
1// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors
3// Licensed under a BSD-style license <LICENSE-BSD>, Apache License, Version 2.0
4// <LICENSE-APACHE or>, or the MIT
5// license <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your option.
6// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
7// those terms.
9use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Range, ptr::NonNull};
12use crate::util::polyfills::NumExt as _;
13use crate::{
14    layout::{CastType, DstLayout, MetadataCastError},
15    util::AsAddress,
16    AlignmentError, CastError, KnownLayout, PointerMetadata, SizeError,
19pub(crate) use _def::PtrInner;
21mod _def {
22    use super::*;
23    /// The inner pointer stored inside a [`Ptr`][crate::Ptr].
24    ///
25    /// `PtrInner<'a, T>` is [covariant] in `'a` and invariant in `T`.
26    ///
27    /// [covariant]:
28    pub(crate) struct PtrInner<'a, T>
29    where
30        T: ?Sized,
31    {
32        /// # Invariants
33        ///
34        /// 0. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr` is derived from
35        ///    some valid Rust allocation, `A`.
36        /// 1. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr` has valid
37        ///    provenance for `A`.
38        /// 2. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr` addresses a
39        ///    byte range which is entirely contained in `A`.
40        /// 3. `ptr` addresses a byte range whose length fits in an `isize`.
41        /// 4. `ptr` addresses a byte range which does not wrap around the
42        ///     address space.
43        /// 5. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized,`A` is guaranteed to live
44        ///    for at least `'a`.
45        ptr: NonNull<T>,
46        // SAFETY: `&'a UnsafeCell<T>` is covariant in `'a` and invariant in `T`
47        // [1]. We use this construction rather than the equivalent `&mut T`,
48        // because our MSRV of 1.65 prohibits `&mut` types in const contexts.
49        //
50        // [1]
51        _marker: PhantomData<&'a core::cell::UnsafeCell<T>>,
52    }
54    impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized> Copy for PtrInner<'a, T> {}
55    impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized> Clone for PtrInner<'a, T> {
56        fn clone(&self) -> PtrInner<'a, T> {
57            // SAFETY: None of the invariants on `ptr` are affected by having
58            // multiple copies of a `PtrInner`.
59            *self
60        }
61    }
63    impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized> PtrInner<'a, T> {
64        /// Constructs a `Ptr` from a [`NonNull`].
65        ///
66        /// # Safety
67        ///
68        /// The caller promises that:
69        ///
70        /// 0. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr` is derived from
71        ///    some valid Rust allocation, `A`.
72        /// 1. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr` has valid
73        ///    provenance for `A`.
74        /// 2. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr` addresses a
75        ///    byte range which is entirely contained in `A`.
76        /// 3. `ptr` addresses a byte range whose length fits in an `isize`.
77        /// 4. `ptr` addresses a byte range which does not wrap around the
78        ///    address space.
79        /// 5. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `A` is guaranteed to
80        ///    live for at least `'a`.
81        pub(crate) const unsafe fn new(ptr: NonNull<T>) -> PtrInner<'a, T> {
82            // SAFETY: The caller has promised to satisfy all safety invariants
83            // of `PtrInner`.
84            Self { ptr, _marker: PhantomData }
85        }
87        /// Converts this `PtrInner<T>` to a [`NonNull<T>`].
88        ///
89        /// Note that this method does not consume `self`. The caller should
90        /// watch out for `unsafe` code which uses the returned `NonNull` in a
91        /// way that violates the safety invariants of `self`.
92        pub(crate) const fn as_non_null(&self) -> NonNull<T> {
93            self.ptr
94        }
95    }
98impl<'a, T: ?Sized> PtrInner<'a, T> {
99    /// Constructs a `PtrInner` from a reference.
100    #[inline]
101    pub(crate) fn from_ref(ptr: &'a T) -> Self {
102        let ptr = NonNull::from(ptr);
103        // SAFETY:
104        // 0. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr`, by invariant on
105        //    `&'a T`, is derived from some valid Rust allocation, `A`.
106        // 1. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr`, by invariant on
107        //    `&'a T`, has valid provenance for `A`.
