq::infinite())
2359    }
2361    fn inexact<I1, I2>(it1: I1, it2: I2) -> (Seq, Seq)
2362    where
2363        I1: IntoIterator<Item = Literal>,
2364        I2: IntoIterator<Item = Literal>,
2365    {
2366        (Seq::from_iter(it1), Seq::from_iter(it2))
2367    }
2369    fn exact<B: AsRef<[u8]>, I: IntoIterator<Item = B>>(it: I) -> (Seq, Seq) {
2370        let s1 = Seq::new(it);
2371        let s2 = s1.clone();
2372        (s1, s2)
2373    }
2375    fn opt<B: AsRef<[u8]>, I: IntoIterator<Item = B>>(it: I) -> (Seq, Seq) {
2376        let (mut p, mut s) = exact(it);
2377        p.optimize_for_prefix_by_preference();
2378        s.optimize_for_suffix_by_preference();
2379        (p, s)
2380    }
2382    #[test]
2383    fn literal() {
2384        assert_eq!(exact(["a"]), e("a"));
2385        assert_eq!(exact(["aaaaa"]), e("aaaaa"));
2386        assert_eq!(exact(["A", "a"]), e("(?i-u)a"));
2387        assert_eq!(exact(["AB", "Ab", "aB", "ab"]), e("(?i-u)ab"));
2388        assert_eq!(exact(["abC", "abc"]), e("ab(?i-u)c"));
2390        assert_eq!(exact([b"\xFF"]), e(r"(?-u:\xFF)"));
2392        #[cfg(feature = "unicode-case")]
2393        {
2394            assert_eq!(exact(["☃"]), e("☃"));
2395            assert_eq!(exact(["☃"]), e("(?i)☃"));
2396            assert_eq!(exact(["☃☃☃☃☃"]), e("☃☃☃☃☃"));
2398            assert_eq!(exact(["Δ"]), e("Δ"));
2399            assert_eq!(exact(["δ"]), e("δ"));
2400            assert_eq!(exact(["Δ", "δ"]), e("(?i)Δ"));
2401            assert_eq!(exact(["Δ", "δ"]), e("(?i)δ"));
2403            assert_eq!(exact(["S", "s", "ſ"]), e("(?i)S"));
2404            assert_eq!(exact(["S", "s", "ſ"]), e("(?i)s"));
2405            assert_eq!(exact(["S", "s", "ſ"]), e("(?i)ſ"));
2406        }
2408        let letters = "ͱͳͷΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋ";
2409        assert_eq!(exact([letters]), e(letters));
2410    }
2412    #[test]
2413    fn class() {
2414        assert_eq!(exact(["a", "b", "c"]), e("[abc]"));
2415        assert_eq!(exact(["a1b", "a2b", "a3b"]), e("a[123]b"));
2416        assert_eq!(exact(["δ", "ε"]), e("[εδ]"));
2417        #[cfg(feature = "unicode-case")]
2418        {
2419            assert_eq!(exact(["Δ", "Ε", "δ", "ε", "ϵ"]), e(r"(?i)[εδ]"));
2420        }
2421    }
2423    #[test]
2424    fn look() {
2425        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a\Ab"));
2426        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a\zb"));
2427        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a(?m:^)b"));
2428        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a(?m:$)b"));
2429        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a\bb"));
2430        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a\Bb"));
2431        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a(?-u:\b)b"));
2432        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"a(?-u:\B)b"));
2434        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"^ab"));
2435        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"$ab"));
2436        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"(?m:^)ab"));
2437        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"(?m:$)ab"));
2438        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"\bab"));
2439        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"\Bab"));
2440        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"(?-u:\b)ab"));
2441        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"(?-u:\B)ab"));
2443        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab^"));
2444        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab$"));
2445        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab(?m:^)"));
2446        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab(?m:$)"));
