Interface Combinators

We can chain two interfaces by using combinators. We define a combinator as a method within each hazard interface. The combinator specifies the combinational logic of calculating the egress interface payload, ingress interface resolver, and the next state of the combinator.

Note that in this section, you will see the dependency type D in the combinators' signature, for more information about the dependency, please refer to the dependency section.

Combine Blackbox Module to Interface

The comb method within the interface trait is used to combine the blackbox module to the given interface and return the egress interface.

trait Interface {

    fn comb<E: Interface>(self, m: impl FnOnce(Self) -> E) -> E {

It is useful when we want to combine multiple modules together. For example, we can combine multiple stage modules with comb in the CPU core.

fn core(
    imem: impl FnOnce(Vr<MemReq>) -> Vr<MemRespWithAddr>,
    dmem: impl FnOnce(Vr<MemReq>) -> Vr<MemRespWithAddr>,
) {
        .comb(move |ingress| mem(ingress, dmem))
  • imem and dmem are modules for instruction memory and data memory, respectively.
  • We chain the 5 sub-modules fetch, decode, exe, mem, and wb by using the comb method.

Generic FSM Combinator

The essence of the interface combinator is the generic fsm combinator.

We provide the fsm combinator that transforms the ingress interface to egress interface with finite state machine. With this combinator, you can represent an arbitrary FSM.

trait Interface {
    type Fwd: Copy;
    type Bwd: Copy;

    fn fsm<E: Interface, S: Copy>(
        init_state: S,
        f: impl Fn(Self::Fwd, E::Bwd, S) -> (E::Fwd, Self::Bwd, S),
    ) -> E {
        .. // compiler magic


It accepts two arguments which are the FSM's initial state and the combinational logic.

We represent the combinational logic as a function (f). It takes three input signals:

  • Ingress interface's forward signal (Self::Fwd)
  • Egress interface's backward signal (E::Bwd)
  • Current state (S)

and returns three output signals:

  • Egress interface's forward signal (E::Fwd)
  • Ingress interface's backward signal (Self::Bwd)
  • Next state (S)

Standard Combinator Library

We provide standard combinator library for developers to facilitate their work. We can roughly categorize the library into the following categories.

MappingMaintains the 1-to-1 relation between the ingress/egress interface.
1-to-NSplits the ingress interface into multiple egress interfaces.
N-to-1Merges multiple ingress interfaces into one egress interface.
RegisterStores the state into registers and could delay for one or multiple cycles.
Source/sinkGenerates or consumes the interface.
FSMRuns a finite state machine with an internal state.
ConversionConverts ingress hazard interface into egress hazard interface.

For more details about all combinators, please refer to the rustdoc.


These combinators either transform the payload (ingress to egress) or transform the resolver (egress to ingress).

We demonstrate the two most representative combinators: filter_map and map_resolver.


As the name suggested, filter_map combinator has the functionality of filter and map. It filters out the payload not satisfying certain conditions and transforms the ingress payload P to egress payload EP. We demonstrate the filter_map which takes Vr<P> and returns Vr<EP>.

It can be implemented with using fsm combinator like this:

impl<P: Copy> Vr<P> {
    fn filter_map<EP: Copy>(self, f: impl Fn(P) -> HOption<EP>) -> Vr<EP> {
        self.fsm::<Vr<EP>, ()>(|ip, er, _| {
            let (ep, ir) = (ip.and_then(f), er);
            (ep, ir, ())

It is stateless, and egress transfer happens when (1) ingress transfer happens, and (2) f returns Some with given ingress payload.

For example, let's consider the following f:

fn f(i: u32) -> HOption<bool> {
    if i == 0 {
        // If `i` is zero, filters out the payload.
    } else if i & 1 == 0 {
        // If `i` is even number, returns `true`.
    } else {
        // If `i` is odd number, returns `false`.

Then the cycle-level behavior of filter_map is as follows:

(T and F means true and false, respectively)

  • Cycle 0: transfer happens both at ingress and egress side.
  • Cycle 2: transfer happens at ingress side, but it was filtered out by f.
  • Cycle 5: transfer does not happens because egress is not ready to receive.