108        // 2. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr`, by invariant on
109        //    `&'a T`, addresses a byte range which is entirely contained in
110        //    `A`.
111        // 3. `ptr`, by invariant on `&'a T`, addresses a byte range whose
112        //    length fits in an `isize`.
113        // 4. `ptr`, by invariant on `&'a T`, addresses a byte range which does
114        //    not wrap around the address space.
115        // 5. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `A`, by invariant on
116        //    `&'a T`, is guaranteed to live for at least `'a`.
117        unsafe { Self::new(ptr) }
118    }
120    /// Constructs a `PtrInner` from a mutable reference.
121    #[inline]
122    pub(crate) fn from_mut(ptr: &'a mut T) -> Self {
123        let ptr = NonNull::from(ptr);
124        // SAFETY:
125        // 0. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr`, by invariant on
126        //    `&'a mut T`, is derived from some valid Rust allocation, `A`.
127        // 1. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr`, by invariant on
128        //    `&'a mut T`, has valid provenance for `A`.
129        // 2. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `ptr`, by invariant on
130        //    `&'a mut T`, addresses a byte range which is entirely contained in
131        //    `A`.
132        // 3. `ptr`, by invariant on `&'a mut T`, addresses a byte range whose
133        //    length fits in an `isize`.
134        // 4. `ptr`, by invariant on `&'a mut T`, addresses a byte range which
135        //    does not wrap around the address space.
136        // 5. If `ptr`'s referent is not zero sized, then `A`, by invariant on
137        //    `&'a mut T`, is guaranteed to live for at least `'a`.
138        unsafe { Self::new(ptr) }
139    }
143impl<'a, T> PtrInner<'a, [T]> {
144    /// Creates a pointer which addresses the given `range` of self.
145    ///
146    /// # Safety
147    ///
148    /// `range` is a valid range (`start <= end`) and `end <= self.len()`.
149    pub(crate) unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, range: Range<usize>) -> Self {
150        let base = self.as_non_null().cast::<T>().as_ptr();
152        // SAFETY: The caller promises that `start <= end <= self.len()`. By
153        // invariant, if `self`'s referent is not zero-sized, then `self` refers
154        // to a byte range which is contained within a single allocation, which
155        // is no more than `isize::MAX` bytes long, and which does not wrap
156        // around the address space. Thus, this pointer arithmetic remains
157        // in-bounds of the same allocation, and does not wrap around the
158        // address space. The offset (in bytes) does not overflow `isize`.
159        //
160        // If `self`'s referent is zero-sized, then these conditions are
161        // trivially satisfied.
162        let base = unsafe { base.add(range.start) };
164        // SAFETY: The caller promises that `start <= end`, and so this will not
165        // underflow.
166        #[allow(unstable_name_collisions, clippy::incompatible_msrv)]
167        let len = unsafe { range.end.unchecked_sub(range.start) };
169        let ptr = core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(base, len);
171        // SAFETY: By invariant, `self`'s address is non-null and its range does
172        // not wrap around the address space. Since, by the preceding lemma,
173        // `ptr` addresses a range within that addressed by `self`, `ptr` is
174        // non-null.
175        let ptr = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr) };
177        // SAFETY:
178        //
179        // Lemma 0: `ptr` addresses a subset of the bytes addressed by `self`,
180        //          and has the same provenance. Proof: The caller guarantees
181        // that `start <= end <= self.len()`. Thus, `base` is in-bounds of
182        //        `self`, and `base + (end - start)` is also in-bounds of self.
183        //        Finally, `ptr` is constructed using provenance-preserving
184        //        operations.
185        //
186        // 0. Per Lemma 0 and by invariant on `self`, if `ptr`'s referent is not
187        //    zero sized, then `ptr` is derived from some valid Rust allocation,
188        //    `A`.
189        // 1. Per Lemma 0 and by invariant on `self`, if `ptr`'s referent is not
190        //    zero sized, then `ptr` has valid provenance for `A`.