2447        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab\b"));
2448        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab\B"));
2449        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab(?-u:\b)"));
2450        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"ab(?-u:\B)"));
2452        let expected = (seq([I("aZ"), E("ab")]), seq([I("Zb"), E("ab")]));
2453        assert_eq!(expected, e(r"^aZ*b"));
2454    }
2456    #[test]
2457    fn repetition() {
2458        assert_eq!(exact(["a", ""]), e(r"a?"));
2459        assert_eq!(exact(["", "a"]), e(r"a??"));
2460        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a"), E("")], [I("a"), E("")]), e(r"a*"));
2461        assert_eq!(inexact([E(""), I("a")], [E(""), I("a")]), e(r"a*?"));
2462        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a")], [I("a")]), e(r"a+"));
2463        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a")], [I("a")]), e(r"(a+)+"));
2465        assert_eq!(exact(["ab"]), e(r"aZ{0}b"));
2466        assert_eq!(exact(["aZb", "ab"]), e(r"aZ?b"));
2467        assert_eq!(exact(["ab", "aZb"]), e(r"aZ??b"));
2468        assert_eq!(
2469            inexact([I("aZ"), E("ab")], [I("Zb"), E("ab")]),
2470            e(r"aZ*b")
2471        );
2472        assert_eq!(
2473            inexact([E("ab"), I("aZ")], [E("ab"), I("Zb")]),
2474            e(r"aZ*?b")
2475        );
2476        assert_eq!(inexact([I("aZ")], [I("Zb")]), e(r"aZ+b"));
2477        assert_eq!(inexact([I("aZ")], [I("Zb")]), e(r"aZ+?b"));
2479        assert_eq!(exact(["aZZb"]), e(r"aZ{2}b"));
2480        assert_eq!(inexact([I("aZZ")], [I("ZZb")]), e(r"aZ{2,3}b"));
2482        assert_eq!(exact(["abc", ""]), e(r"(abc)?"));
2483        assert_eq!(exact(["", "abc"]), e(r"(abc)??"));
2485        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a"), E("b")], [I("ab"), E("b")]), e(r"a*b"));
2486        assert_eq!(inexact([E("b"), I("a")], [E("b"), I("ab")]), e(r"a*?b"));
2487        assert_eq!(inexact([I("ab")], [I("b")]), e(r"ab+"));
2488        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a"), I("b")], [I("b")]), e(r"a*b+"));
2490        // FIXME: The suffixes for this don't look quite right to me. I think
2491        // the right suffixes would be: [I(ac), I(bc), E(c)]. The main issue I
2492        // think is that suffixes are computed by iterating over concatenations
2493        // in reverse, and then [bc, ac, c] ordering is indeed correct from
2494        // that perspective. We also test a few more equivalent regexes, and
2495        // we get the same result, so it is consistent at least I suppose.
2496        //
2497        // The reason why this isn't an issue is that it only messes up
2498        // preference order, and currently, suffixes are never used in a
2499        // context where preference order matters. For prefixes it matters
2500        // because we sometimes want to use prefilters without confirmation
2501        // when all of the literals are exact (and there's no look-around). But
2502        // we never do that for suffixes. Any time we use suffixes, we always
2503        // include a confirmation step. If that ever changes, then it's likely
2504        // this bug will need to be fixed, but last time I looked, it appears
2505        // hard to do so.
2506        assert_eq!(
2507            inexact([I("a"), I("b"), E("c")], [I("bc"), I("ac"), E("c")]),
2508            e(r"a*b*c")
2509        );
2510        assert_eq!(
2511            inexact([I("a"), I("b"), E("c")], [I("bc"), I("ac"), E("c")]),
2512            e(r"(a+)?(b+)?c")
2513        );
2514        assert_eq!(
2515            inexact([I("a"), I("b"), E("c")], [I("bc"), I("ac"), E("c")]),
2516            e(r"(a+|)(b+|)c")
2517        );
2518        // A few more similarish but not identical regexes. These may have a
2519        // similar problem as above.