Note that filter_map can work with ingress interfaces I<VrH<P, R>, D>, I<ValidH<P, R>, D> and I<H, D> and there are variants of the filter_map like filter_map_drop_with_r.


This combinator transforms the egress resolver to the ingress resolver and leaves the payload untouched. We demonstrate the map_resolver with ingress interface I<VrH<P, R>, D>. Similar to filter_map, map_resolver has other variants and can also work with other ingress interfaces.

impl<P: Copy, R: Copy, const D: Dep> I<VrH<P, R>, D> {
    fn map_resolver<ER: Copy>(self, f: impl Fn(Ready<ER>) -> R) -> I<VrH<P, ER>, D> {
        self.fsm::<I<VrH<P, ER>, D>, ()>(|ip, er, _| {
            let ep = ip;
            let ir = Ready::new(er.ready, f(er));
            (ep, ir, ())
  • It is stateless.
  • It transforms the egress resolver into an ingress resolver with a given f within the same clock cycle.
  • The egress transfer condition is always the same as the ingress transfer condition.
  • It leaves the ingress payload untouched.
  • This combinator usually being used as a connector for two other combinators whose resolver types are not compatible.

For example, let's consider the following f:

fn f(i: u32) -> bool {
    // Returns the parity of `i`.
    i & 1 == 0

Then the cycle-level behavior of map_resolver is as follows:

  • It does not touch the forward signals and backward ready signal.
  • It transforms the backward inner signal to the parity.
  • Transfer happens at both sides at cycle 1 and 5.


These combinators can either duplicate a single ingress interface into multiple egress interfaces or select one from the numerous egress interfaces to transfer the payload.

We demonstrate the two most representative combinators: lfork and branch.


This combinator delivers the ingress payload to all the egress interfaces' egress payload when all the egress interfaces are ready to receive the ingress payload, and also combines all the egress interfaces' resolvers to the ingress resolver. We demonstrate lfork with the ingress interface Vr<P, D>, whose resolver is (). Note that lfork can work with other ingress interfaces such as I<VrH<P, (R1, R2)>, D>, I<VrH<P, Array<R, N>>, D>, etc.

impl<P: Copy, const D: Dep> Vr<P, D> {
    fn lfork(self) -> (Vr<P, D>, Vr<P, D>) {
        self.fsm::<(Vr<P, D>, Vr<P, D>), ()>(|ip, (er1, er2), _| {
            let ep1 = if er2.ready { ip } else { None };
            let ep2 = if er1.ready { ip } else { None };
            let ir = Ready::new(er1.ready && er2.ready, ());
            ((ep1, ep2), ir, ())
  • It is stateless.
  • Ingress, first egress, and second egress transfer happens at same cycle.

The example cycle-level behavior of lfork is as follows:

  • Cycle 1, 4, 5: transfer happens at ingress, first egress, and second egress sides.


This combinator splits a single ingress interface into multiple egress interfaces and only selects one of the egress interfaces to transfer the payload, also combines all the egress interfaces' resolvers into the ingress resolver. We demonstrate branch with the ingress interface Vr<P, BoundedU<N>>.

BoundedU<N> can be considered as a bounded unsigned integer, if N is 3, the possible unsigned integers are 0, 1, 2. For more information of the BoundedU<N>, please refer to the

impl<P: Copy, const N: usize> Vr<(P, BoundedU<N>)> {
    fn branch(self) -> [Vr<P>; N] {
        self.fsm::<[Vr<P>; N], ()>(|ip, ers, _| {
            let Some((ip, sel)) = ip else {
                // Ingress ready signal is true when valid signal is false.
                return (None.repeat::<N>(), Ready::new(true,|r| r.inner)), ());

            let ep = None.repeat::<N>().set(sel.value(), Some(ip));
            let ir = Ready::new(ers[sel.value()].ready,|r| r.inner));

            (ep, ir, ())
  • self is the ingress interface Vr<(P, BoundedU<N>)>.
  • We can interpret the BoundedU<N> as the selector to choose egress interfaces for transferring the ingress payload.
  • When the selected egress interface ready signal is true, and also the ingress payload is valid, both ingress transfer and egress transfer happen, else both ingress and egress do not happen.
  • Ingress payload will only be transferred to the selected egress interface when both ingress and egress transfer happen.
  • Ingress resolver and all the egress resolvers are ().