191        // 2. Per Lemma 0 and by invariant on `self`, if `ptr`'s referent is not
192        //    zero sized, then `ptr` addresses a byte range which is entirely
193        //    contained in `A`.
194        // 3. Per Lemma 0 and by invariant on `self`, `ptr` addresses a byte
195        //    range whose length fits in an `isize`.
196        // 4. Per Lemma 0 and by invariant on `self`, `ptr` addresses a byte
197        //    range which does not wrap around the address space.
198        // 5. Per Lemma 0 and by invariant on `self`, if `ptr`'s referent is not
199        //    zero sized, then `A` is guaranteed to live for at least `'a`.
200        unsafe { PtrInner::new(ptr) }
201    }
203    /// Splits the slice in two.
204    ///
205    /// # Safety
206    ///
207    /// The caller promises that `l_len <= self.len()`.
208    ///
209    /// Given `let (left, right) = ptr.split_at(l_len)`, it is guaranteed
210    /// that `left` and `right` are contiguous and non-overlapping.
211    pub(crate) unsafe fn split_at(self, l_len: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
212        // SAFETY: The caller promises that `l_len <= self.len()`.
213        // Trivially, `0 <= l_len`.
214        let left = unsafe { self.slice_unchecked(0..l_len) };
216        // SAFETY: The caller promises that `l_len <= self.len() =
217        // slf.len()`. Trivially, `slf.len() <= slf.len()`.
218        let right = unsafe { self.slice_unchecked(l_len..self.len()) };
220        // SAFETY: `left` and `right` are non-overlapping. Proof: `left` is
221        // constructed from `slf` with `l_len` as its (exclusive) upper
222        // bound, while `right` is constructed from `slf` with `l_len` as
223        // its (inclusive) lower bound. Thus, no index is a member of both
224        // ranges.
225        (left, right)
226    }
228    /// Iteratively projects the elements `PtrInner<T>` from `PtrInner<[T]>`.
229    pub(crate) fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PtrInner<'a, T>> {
230        // TODO(#429): Once `NonNull::cast` documents that it preserves
231        // provenance, cite those docs.
232        let base = self.as_non_null().cast::<T>().as_ptr();
233        (0..self.len()).map(move |i| {
234            // TODO( Use
235            // `NonNull::get_unchecked_mut`.
237            // SAFETY: If the following conditions are not satisfied
238            // `pointer::cast` may induce Undefined Behavior [1]:
239            //
240            // > - The computed offset, `count * size_of::<T>()` bytes, must not
241            // >   overflow `isize``.
242            // > - If the computed offset is non-zero, then `self` must be
243            // >   derived from a pointer to some allocated object, and the
244            // >   entire memory range between `self` and the result must be in
245            // >   bounds of that allocated object. In particular, this range
246            // >   must not “wrap around” the edge of the address space.
247            //
248            // [1]
249            //
250            // We satisfy both of these conditions here:
251            // - By invariant on `Ptr`, `self` addresses a byte range whose
252            //   length fits in an `isize`. Since `elem` is contained in `self`,
253            //   the computed offset of `elem` must fit within `isize.`
254            // - If the computed offset is non-zero, then this means that the
255            //   referent is not zero-sized. In this case, `base` points to an
256            //   allocated object (by invariant on `self`). Thus:
257            //   - By contract, `self.len()` accurately reflects the number of
258            //     elements in the slice. `i` is in bounds of `c.len()` by
259            //     construction, and so the result of this addition cannot
260            //     overflow past the end of the allocation referred to by `c`.
261            //   - By invariant on `Ptr`, `self` addresses a byte range which
262            //     does not wrap around the address space. Since `elem` is
263            //     contained in `self`, the computed offset of `elem` must wrap
264            //     around the address space.
265            //
266            // TODO(#429): Once `pointer::add` documents that it preserves
267            // provenance, cite those docs.
268            let elem = unsafe { base.add(i) };
270            // SAFETY:
271            //  - `elem` must not be null. `base` is constructed from a
272            //    `NonNull` pointer, and the addition that produces `elem` must
273            //    not overflow or wrap around, so `elem >= base > 0`.