2520        assert_eq!(
2521            inexact(
2522                [I("a"), I("b"), I("c"), E("")],
2523                [I("c"), I("b"), I("a"), E("")]
2524            ),
2525            e(r"a*b*c*")
2526        );
2527        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a"), I("b"), I("c")], [I("c")]), e(r"a*b*c+"));
2528        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a"), I("b")], [I("bc")]), e(r"a*b+c"));
2529        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a"), I("b")], [I("c"), I("b")]), e(r"a*b+c*"));
2530        assert_eq!(inexact([I("ab"), E("a")], [I("b"), E("a")]), e(r"ab*"));
2531        assert_eq!(
2532            inexact([I("ab"), E("ac")], [I("bc"), E("ac")]),
2533            e(r"ab*c")
2534        );
2535        assert_eq!(inexact([I("ab")], [I("b")]), e(r"ab+"));
2536        assert_eq!(inexact([I("ab")], [I("bc")]), e(r"ab+c"));
2538        assert_eq!(
2539            inexact([I("z"), E("azb")], [I("zazb"), E("azb")]),
2540            e(r"z*azb")
2541        );
2543        let expected =
2544            exact(["aaa", "aab", "aba", "abb", "baa", "bab", "bba", "bbb"]);
2545        assert_eq!(expected, e(r"[ab]{3}"));
2546        let expected = inexact(
2547            [
2548                I("aaa"),
2549                I("aab"),
2550                I("aba"),
2551                I("abb"),
2552                I("baa"),
2553                I("bab"),
2554                I("bba"),
2555                I("bbb"),
2556            ],
2557            [
2558                I("aaa"),
2559                I("aab"),
2560                I("aba"),
2561                I("abb"),
2562                I("baa"),
2563                I("bab"),
2564                I("bba"),
2565                I("bbb"),
2566            ],
2567        );
2568        assert_eq!(expected, e(r"[ab]{3,4}"));
2569    }
2571    #[test]
2572    fn concat() {
2573        let empty: [&str; 0] = [];
2575        assert_eq!(exact(["abcxyz"]), e(r"abc()xyz"));
2576        assert_eq!(exact(["abcxyz"]), e(r"(abc)(xyz)"));
2577        assert_eq!(exact(["abcmnoxyz"]), e(r"abc()mno()xyz"));
2578        assert_eq!(exact(empty), e(r"abc[a&&b]xyz"));
2579        assert_eq!(exact(["abcxyz"]), e(r"abc[a&&b]*xyz"));
2580    }
2582    #[test]
2583    fn alternation() {
2584        assert_eq!(exact(["abc", "mno", "xyz"]), e(r"abc|mno|xyz"));
2585        assert_eq!(
2586            inexact(
2587                [E("abc"), I("mZ"), E("mo"), E("xyz")],
2588                [E("abc"), I("Zo"), E("mo"), E("xyz")]
2589            ),
2590            e(r"abc|mZ*o|xyz")
2591        );
2592        assert_eq!(exact(["abc", "xyz"]), e(r"abc|M[a&&b]N|xyz"));
2593        assert_eq!(exact(["abc", "MN", "xyz"]), e(r"abc|M[a&&b]*N|xyz"));
2595        assert_eq!(exact(["aaa", "aaaaa"]), e(r"(?:|aa)aaa"));
2596        assert_eq!(
2597            inexact(
2598                [I("aaa"), E(""), I("aaaaa"), E("aa")],
2599                [I("aaa"), E(""), E("aa")]
2600            ),
2601            e(r"(?:|aa)(?:aaa)*")
2602        );
2603        assert_eq!(
2604            inexact(
2605                [E(""), I("aaa"), E("aa"), I("aaaaa")],
2606                [E(""), I("aaa"), E("aa")]
2607            ),
2608            e(r"(?:|aa)(?:aaa)*?")
