Execute stage

The execute stage mainly do the following things:

  1. Executes the ALU.
  2. Resolves the branch misprediction.

It can be decomposed into combinators as follows (code):

Input and Output

The IO interface type of the execute stage is as follows:


It takes an ingress interface with type I<VrH<DecEP, ExeR>, { Dep::Demanding }>.

You can check the explanation of DecEP and ExeR in here.


It returns an egress interface with type I<VrH<ExeEP, MemR>, { Dep::Demanding }>.

Each of ExeEP and MemR is defined as a struct with the following fields:

ExeEP (in exe.rs):

  • wb_info: Writeback information which contains the writeback address and selector.
  • alu_out: ALU output.
  • mem_info: Memory information.
  • csr_info: CSR information.
  • is_illegal: Indicates that the instruction is illegal or not.
  • pc: PC.
  • debug_inst: Instruction (for debugging purpose).

MemR (in mem.rs):

  • bypass_from_mem: Bypassed data from the memory stage.
  • bypass_from_wb: Bypassed data from the writeback stage.
  • redirect: Redirection PC.
  • rf: Register file.


Each combinator do the following things:

M0 (map_resolver_inner):

  • Resolves the branch misprediction based on the branch type and ALU output.
  • Constructs the ingress resolver of the execute stage.
    • Attaches the bypassed data, stall, and redirection PC for resolving data hazards.

M1 (reg_fwd):

  • Creates a pipelined stage before executing the ALU.
  • Sends a ready signal which indicates it will be free in the next cycle.

M2 (map):

  • Executes the ALU.

M3 (map_resolver_block_with_p):

  • Attaches the ALU output to the resolver signal for the redirection PC calculation.
  • Stalls until the data hazards have been resolved.

M4 (filter_map_drop_with_r_inner):

  • Attaches the ALU output to the payload.
  • Filters out the payload when the redirection happens.