274            //
275            // TODO(#429): Once `NonNull::new_unchecked` documents that it
276            // preserves provenance, cite those docs.
277            let elem = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(elem) };
279            // SAFETY: The safety invariants of `Ptr::new` (see definition) are
280            // satisfied:
281            // 0. If `elem`'s referent is not zero sized, then `elem` is derived
282            //    from a valid Rust allocation, because `self` is derived from a
283            //    valid Rust allocation, by invariant on `Ptr`.
284            // 1. If `elem`'s referent is not zero sized, then `elem` has valid
285            //    provenance for `self`, because it derived from `self` using a
286            //    series of provenance-preserving operations.
287            // 2. If `elem`'s referent is not zero sized, then `elem` is
288            //    entirely contained in the allocation of `self` (see above).
289            // 3. `elem` addresses a byte range whose length fits in an `isize`
290            //    (see above).
291            // 4. `elem` addresses a byte range which does not wrap around the
292            //    address space (see above).
293            // 5. If `elem`'s referent is not zero sized, then the allocation of
294            //    `elem` is guaranteed to live for at least `'a`, because `elem`
295            //    is entirely contained in `self`, which lives for at least `'a`
296            //    by invariant on `Ptr`.
297            unsafe { PtrInner::new(elem) }
298        })
299    }
301    /// The number of slice elements in the object referenced by `self`.
302    ///
303    /// # Safety
304    ///
305    /// Unsafe code my rely on `len` satisfying the above contract.
306    pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {
307        self.trailing_slice_len()
308    }
312impl<'a, T> PtrInner<'a, T>
314    T: ?Sized + KnownLayout<PointerMetadata = usize>,
316    /// The number of trailing slice elements in the object referenced by
317    /// `self`.
318    ///
319    /// # Safety
320    ///
321    /// Unsafe code my rely on `trailing_slice_len` satisfying the above
322    /// contract.
323    pub(super) fn trailing_slice_len(&self) -> usize {
324        T::pointer_to_metadata(self.as_non_null().as_ptr())
325    }
328impl<'a, T, const N: usize> PtrInner<'a, [T; N]> {
329    /// Casts this pointer-to-array into a slice.
330    ///
331    /// # Safety
332    ///
333    /// Callers may assume that the returned `PtrInner` references the same
334    /// address and length as `self`.
335    #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
336    pub(crate) fn as_slice(self) -> PtrInner<'a, [T]> {
337        let start = self.as_non_null().cast::<T>().as_ptr();
338        let slice = core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(start, N);
339        // SAFETY: `slice` is not null, because it is derived from `start`
340        // which is non-null.
341        let slice = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(slice) };
342        // SAFETY: Lemma: In the following safety arguments, note that `slice`
343        // is derived from `self` in two steps: first, by casting `self: [T; N]`
344        // to `start: T`, then by constructing a pointer to a slice starting at
345        // `start` of length `N`. As a result, `slice` references exactly the
346        // same allocation as `self`, if any.
347        //
348        // 0. By the above lemma, if `slice`'s referent is not zero sized, then
349        //    `slice` is derived from the same allocation as `self`, which, by
350        //    invariant on `Ptr`, is valid.
351        // 1. By the above lemma, if `slice`'s referent is not zero sized, then
352        //    , `slice` has valid provenance for `A`, since it is derived from
353        //    the pointer `self`, which, by invariant on `Ptr`, has valid
354        //    provenance for `A`.
355        // 2. By the above lemma, if `slice`'s referent is not zero sized, then
356        //    `slice` addresses a byte range which is entirely contained in `A`,
357        //    because it references exactly the same byte range as `self`,
358        //    which, by invariant on `Ptr`, is entirely contained in `A`.
359        // 3. By the above lemma, `slice` addresses a byte range whose length
360        //    fits in an `isize`, since it addresses exactly the same byte range
361        //    as `self`, which, by invariant on `Ptr`, has a length that fits in
362        //    an `isize`.
363        // 4. By the above lemma, `slice` addresses a byte range which does not
364        //    wrap around the address space, since it addresses exactly the same
365        //    byte range as `self`, which, by invariant on `Ptr`, does not wrap
366        //    around the address space.