Let's assume the ingress payload is HOption<(u32, BoundedU<2>)>. The payload is u32, and we split the ingress interface into 2 egress interfaces.

The cycle level behavior of branch:

  • Cycle 2: transfer happens at ingress and first egress side.
  • Cycle 5: transfer happens at ingress and second egress side.


These combinators merge multiple ingress interfaces into a single egress interface. The egress interface could contain all the ingress interfaces' payload and resolver or select one of the ingress interfaces.

We demonstrate the two most representative combinators: join and merge.


This combinator merges the ingress interfaces' payload and resolver. We demonstrate this combinator with the ingress interfaces (Vr<P1>, Vr<P2>).

impl<P1: Copy, P2: Copy> JoinExt for (Vr<P1>, Vr<P2>) {
    type E = Vr<(P1, P2)>;

    fn join(self) -> Vr<(P1, P2)> {
        self.fsm::<Vr<(P1, P2)>, ()>(|(ip1, ip2), er, _| {
            let ep =;
            let ir1 = if ip2.is_some() { er } else { Ready::invalid(()) };
            let ir2 = if ip1.is_some() { er } else { Ready::invalid(()) };
            (ep, (ir1, ir2), ())
  • The egress payload is an array of all the ingress payloads.
  • The egress payload will be valid only when all the ingress payloads are valid.
  • The ingress transfer happens only when all the ingress payloads are valid and also egress interface is ready to receive payload.

The example cycle-level behavior of join is as follows:

  • Cycle 1, 4, 5: transfer happens.


This combinator will select one from the ingress interfaces to deliver the ingress payload to the egress payload and also leave the inner of the egress resolver untouched to the ingress interfaces. We will demonstrate the cmerge combinator with 2 ingress interfaces [Vr<u32>, Vr<u32>].

Note that in our code base, we implement cmerge with ingress interfaces [I<AndH<H>, D>; N]. We can consider the H as ValidH<P> and N as 2.

impl<P: Copy> MergeExt for (Vr<P>, Vr<P>) {
    type E = Vr<P>;

    fn merge(self) -> Vr<P> {
        self.fsm::<Vr<P>, ()>(|(ip1, ip2), er, _| {
            let ep = ip1.or(ip2);
            let ir1 = er;
            let ir2 = if ip1.is_none() { er } else { Ready::invalid(()) };
            (ep, (ir1, ir2), ())
  • This combinator will select the first ingress interface, whose ingress payload is valid, from the array of the ingress interfaces, when the egress interface is ready to receive the payload.

The example cycle-level behavior of merge is as follows:

  • Cycle 1: first ingress and egress transfer happens.
  • Cycle 3: first ingress and egress transfer happens.
  • Cycle 5: second ingress and egress transfer happens.

Register slices

These registers can maintain the states in their registers and could delay one or multiple cycles to send out the states.

We demonstrate the two most representative combinators: reg_fwd and fifo.


We can use reg_fwd to make a pipeline, and reduce the critical path.

Let's assume we have a circuit with ingress interface Vr<P>:

Transforming from ingress payload from P to EP2 needs to happen within a cycle, the critical path becomes cpath(f1) + cpath(f2). To resolve this, we add a reg_fwd combinator between those two map combinators.

Then the critical path is reduced to max(cpath(f1), cpath(f2)).

impl<P: Copy> Vr<P> {
    fn reg_fwd(self) -> Vr<P> {
        self.fsm::<Vr<P>, HOption<P>>(None, |ip, er, s| {
            let ep = s;
            let et = ep.is_some_and(|p| er.ready);

            let ir = Ready::new(s.is_none() || et, (er.inner, s));
            let it = ip.is_some_and(|p| ir.ready);

            let s_next = if it {
            } else if et {
            } else {

            (ep, ir, s_next)
  • The current state is the valid egress payload.
  • The ingress interface is ready to receive a valid payload whenever the current register is empty or the egress transfer happens.
  • If the ingress transfer happens, then the register stores the new valid payload as the next state.
  • If the egress transfer happens, but the ingress transfer does not happen, then the register will be empty in the next cycle.
  • If neither ingress transfer nor egress transfer happens, then the next state stays the same as the current state.
  • The only difference between pipe is true or false is the ingress transfer happens only when the current register is empty, delaying one cycle compared to the pipeline.