2609        );
2611        assert_eq!(
2612            inexact([E("a"), I("b"), E("")], [E("a"), I("b"), E("")]),
2613            e(r"a|b*")
2614        );
2615        assert_eq!(inexact([E("a"), I("b")], [E("a"), I("b")]), e(r"a|b+"));
2617        assert_eq!(
2618            inexact([I("a"), E("b"), E("c")], [I("ab"), E("b"), E("c")]),
2619            e(r"a*b|c")
2620        );
2622        assert_eq!(
2623            inexact(
2624                [E("a"), E("b"), I("c"), E("")],
2625                [E("a"), E("b"), I("c"), E("")]
2626            ),
2627            e(r"a|(?:b|c*)")
2628        );
2630        assert_eq!(
2631            inexact(
2632                [I("a"), I("b"), E("c"), I("a"), I("ab"), E("c")],
2633                [I("ac"), I("bc"), E("c"), I("ac"), I("abc"), E("c")],
2634            ),
2635            e(r"(a|b)*c|(a|ab)*c")
2636        );
2638        assert_eq!(
2639            exact(["abef", "abgh", "cdef", "cdgh"]),
2640            e(r"(ab|cd)(ef|gh)")
2641        );
2642        assert_eq!(
2643            exact([
2644                "abefij", "abefkl", "abghij", "abghkl", "cdefij", "cdefkl",
2645                "cdghij", "cdghkl",
2646            ]),
2647            e(r"(ab|cd)(ef|gh)(ij|kl)")
2648        );
2650        assert_eq!(inexact([E("abab")], [E("abab")]), e(r"(ab){2}"));
2652        assert_eq!(inexact([I("abab")], [I("abab")]), e(r"(ab){2,3}"));
2654        assert_eq!(inexact([I("abab")], [I("abab")]), e(r"(ab){2,}"));
2655    }
2657    #[test]
2658    fn impossible() {
2659        let empty: [&str; 0] = [];
2661        assert_eq!(exact(empty), e(r"[a&&b]"));
2662        assert_eq!(exact(empty), e(r"a[a&&b]"));
2663        assert_eq!(exact(empty), e(r"[a&&b]b"));
2664        assert_eq!(exact(empty), e(r"a[a&&b]b"));
2665        assert_eq!(exact(["a", "b"]), e(r"a|[a&&b]|b"));
2666        assert_eq!(exact(["a", "b"]), e(r"a|c[a&&b]|b"));
2667        assert_eq!(exact(["a", "b"]), e(r"a|[a&&b]d|b"));
2668        assert_eq!(exact(["a", "b"]), e(r"a|c[a&&b]d|b"));
2669        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"[a&&b]*"));
2670        assert_eq!(exact(["MN"]), e(r"M[a&&b]*N"));
2671    }
2673    // This tests patterns that contain something that defeats literal
2674    // detection, usually because it would blow some limit on the total number
2675    // of literals that can be returned.
2676    //
2677    // The main idea is that when literal extraction sees something that
2678    // it knows will blow a limit, it replaces it with a marker that says
2679    // "any literal will match here." While not necessarily true, the
2680    // over-estimation is just fine for the purposes of literal extraction,
2681    // because the imprecision doesn't matter: too big is too big.
2682    //
2683    // This is one of the trickier parts of literal extraction, since we need
2684    // to make sure all of our literal extraction operations correctly compose
2685    // with the markers.