367        // 5. By the above lemma, if `slice`'s referent is not zero sized, then
368        //    `A` is guaranteed to live for at least `'a`, because it is derived
369        //    from the same allocation as `self`, which, by invariant on `Ptr`,
370        //    lives for at least `'a`.
371        unsafe { PtrInner::new(slice) }
372    }
375impl<'a> PtrInner<'a, [u8]> {
376    /// Attempts to cast `self` to a `U` using the given cast type.
377    ///
378    /// If `U` is a slice DST and pointer metadata (`meta`) is provided, then
379    /// the cast will only succeed if it would produce an object with the given
380    /// metadata.
381    ///
382    /// Returns `None` if the resulting `U` would be invalidly-aligned, if no
383    /// `U` can fit in `self`, or if the provided pointer metadata describes an
384    /// invalid instance of `U`. On success, returns a pointer to the
385    /// largest-possible `U` which fits in `self`.
386    ///
387    /// # Safety
388    ///
389    /// The caller may assume that this implementation is correct, and may rely
390    /// on that assumption for the soundness of their code. In particular, the
391    /// caller may assume that, if `try_cast_into` returns `Some((ptr,
392    /// remainder))`, then `ptr` and `remainder` refer to non-overlapping byte
393    /// ranges within `self`, and that `ptr` and `remainder` entirely cover
394    /// `self`. Finally:
395    /// - If this is a prefix cast, `ptr` has the same address as `self`.
396    /// - If this is a suffix cast, `remainder` has the same address as `self`.
397    pub(crate) fn try_cast_into<U>(
398        self,
399        cast_type: CastType,
400        meta: Option<U::PointerMetadata>,
401    ) -> Result<(PtrInner<'a, U>, PtrInner<'a, [u8]>), CastError<Self, U>>
402    where
403        U: 'a + ?Sized + KnownLayout,
404    {
405        let layout = match meta {
406            None => U::LAYOUT,
407            // This can return `None` if the metadata describes an object
408            // which can't fit in an `isize`.
409            Some(meta) => {
410                let size = match meta.size_for_metadata(U::LAYOUT) {
411                    Some(size) => size,
412                    None => return Err(CastError::Size(SizeError::new(self))),
413                };
414                DstLayout { align: U::LAYOUT.align, size_info: crate::SizeInfo::Sized { size } }
415            }
416        };
417        // PANICS: By invariant, the byte range addressed by
418        // `self.as_non_null()` does not wrap around the address space. This
419        // implies that the sum of the address (represented as a `usize`) and
420        // length do not overflow `usize`, as required by
421        // `validate_cast_and_convert_metadata`. Thus, this call to
422        // `validate_cast_and_convert_metadata` will only panic if `U` is a DST
423        // whose trailing slice element is zero-sized.
424        let maybe_metadata = layout.validate_cast_and_convert_metadata(
425            AsAddress::addr(self.as_non_null().as_ptr()),
426            self.len(),
427            cast_type,
428        );
430        let (elems, split_at) = match maybe_metadata {
431            Ok((elems, split_at)) => (elems, split_at),
432            Err(MetadataCastError::Alignment) => {
433                // SAFETY: Since `validate_cast_and_convert_metadata` returned
434                // an alignment error, `U` must have an alignment requirement
435                // greater than one.
436                let err = unsafe { AlignmentError::<_, U>::new_unchecked(self) };
437                return Err(CastError::Alignment(err));
438            }
439            Err(MetadataCastError::Size) => return Err(CastError::Size(SizeError::new(self))),
440        };
442        // SAFETY: `validate_cast_and_convert_metadata` promises to return
443        // `split_at <= self.len()`.
