
We will introduce some basic concepts in the HazardFlow HDL programming model and use HazardFlow HDL to describe an FIR (finite impulse response) filter and a custom FIFO which does not allow duplicated entries.

HazardFlow HDL's implementation is based on the concept of hazard interface. Here, we will provide a brief overview of the interface and combinator to help you understand how to use them for implementing hardware modules. For more details, please refer to the Concepts section.

Hazard Interface

In HazardFlow HDL, a "hazard protocol" is defined as a communication protocol that includes a payload, a resolver, and a ready condition. For a given hazard protocol H, its payload, resolver, and ready condition are represented as H::P, H::R, and H::ready, respectively.

The hazard interface is defined as I<H> for a given hazard protocol H. It will be used as an ingress or egress type for the module.

// Hazard protocol.
trait Hazard {
    type P: Copy;
    type R: Copy;

    fn ready(p: Self::P, r: Self::R) -> bool;

// Hazard interface.
struct I<H: Hazard>;

Forward signals: the payload of the interface and its validity.

  • The payload signal (H::P) is data sent from the sender to the receiver.
  • The valid signal (bool) represents the validity of the payload signal.

Backward signal: the resolver of the interface.

  • The resolver signal (H::R) is data sent from the receiver to the sender. It includes information used to control transferability (e.g., the receiver cannot accept the incoming payload for now).

Ready condition: the indicator whether the receiver is ready to receive the payload.

  • The ready condition (H::ready) returns if the receiver is ready to receive with the current payload and resolver pair.
  • Logically, we say "transfer occurs" when the valid signal is true and the ready condition is true, which means the receiver is ready to receive the valid payload from the sender.

Example: valid-ready protocol

The valid-ready protocol, which is the most commonly used protocol for communication between modules in hardware, can be represented as follows.

struct ExampleVrH;

impl Hazard for ExampleVrH {
    type P = u32;
    type R = bool;

    fn ready(p: u32, r: bool) -> bool {


A module has a state of type S and ingress and egress hazard interface types, I<IH> and I<EH>.

Conceptually, the module's behavior can be represented as a function of the following signature:

comb: impl Fn(Option<IH::P>, EH::R, S) -> (Option<EH::P>, IH::R, S)

It takes three input signals:

  • Ingress interface's forward signal (Option<IH::P>)
  • Egress interface's backward signal (EH::R)
  • Current state (S)

and returns three output signals:

  • Egress interface's forward signal (Option<EH::P>)
  • Ingress interface's backward signal (IH::R)
  • Next state (S)

Here, the forward signals are abstracted as Option<H::P>, where Some(p) indicates that the valid signal is true and the payload signal is p, while None indicates that the valid signal is false.

NOTE: A module can have zero or multiple hazard interfaces for its ingress or egress. For more details, please refer to the Interfaces section.


Combinator is the idiomatic mechanism of attaching a module to an interface.

We define the generic combinator as a function fsm within each hazard interface in the HazardFlow HDL and it will compute the combinational logic each cycle:

impl<IH: Hazard> I<IH> {
    fn fsm<S: Copy, EH: Hazard>(
        init_state: S,
        comb: impl Fn(Option<IH::P>, EH::R, S) -> (Option<EH::P>, IH::R, S),
    ) -> I<EH> {

It specifies the state type and ingress and egress interface types.

  • State type (S)
  • Ingress hazard interface type (I<IH>)
  • Egress hazard interface type (I<EH>)

Also, it accepts two arguments for representing the module's behavior:

  • Initial state when the circuit is reset (init_state)
  • Combinational logic representing the module's behavior (comb, as illustrated in the above)

For reusability, HazardFlow HDL provides a standard combinator library for developers. It defines many useful combinators (e.g., filter_map, mux, etc.), which are implemented as wrapper functions for generic FSM combinator. For more details, please refer to the Interface Combinators section.