2686    #[test]
2687    fn anything() {
2688        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"."));
2689        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"(?s)."));
2690        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"[A-Za-z]"));
2691        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"[A-Z]"));
2692        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"[A-Z]{0}"));
2693        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"[A-Z]?"));
2694        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"[A-Z]*"));
2695        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"[A-Z]+"));
2696        assert_eq!((seq([I("1")]), Seq::infinite()), e(r"1[A-Z]"));
2697        assert_eq!((seq([I("1")]), seq([I("2")])), e(r"1[A-Z]2"));
2698        assert_eq!((Seq::infinite(), seq([I("123")])), e(r"[A-Z]+123"));
2699        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"[A-Z]+123[A-Z]+"));
2700        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"1|[A-Z]|3"));
2701        assert_eq!(
2702            (seq([E("1"), I("2"), E("3")]), Seq::infinite()),
2703            e(r"1|2[A-Z]|3"),
2704        );
2705        assert_eq!(
2706            (Seq::infinite(), seq([E("1"), I("2"), E("3")])),
2707            e(r"1|[A-Z]2|3"),
2708        );
2709        assert_eq!(
2710            (seq([E("1"), I("2"), E("4")]), seq([E("1"), I("3"), E("4")])),
2711            e(r"1|2[A-Z]3|4"),
2712        );
2713        assert_eq!((Seq::infinite(), seq([I("2")])), e(r"(?:|1)[A-Z]2"));
2714        assert_eq!(inexact([I("a")], [I("z")]), e(r"a.z"));
2715    }
2717    // Like the 'anything' test, but it uses smaller limits in order to test
2718    // the logic for effectively aborting literal extraction when the seqs get
2719    // too big.
2720    #[test]
2721    fn anything_small_limits() {
2722        fn prefixes(pattern: &str) -> Seq {
2723            Extractor::new()
2724                .kind(ExtractKind::Prefix)
2725                .limit_total(10)
2726                .extract(&parse(pattern))
2727        }
2729        fn suffixes(pattern: &str) -> Seq {
2730            Extractor::new()
2731                .kind(ExtractKind::Suffix)
2732                .limit_total(10)
2733                .extract(&parse(pattern))
2734        }
2736        fn e(pattern: &str) -> (Seq, Seq) {
2737            (prefixes(pattern), suffixes(pattern))
2738        }
2740        assert_eq!(
2741            (
2742                seq([
2743                    I("aaa"),
2744                    I("aab"),
2745                    I("aba"),
2746                    I("abb"),
2747                    I("baa"),
2748                    I("bab"),
2749                    I("bba"),
2750                    I("bbb")
2751                ]),
2752                seq([
2753                    I("aaa"),
2754                    I("aab"),
2755                    I("aba"),
2756                    I("abb"),
2757                    I("baa"),
2758                    I("bab"),
2759                    I("bba"),
2760                    I("bbb")
2761                ])
2762            ),
2763            e(r"[ab]{3}{3}")
2764        );
2766        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"ab|cd|ef|gh|ij|kl|mn|op|qr|st|uv|wx|yz"));
2767    }
2769    #[test]
2770    fn empty() {
2771        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r""));
2772        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"^"));
2773        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"$"));
2774        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"(?m:^)"));
2775        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"(?m:$)"));
2776        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"\b"));
2777        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"\B"));
2778        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"(?-u:\b)"));
2779        assert_eq!(exact([""]), e(r"(?-u:\B)"));
2780    }
2782    #[test]
2783    fn odds_and_ends() {
2784        assert_eq!((Seq::infinite(), seq([I("a")])), e(r".a"));
2785        assert_eq!((seq([I("a")]), Seq::infinite()), e(r"a."));
2786        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"a|."));
2787        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r".|a"));
2789        let pat = r"M[ou]'?am+[ae]r .*([AEae]l[- ])?[GKQ]h?[aeu]+([dtz][dhz]?)+af[iy]";
2790        let expected = inexact(
2791            ["Mo'am", "Moam", "Mu'am", "Muam"].map(I),
2792            [
2793                "ddafi", "ddafy", "dhafi", "dhafy", "dzafi", "dzafy", "dafi",
2794                "dafy", "tdafi", "tdafy", "thafi", "thafy", "tzafi", "tzafy",
2795                "tafi", "tafy", "zdafi", "zdafy", "zhafi", "zhafy", "zzafi",
2796                "zzafy", "zafi", "zafy",
2797            ]
2798            .map(I),
2799        );
2800        assert_eq!(expected, e(pat));
2802        assert_eq!(
2803            (seq(["fn is_", "fn as_"].map(I)), Seq::infinite()),
2804            e(r"fn is_([A-Z]+)|fn as_([A-Z]+)"),
2805        );
2806        assert_eq!(
2807            inexact([I("foo")], [I("quux")]),
2808            e(r"foo[A-Z]+bar[A-Z]+quux")
2809        );
2810        assert_eq!(infinite(), e(r"[A-Z]+bar[A-Z]+"));
2811        assert_eq!(
2812            exact(["Sherlock Holmes"]),
2813            e(r"(?m)^Sherlock Holmes|Sherlock Holmes$")
2814        );
2816        assert_eq!(exact(["sa", "sb"]), e(r"\bs(?:[ab])"));
2817    }
2819    // This tests a specific regex along with some heuristic steps to reduce
2820    // the sequences extracted. This is meant to roughly correspond to the
2821    // types of heuristics used to shrink literal sets in practice. (Shrinking
2822    // is done because you want to balance "spend too much work looking for
2823    // too many literals" and "spend too much work processing false positive
2824    // matches from short literals.")