Let's assume the ingress interface type is Vr<u32>.

The example cycle-level behavior of reg_fwd is as follows:

  • Cycle 0, 1, 3, 5: Ingress transfer happens.
  • Cycle 1, 2, 5: Egress transfer happens.


This combinator is a pipelined FIFO queue, it can accept a new element every cycle if the queue is not full.

impl<P: Copy> Vr<P> {
    fn fifo<const N: usize>(self) -> Vr<P> {
        self.fsm::<Vr<P>, FifoS<P, N>>(FifoS::default(), |ip, er, s| {
            let FifoS { inner, raddr, waddr, len } = s;

            let empty = len == U::from(0);
            let full = len == U::from(N);

            let enq = ip.is_some() && !full;
            let deq = er.ready && !empty;

            let ep = if s.len == 0.into_u() { None } else { Some(s.inner[s.raddr]) };
            let ir = Ready::new(!full, ());

            let inner_next = if enq { inner.set(waddr, ip.unwrap()) } else { inner };
            let len_next = (len + U::from(enq).resize() - U::from(deq).resize()).resize();
            let raddr_next = if deq { wrapping_inc::<{ clog2(N) }>(raddr, N.into_u()) } else { raddr };
            let waddr_next = if enq { wrapping_inc::<{ clog2(N) }>(waddr, N.into_u()) } else { waddr };

            let s_next = FifoS { inner: inner_next, raddr: raddr_next, waddr: waddr_next, len: len_next };

            (ep, ir, s_next)

Let's assume the ingress interface type is Vr<u32> with capacity is 3.

The example cycle-level behavior of fifo is as follows:

  • The ingress ready signal is true as long as the queue is not full.
  • It does not give maximum throughput because both ingress transfer and egress transfer cannot happen simultaneously when the FIFO is full.
  • Cycle 0, 1, 2, 3, 6: Ingress transfer happens.
  • Cycle 1, 5, 6, 7: Egress transfer happens.

Source and sink

These combinators have only either ingress interface or egress interface.

We demonstrate the two most representative combinators: source and sink.


This combinator immediately returns the data to the payload when the data is coming from resolver. The source combinator only has the egress interface.

impl<P: Copy> I<VrH<P, P>, { Dep::Demanding }> {
    fn source() -> I<VrH<P, P>, { Dep::Demanding }> {
        ().fsm::<I<VrH<P, P>, { Dep::Demanding }>, ()>((), |_, er, _| {
            let ep = if er.ready { Some(er.inner) } else { None };
            (ep, (), ())
  • The egress resolver type is the same as the egress payload type P.
  • The egress transfer happens as long as the egress resolver ready signal is true.
  • It transfer the resolver to the payload within the same clock cycle with egress transfer happens.

When P is u32, the example cycle-level behavior of source is as follows:

  • Cycle 0, 1, 2, 4, 5: Egress transfer happens.
  • Cycle 3: Egress transfer does not happen because egress ready signal is false.


This combinator maintains a state and calculates the ingress resolver with f, which takes the current state and ingress payload as inputs. The sink combinator only has the ingress interface.

impl<P: Copy> I<VrH<P, HOption<P>>, { Dep::Helpful }> {
    fn sink(self) {
        self.fsm::<(), ()>((), |ip, _, _| {
            let ir = Ready::valid(ip);
            ((), ir, ())

When P is u32, the example cycle-level behavior of sink is as follows:

  • The ingress resolver is calculated every clock cycle.


FSM combinators run a finite state machine described by the closure given to the combinator. They have an internal state for the FSM, and the closure describes state transitions and how the combinator should behave each state.

The "FSM mapping" combinators such as fsm_map or fsm_filter_map are very similar to their regular mapping combinator counterparts. The difference is that they have an internal state that can be controlled by the given closure.

The other two remaining FSM combinators are fsm_ingress and fsm_egress. Since they have more complex behavior, we demonstrate their usage here.