444        let (l_slice, r_slice) = unsafe { self.split_at(split_at) };
446        let (target, remainder) = match cast_type {
447            CastType::Prefix => (l_slice, r_slice),
448            CastType::Suffix => (r_slice, l_slice),
449        };
451        let base = target.as_non_null().cast::<u8>();
453        let elems = <U as KnownLayout>::PointerMetadata::from_elem_count(elems);
454        // For a slice DST type, if `meta` is `Some(elems)`, then we synthesize
455        // `layout` to describe a sized type whose size is equal to the size of
456        // the instance that we are asked to cast. For sized types,
457        // `validate_cast_and_convert_metadata` returns `elems == 0`. Thus, in
458        // this case, we need to use the `elems` passed by the caller, not the
459        // one returned by `validate_cast_and_convert_metadata`.
460        let elems = meta.unwrap_or(elems);
462        let ptr = U::raw_from_ptr_len(base, elems);
464        // SAFETY:
465        // 0. By invariant, if `target`'s referent is not zero sized, then
466        //    `target` is derived from some valid Rust allocation, `A`. By
467        //    contract on `cast`, `ptr` is derived from `self`, and thus from
468        //    the same valid Rust allocation, `A`.
469        // 1. By invariant, if `target`'s referent is not zero sized, then
470        //    `target` has provenance valid for some Rust allocation, `A`.
471        //    Because `ptr` is derived from `target` via provenance-preserving
472        //    operations, `ptr` will also have provenance valid for `A`.
473        // -  `validate_cast_and_convert_metadata` promises that the object
474        //    described by `elems` and `split_at` lives at a byte range which is
475        //    a subset of the input byte range. Thus:
476        //    2. Since, by invariant, if `target`'s referent is not zero sized,
477        //       then `target` addresses a byte range which is entirely
478        //       contained in `A`, so does `ptr`.
479        //    3. Since, by invariant, `target` addresses a byte range whose
480        //       length fits in an `isize`, so does `ptr`.
481        //    4. Since, by invariant, `target` addresses a byte range which does
482        //       not wrap around the address space, so does `ptr`.
483        //    5. Since, by invariant, if `target`'s referent is not zero sized,
484        //       then `target` refers to an allocation which is guaranteed to
485        //       live for at least `'a`, so does `ptr`.
486        Ok((unsafe { PtrInner::new(ptr) }, remainder))
487    }
491impl<'a, T> PtrInner<'a, T> {
492    /// Performs an unaligned read of `self`'s referent.
493    ///
494    /// # Safety
495    ///
496    /// `self` must point to a properly initialized value of type `T`, and
497    /// reading a copy of `T` must not violate `T`'s safety invariants.
498    ///
499    /// `self`'s referent must not be concurrently modified during this call.
500    pub(crate) unsafe fn read_unaligned(self) -> T {
501        let raw = self.as_non_null().as_ptr();
502        // SAFETY: The caller promises that `self` points to a bit-valid `T` and
503        // that reading a copy of it won't violate `T`'s safety invariants. The
504        // caller promises that `self`'s referent won't be concurrently modified
505        // during this operation.
506        //
507        // `raw` is valid for reads:
508        // - `self.as_non_null()` returns a `NonNull`, which is guaranteed to be
509        //   non-null.
510        // - By invariant on `PtrInner`, `raw` is is either zero-sized or:
511        //   - within bounds of a single allocated object which lives for
512        //     at least `'a`.
513        //   - ...has valid provenance for that object.
514        unsafe { core::ptr::read_unaligned(raw) }
515    }
519mod tests {
520    use super::*;
522    #[test]
523    fn test_split_at() {
524        const N: usize = 16;
525        let arr = [1; N];
526        let ptr = PtrInner::from_ref(&arr).as_slice();
527        for i in 0..=N {
528            assert_eq!(ptr.len(), N);
529            // SAFETY: `i` is in bounds by construction.
530            let (l, r) = unsafe { ptr.split_at(i) };
531            // SAFETY: Points to a valid value by construction.
532            let l_sum: usize = l.iter().map(|ptr| unsafe { ptr.read_unaligned() }).sum();
533            // SAFETY: Points to a valid value by construction.
534            let r_sum: usize = r.iter().map(|ptr| unsafe { ptr.read_unaligned() }).sum();
535            assert_eq!(l_sum, i);
536            assert_eq!(r_sum, N - i);
537            assert_eq!(l_sum + r_sum, N);
538        }
539    }