2825    #[test]
2826    #[cfg(feature = "unicode-case")]
2827    fn holmes() {
2828        let expected = inexact(
2829            ["HOL", "HOl", "HoL", "Hol", "hOL", "hOl", "hoL", "hol"].map(I),
2830            [
2831                "MES", "MEs", "Eſ", "MeS", "Mes", "eſ", "mES", "mEs", "meS",
2832                "mes",
2833            ]
2834            .map(I),
2835        );
2836        let (mut prefixes, mut suffixes) = e(r"(?i)Holmes");
2837        prefixes.keep_first_bytes(3);
2838        suffixes.keep_last_bytes(3);
2839        prefixes.minimize_by_preference();
2840        suffixes.minimize_by_preference();
2841        assert_eq!(expected, (prefixes, suffixes));
2842    }
2844    // This tests that we get some kind of literals extracted for a beefier
2845    // alternation with case insensitive mode enabled. At one point during
2846    // development, this returned nothing, and motivated some special case
2847    // code in Extractor::union to try and trim down the literal sequences
2848    // if the union would blow the limits set.
2849    #[test]
2850    #[cfg(feature = "unicode-case")]
2851    fn holmes_alt() {
2852        let mut pre =
2853            prefixes(r"(?i)Sherlock|Holmes|Watson|Irene|Adler|John|Baker");
2854        assert!(pre.len().unwrap() > 0);
2855        pre.optimize_for_prefix_by_preference();
2856        assert!(pre.len().unwrap() > 0);
2857    }
2859    // See:
2860    // See: CVE-2022-24713
2861    //
2862    // We test this here to ensure literal extraction completes in reasonable
2863    // time and isn't materially impacted by these sorts of pathological
2864    // repeats.
2865    #[test]
2866    fn crazy_repeats() {
2867        assert_eq!(inexact([E("")], [E("")]), e(r"(?:){4294967295}"));
2868        assert_eq!(
2869            inexact([E("")], [E("")]),
2870            e(r"(?:){64}{64}{64}{64}{64}{64}")
2871        );
2872        assert_eq!(inexact([E("")], [E("")]), e(r"x{0}{4294967295}"));
2873        assert_eq!(inexact([E("")], [E("")]), e(r"(?:|){4294967295}"));
2875        assert_eq!(
2876            inexact([E("")], [E("")]),
2877            e(r"(?:){8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}")
2878        );
2879        let repa = "a".repeat(100);
2880        assert_eq!(
2881            inexact([I(&repa)], [I(&repa)]),
2882            e(r"a{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}{8}")
2883        );
2884    }
2886    #[test]
2887    fn huge() {
2888        let pat = r#"(?-u)
2889        2(?:
2890          [45]\d{3}|
2891          7(?:
2892            1[0-267]|
2893            2[0-289]|
2894            3[0-29]|
2895            4[01]|
2896            5[1-3]|
2897            6[013]|
2898            7[0178]|
2899            91
2900          )|
2901          8(?:
2902            0[125]|
2903            [139][1-6]|
2904            2[0157-9]|
2905            41|
2906            6[1-35]|
2907            7[1-5]|
2908            8[1-8]|
2909            90
2910          )|
2911          9(?:
2912            0[0-2]|
2913            1[0-4]|
2914            2[568]|
2915            3[3-6]|
2916            5[5-7]|
2917            6[0167]|
2918            7[15]|
2919            8[0146-9]
2920          )
2921        )\d{4}|
2922        3(?:
2923          12?[5-7]\d{2}|
2924          0(?:
2925            2(?:
2926              [025-79]\d|
2927              [348]\d{1,2}
2928            )|
2929            3(?:
2930              [2-4]\d|
2931              [56]\d?