It allows you to accumulate successive ingress payloads into an internal FSM state, then output the resulting state once it is ready. After the resulting state is transferred, the FSM is reset and starts accumulating again.

impl<P: Copy> Vr<P> {
    fn fsm_ingress<S: Copy>(self, init: S, f: impl Fn(P, S) -> (S, bool)) -> Vr<S> {
        self.fsm::<Vr<S>, (S, bool)>((init, false), |ip, er, (s, done)| {
            let ir = Ready::new(!done, er.inner);

            let it = ip.is_some() && !done;
            let et = er.ready && done;

            let ep = if done { Some(s) } else { None };

            let s_next = if it {
                f(ip.unwrap(), s)
            } else if et {
                (init, false)
            } else {
                (s, done)

            (ep, ir, s_next)

It takes the initial state and the combinational logic which calculate the next state and whether the FSM is done.

For example, let's consider the following sum_until_10 function.

It accumulates the input numbers until it becomes greater or equal to 10, and outputs the result.

fn sum_until_10(input: Vr<u32>) -> Vr<u32> {
        .fsm_ingress(0, |ip, _, sum| {
            let sum_next = sum + ip;
            let done = sum >= 10;

            (sum_next, done_next)

The example cycle-level behavior of fsm_ingress is as follows:

  • At cycle 0-1 and cycle 3-4, ingress transfer happens (accumulates the input).
  • At cycle 2 and cycle 5, egress transfer happens (outputs the result).


It runs an FSM for each transferred ingress payload, allowing you to process an ingress payload using multiple FSM states. Only after the FSM is finished, the combinator can accept a new ingress payload.

impl<P: Copy> Vr<P> {
    fn fsm_egress<EP: Copy, S: Copy>(self, init: S, flow: bool, f: impl Fn(P, S) -> (EP, S, bool)) -> Vr<EP> {
        self.fsm::<Vr<EP>, (HOption<P>, S)>((None, init), |ip, er, (sp, s)| {
            let (ep, s_next, is_last) = if let Some(p) = sp {
                let (ep, s_next, is_last) = f(p, s);
                (Some(ep), s_next, is_last)
            } else if flow && ip.is_some() && sp.is_none() {
                let (ep, s_next, is_last) = f(ip.unwrap(), s);
                (Some(ep), s_next, is_last)
            } else {
                (None, s, false)

            let et = ep.is_some() && er.ready;
            let ir = Ready::new(sp.is_none() || (et && is_last), ());
            let it = ip.is_some() && ir.ready;

            let (sp_next, s_next) = if flow && it && et && sp.is_none() {
                if is_last {
                    (None, init)
                } else {
                    (ip, s_next)
            } else if it {
                (ip, init)
            } else if et && is_last {
                (None, init)
            } else if et {
                (sp, s_next)
            } else {
                (sp, s)

            (ep, ir, (sp_next, s_next))
  • self is the ingress interface I<VrH<P, R>, D>.
  • init is the initial state for the FSM.
  • flow determines whether the FSM starts immediately or from the next cycle of an ingress transfer.
  • f takes the current saved ingress payload and the current FSM state. It returns an egress payload, the next state, and whether this is the last state for the FSM.

For example, let's consider the following consecutive_3 example.

It outputs 3 consecutive numbers starting from each input number.

fn consecutive_3(input: Vr<u32>) -> Vr<u32> {
    input.fsm_egress(0, true, |p, count| {
        let ep = p + count;
        let count_next = count + 1;
        let is_last = count == 2;
        (ep, count_next, is_last)

The example cycle-level behavior of fsm_egress is as follows:

  • At T0, an ingress transfer happens and an FSM is started immediately (since flow is true).
    • The ingress payload Some(0) is saved to sp, and will be available from the next cycle.
  • From T0 to T2, the FSM is running with the saved payload Some(0), and it outputs 0, 1, 2.
  • At T2, f returns true for is_last, signaling that this is the last state for this FSM. This sets the ingress ready signal to true to accept a new ingress payload for the next FSM.
    • Since the ingress payload Some(1) is already available, an ingress transfer happens and it is saved.
  • At T3, the FSM state is reset and a new FSM is started.
  • From T3 to T5, the FSM is running with the saved payload Some(1), and it outputs 1, 2, 3.