2932            )
2933          )|
2934          2(?:
2935            1\d{2}|
2936            2(?:
2937              [12]\d|
2938              [35]\d{1,2}|
2939              4\d?
2940            )
2941          )|
2942          3(?:
2943            1\d{2}|
2944            2(?:
2945              [2356]\d|
2946              4\d{1,2}
2947            )
2948          )|
2949          4(?:
2950            1\d{2}|
2951            2(?:
2952              2\d{1,2}|
2953              [47]|
2954              5\d{2}
2955            )
2956          )|
2957          5(?:
2958            1\d{2}|
2959            29
2960          )|
2961          [67]1\d{2}|
2962          8(?:
2963            1\d{2}|
2964            2(?:
2965              2\d{2}|
2966              3|
2967              4\d
2968            )
2969          )
2970        )\d{3}|
2971        4(?:
2972          0(?:
2973            2(?:
2974              [09]\d|
2975              7
2976            )|
2977            33\d{2}
2978          )|
2979          1\d{3}|
2980          2(?:
2981            1\d{2}|
2982            2(?:
2983              [25]\d?|
2984              [348]\d|
2985              [67]\d{1,2}
2986            )
2987          )|
2988          3(?:
2989            1\d{2}(?:
2990              \d{2}
2991            )?|
2992            2(?:
2993              [045]\d|
2994              [236-9]\d{1,2}
2995            )|
2996            32\d{2}
2997          )|
2998          4(?:
2999            [18]\d{2}|
3000            2(?:
3001              [2-46]\d{2}|
3002              3
3003            )|
3004            5[25]\d{2}
3005          )|
3006          5(?:
3007            1\d{2}|
3008            2(?:
3009              3\d|
3010              5
3011            )
3012          )|
3013          6(?:
3014            [18]\d{2}|
3015            2(?:
3016              3(?:
3017                \d{2}
3018              )?|
3019              [46]\d{1,2}|
3020              5\d{2}|
3021              7\d
3022            )|
3023            5(?:
3024              3\d?|
3025              4\d|
3026              [57]\d{1,2}|
3027              6\d{2}|
3028              8
3029            )
3030          )|
3031          71\d{2}|
3032          8(?:
3033            [18]\d{2}|
3034            23\d{2}|
3035            54\d{2}
3036          )|
3037          9(?:
3038            [18]\d{2}|
3039            2[2-5]\d{2}|
3040            53\d{1,2}
3041          )
3042        )\d{3}|
3043        5(?:
3044          02[03489]\d{2}|
3045          1\d{2}|
3046          2(?:
3047            1\d{2}|
3048            2(?:
3049              2(?:
3050                \d{2}
3051              )?|
3052              [457]\d{2}
3053            )
3054          )|
3055          3(?:
3056            1\d{2}|
3057            2(?:
3058              [37](?:
3059                \d{2}
3060              )?|
3061              [569]\d{2}
3062            )
3063          )|
3064          4(?:
3065            1\d{2}|
3066            2[46]\d{2}
3067          )|
3068          5(?:
3069            1\d{2}|
3070            26\d{1,2}
3071          )|
3072          6(?:
3073            [18]\d{2}|
3074            2|
3075            53\d{2}
3076          )|
3077          7(?:
3078            1|
3079            24
3080          )\d{2}|
3081          8(?:
3082            1|
3083            26
3084          )\d{2}|
3085          91\d{2}
3086        )\d{3}|
3087        6(?:
3088          0(?:
3089            1\d{2}|
3090            2(?:
3091              3\d{2}|
3092              4\d{1,2}
3093            )
3094          )|
3095          2(?:
3096            2[2-5]\d{2}|
3097            5(?:
3098              [3-5]\d{2}|
3099              7
3100            )|
3101            8\d{2}
3102          )|
3103          3(?:
3104            1|
3105            2[3478]
3106          )\d{2}|
3107          4(?:
3108            1|
3109            2[34]
3110          )\d{2}|
3111          5(?:
3112            1|
3113            2[47]
3114          )\d{2}|
3115          6(?:
3116            [18]\d{2}|
3117            6(?:
3118              2(?:
3119                2\d|
3120                [34]\d{2}
3121              )|
3122              5(?:
3123                [24]\d{2}|
3124                3\d|
3125                5\d{1,2}
3126              )
3127            )
3128          )|
3129          72[2-5]\d{2}|
3130          8(?:
3131            1\d{2}|
3132            2[2-5]\d{2}
3133          )|
3134          9(?:
3135            1\d{2}|
3136            2[2-6]\d{2}
3137          )
3138        )\d{3}|
3139        7(?:
3140          (?:
3141            02|
3142            [3-589]1|
3143            6[12]|
3144            72[24]
3145          )\d{2}|
3146          21\d{3}|
3147          32
3148        )\d{3}|
3149        8(?:
3150          (?:
3151            4[12]|
3152            [5-7]2|
3153            1\d?
3154          )|
3155          (?:
3156            0|
3157            3[12]|
3158            [5-7]1|
3159            217
3160          )\d
3161        )\d{4}|
3162        9(?:
3163          [35]1|
3164          (?:
3165            [024]2|
3166            81
3167          )\d|
3168          (?:
3169            1|
3170            [24]1
3171          )\d{2}
3172        )\d{3}
3173        "#;
3174        // TODO: This is a good candidate of a seq of literals that could be
3175        // shrunk quite a bit and still be very productive with respect to
3176        // literal optimizations.
3177        let (prefixes, suffixes) = e(pat);
3178        assert!(!suffixes.is_finite());
3179        assert_eq!(Some(243), prefixes.len());
3180    }
3182    #[test]
3183    fn optimize() {
3184        // This gets a common prefix that isn't too short.
3185        let (p, s) =
3186            opt(["foobarfoobar", "foobar", "foobarzfoobar", "foobarfoobar"]);
3187        assert_eq!(seq([I("foobar")]), p);
3188        assert_eq!(seq([I("foobar")]), s);
3190        // This also finds a common prefix, but since it's only one byte, it
3191        // prefers the multiple literals.
3192        let (p, s) = opt(["abba", "akka", "abccba"]);
3193        assert_eq!(exact(["abba", "akka", "abccba"]), (p, s));
3195        let (p, s) = opt(["sam", "samwise"]);
3196        assert_eq!((seq([E("sam")]), seq([E("sam"), E("samwise")])), (p, s));
3198        // The empty string is poisonous, so our seq becomes infinite, even
3199        // though all literals are exact.
3200        let (p, s) = opt(["foobarfoo", "foo", "", "foozfoo", "foofoo"]);
3201        assert!(!p.is_finite());
3202        assert!(!s.is_finite());
3204        // A space is also poisonous, so our seq becomes infinite. But this
3205        // only gets triggered when we don't have a completely exact sequence.
3206        // When the sequence is exact, spaces are okay, since we presume that
3207        // any prefilter will match a space more quickly than the regex engine.
3208        // (When the sequence is exact, there's a chance of the prefilter being
3209        // used without needing the regex engine at all.)
3210        let mut p = seq([E("foobarfoo"), I("foo"), E(" "), E("foofoo")]);
3211        p.optimize_for_prefix_by_preference();
3212        assert!(!p.is_finite());
3213    }